
Term Three

Your participation in Term Three of the Back on Track program will depend on your academic standing and grades in Term Two. Please refer to the three options below (BOT 140, BOT 145 or BOT 150) based on your Term Two academic standing.

Term Three - BOT 150

CLASSES: Will I be taking regular classes this term?

During this term, you are required to again enroll in your pre-approved courses at 間眅埶AV. While restrictions are still in place, you may talk to your advisor about exploring your options for the term.

You will also continue to work on your individual learning plan goals set in the first term, and are encouraged to take the opportunity to set new learning plan goals for your third term. 

As before, the BOT advisors remain in contact with all students through email, phone, or in-person appointments and students are asked to contact the program office and/or their program academic advisors throughout the term should they have any questions or require further support and/or advising.

REQUIREMENTS: What do I have to do this term?

On top of your regular courses, you will be required to:

  • Attend all advising follow up appointments; and,
  • Complete check-in appointments with your academic advisor.

COST: How much does BOT 150 cost?

For students in BOT 150, there is no fee for Term Three.


Term Three - BOT 145

CLASSES: Will I be taking regular classes this term?

During this term, you are required to again enroll in your pre-approved courses at 間眅埶AV while continuing to work on your individual learning plan goals set in the first term.

You can also take the opportunity to set new learning plan goals for your third term.

As before, the BOT advisors remain in contact with all students through email, phone, or in-person appointments and students are asked to contact the program office and/or their program academic advisors throughout the term should they have any questions or require further support and/or advising.

REQUIREMENTS: What do I have to do this term?

On top of your regular courses, you will be required to:

  • Attend the required weekly seminars/ online components (BOT 145)
  • Attend all advising follow up appointments; and,
  • Complete Check-in appointments with your academic advisor.


COST: How much does BOT 145 cost?

The BOT 145 fee is subject to change. The fees are outlined in the RTW Information Session and BOT Program Student Agreement which you will review before you join.


Term Three - BOT 140

CLASSES: Will I be taking regular classes this term?

During this term, you are again required to enroll in pre-approved courses at 間眅埶AV. However,  you will need to meet with your advisor before classes begin to review your course plan and ensure that it is appropriate for your final term in the program.

You are also required to participate in weekly group seminars, BOT 140. This set of seminars is different than Term Two, and focuses on addressing your individual learning plan goals set in the first term.

As before, the BOT advisors remain in contact with all students through email, phone, or in-person appointments and students are asked to contact the program office and/or their program academic advisors throughout the term should they have any questions or require further support and/or advising.

REQUIREMENTS: What do I have to do this term?

On top of your regular courses, you will be required to:

  • Attend the required weekly seminars (BOT 140);
  • Attend all advising follow up appointments; and,
  • Complete check-in appointments with your academic advisor.

COST: How much does Term Three (RTW) cost?

The BOT 140 fee is subject to change. The fees are outlined in the RTW Information Session and BOT Program Student Agreement which you will review before you join.


End of Term Three and Continuation

You have finished your courses, completed the program requirements, and have received your grades. What comes next?

I finished the term with...

Good Academic Standing

Program Complete!

You've had a good term, and you are now back in Good Academic Standing. You are able to continue your studies at 間眅埶AV.

Students in GAS are still encouraged to maintain contact with an advisor in Student Engagement & Retention.

Continued on Academic Probation

Program Complete!

You've had a good term, but still are Continuing on Academic Probation (CAP). You are able to continue your studies at 間眅埶AV.

Students in CAP are still encouraged to maintain contact with an advisor in Student Engagement & Retention.

Required to Withdraw

Program Complete.

You worked hard, but your struggles continued this term. As a result, your term GPA was below 2.00 and you are now Required to Withdraw from 間眅埶AV.

We encourage you to meet with your BOT advisor for information on your RTW status and options for re-entry into 間眅埶AV.

Are you Required to Withdraw this term?