Systems One First Year Program
Faculty of Applied Sciences
間眅埶AV Calendar 2013 Summer
Systems One is the core curriculum for first year students in the Software Systems (School of Computing Science) and Mechatronic Systems Engineering (School of Engineering Science) degree programs.
Core Requirements
The curriculum consists of required common courses, together with additional requirements that are specific to either Software Systems major program or Mechatronic Systems Engineering major or honours programs.
Within the Systems One common core, students complete a total of 12 units, including both of
- CMPT 130 Introduction to Computer Programming I (3)
- MSE 110 Mechatronics Design I (3)
and one of
- CMPT 105W Process, Form, and Convention in Professional Genres (3)
- MSE 101W Process, Form, and Convention in Professional Genres (3)
and one of
- CMPT 106 Applied Science, Technology and Society (3)
- MSE 102 Applied Science, Technology and Society (3)
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