
間眅埶AV Calendar | Fall 2013

Teaching English as an Additional Language(TESL/TEFL)

Master of Arts

The master of arts (MA) program is designed for teachers working with English as additional language learners in public schools, as well as those who teach English as an additional language to adults. The program will provide students with advanced knowledge of theoretical, research and practical issues in teaching English language learners. Students will initially be admitted to the MEd course work/comprehensive examination program.

間眅埶AV Requirements

See graduate general regulation 1.3 for University admission requirements. In exceptional circumstances, applicants who do not meet these requirements may be considered if superior scholarly or professional achievement is demonstrated.

Graduate education admission is granted to a specific degree and to a particular program or specialization. Updated application information is available November 15 at . All applications are reviewed once a year. Completed applications must be received by January 31.

Program Requirements

This master of arts program consists of five required courses (25 units) plus a thesis.

Students complete all of

EDUC 824 - Seminar in Second Language Teaching (5)

Theories of sentence, discourse, and context in second language education; teaching scientific genres and humanities genres, use of dictionaries and glossaries, use of standardized and alternative forms of assessment.

EDUC 825 - Second Language Acquisition and Schooling (5)

Academic factors that impact language learning, the universal grammar model of language, speech perception and production in first and second languages.

EDUC 856 - Sociocultural Perspectives on Education and Identity (5)

Course activities will be structured for participants to consider recent formulations of learners as agents as well as subjects of culturally constructed, socially imposed worlds. Participants will examine a number of ethnographic descriptions of the experiences of learners in a variety of communities, noting in particular their use of diverse mediations/tools, including language. Participants will consider these ideas in relation to their own educational communities and develop plans for research activity in those sites. Equivalent Courses: EDUC713.

and one of

EDUC 816 - Developing Educational Programs and Practices for Diverse Educational Settings (5)

Investigates theories and issues associated with developing educational programs and practices in various educational contexts. Addresses the development of new programs and their implementation in schools and other educational settings.

EDUC 820 - Current Issues in Curriculum and Pedagogy (5)

Focuses on educational issues, trends and practices which impact teaching and learning in schools and other educational settings.

EDUC 823 - Curriculum and Instruction in an Individual Teaching Speciality (5)

An intensive examination of developments in a curriculum area selected by the student. In addition the course will deal with major philosophical and historical factors that influence the present state and future directions of curriculum and instruction.

EDUC 833 - Social and Moral Philosophy in Education (5)

An in-depth study of the ethical foundations of education. Areas in education where ethical questions arise are identified and elucidated. Classical and modern moral positions are examined for their adequacy as theories of moral justification. The topics include the value of education, freedom and equality, and moral and values education.

EDUC 854 - Teachers as Agents of Change (5)

The narratives of teachers of minority and Anglo-European ancestry will provide insights into how teachers work within and beyond normative institutionally prescribed roles to define and implement positive social and educational changes for their students. Equivalent Courses: EDUC712.

EDUC 855 - Multicultural and Race Relations Education: Policy Development and Program Implementation (5)

Theory, research, policy development and program implementation in multicultural and race relations education encompass a wide spectrum of areas of educational inquiry.

and one research methods course, to be decided in consultation with the senior supervisor


EDUC 898 - Master's Thesis (10)

The thesis is a research investigation designed to generate and/or examine critically new knowledge in the theory and/or practice of education. The thesis should normally be completed and approved in three terms.

Transfer from the MEd Program

After successful completion of three of the above courses, including at least two of EDUC 824, 825, 856, students who were admitted to the master of eduction program may, on the senior supervisor's recommendation, in consultation with the instructional team and with the approval of the graduate programs director, transfer into the master of arts program.

For further information, visit http://www.educ.sfu.ca/gs, or telephone graduate programs at 778.782.3984, or email educmast@sfu.ca.

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