
Engineering Science Courses

School of Engineering Science | Faculty of Applied Sciences
間眅埶AV Calendar 2013 Summer

The following are all the courses offered in this area. To view the current course catalog and/or course schedule on the Student Information System, visit (select "Class Search/Browse Catalog" on the left menu).

ENSC 100-3 Engineering Technology and Society

This course is designed to provide an introduction to the practice of engineering, surveying its history and its current state. The social and political aspects of engineering decisions will be illustrated by a number of case studies. Corequisite: ENSC 101. Breadth-Humanities/Science .

ENSC 100W-3 Engineering Technology and Society

This course is designed to provide an introduction to the practice of engineering, surveying its history and its current state. The social and political aspects of engineering decisions will be illustrated by a number of case studies. Corequisite: ENSC 101. Writing/Breadth-Humanities/Science

ENSC 101-1 Writing Process, Persuasion and Presentations

This course provides a general introduction to the principles of effective communication with special emphasis on the writing process, persuasive writing, research papers, and oral presentations. In conjunction with ENSC 100-3, the course also explores current social and ethical issues in engineering. Corequisite: ENSC 100.

ENSC 101W-1 Writing Process, Persuasion and Presentations

This course provides a general introduction to the principles of effective communication with special emphasis on the writing process, persuasive writing, research papers, and oral presentations. In conjunction with ENSC 100-3, the course also explores current social and ethical issues in engineering. Corequisite: ENSC 100. Writing.

ENSC 102-1 Form and Style in Professional Genres

The major focus of this course is on the style and format of technical writing with attention to laboratory reports and project documentation. This course also examines resumes, cover letters, interview skills and formal reports to help students prepare for their first internship term. Corequisite: PHYS 131.

ENSC 104-3 Engineering Graphics and Design

The fundamentals of graphical communication in order to help students think and communicate visually in the context of engineering design. The course focuses on concepts such as isometric, multi-view sketches, section view, and auxiliary views, tolerancing and dimensioning, as well as fundamentals of schematics and printed circuit boards design. Various computer aided design software are used. Students with credit for ENSC 104-3 cannot take ENSC 204-1 for further credit. ENSC 104-3 fulfills the requirements of ENSC 204-1, but ENSC 204-1 does not fulfill the requirements of ENSC 104-3.

ENSC 105W-3 Process, Form, and Convention in Professional Genres

The course teaches fundamentals of informative and persuasive communication for professional engineers and computer scientists in order to assist students in thinking critically about various contemporary technical, social, and ethical issues. It focuses on communicating technical information clearly and concisely, managing issues of persuasion when communicating with diverse audiences, presentation skills, and teamwork. Corequisite: CMPT 106 or ENSC 106. This course is identical to CMPT 105W and students cannot take both for credit. This course is equivalent to ENSC 101W-1 and ENSC 102W-1 combined. Students with credit for this course cannot take ENSC 101W or ENSC 102W for further credit. Writing.

ENSC 106-3 Applied Science, Technology and Society

Reviews the different modes of thought characteristic of science, engineering and computing. Examines the histories and chief current research issues in these fields. Considers the ethical and social responsibilities of engineering and computing work. Corequisite: ENSC 105W or CMPT 105W. Students who have taken ENSC 100 cannot take this course for credit. ENSC 106 is identical to CMPT 106 and students cannot take both for credit. Breadth-Humanities/Science

ENSC 150-3 Introduction to Computer Design

Digital design concepts are presented in such a way that students will learn how basic logic blocks of a simple computer are designed. Topics covered include: system of binary numbers, Boolean Algebra, combinational logic design, sequential logic design, and basic Von Neumann computer architecture. Students with credit for CMPT 150 or 290 cannot take this course for further credit. CMPT 150 can be substituted for this course. Quantitative.

ENSC 182-3 Mechatronics Design I

First year project course designed to provide students with a first exposure to the challenges of project organization. Students are responsible for designing and constructing a mechanical robot optimized to solve a particular chosen task. The engineering challenges of the project are expected to focus half on mechanical design and half on control algorithm design and implementation.

ENSC 194-3 Optional Job Practicum

Four month internship of a non-technical nature. May be taken at any point during the program but will not count toward one of the three mandatory co-op work terms. Credit is awarded as in ENSC 195. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an 間眅埶AV degree.

ENSC 195-3 Industrial Internship I

First four month internship in industry. Credit is given as pass/withdraw/fail (P/W/F) only, based on the employer's and co-operative education co-ordinator's evaluations. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an 間眅埶AV degree.

ENSC 196-3 Special Internship I

Four month internship in industry or university research environment. Credit is awarded as in ENSC 195. Prior approval of Internship Co-ordinator required. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an 間眅埶AV degree.

ENSC 201-3 The Business of Engineering

This course covers the business, management and entrepreneurial concepts that are important to engineers who manage projects, run businesses, or need to decide on the most efficient method for accomplishing a task. The topics to be covered include: financial accounting, rates of return, taxes, cost-benefit analyses, marketing, financing methods, and business plans. Prerequisite: 45 units. Students cannot complete both this course and ENSC 411 for credit

ENSC 204-1 Graphical Communication for Engineering

An introduction to the use of graphical communication in engineering. Objectives are to improve the students' literacy in the use of graphics to communicate engineering information, and their ability to visualize and to think in three dimensions. Specific application areas discussed include 2D and 3D geometry in mechanical drawing, electronics-related drawings, block diagrams, and flow charts. The use of CAD tools will be discussed, and demonstrations of some tools will be provided.

ENSC 215-3 Microcontroller Interfacing and Assembly-Language Programming

A common microcontroller will be presented such that students will be able to create a small project by interfacing with a variety of devices using assembly language. Topics include: the central processing unit (CPU) and memory, how the CPU executes machine code in the memory, how the programming task is simplified by the use of an assembler, the operation of the stack, writing subroutines, interfacing with input/output devices, and handling interrupts. Coding, testing, debugging, and other laboratory techniques will be introduced as needed. Prerequisite: ENSC 150 and CMPT 128. CMPT 128 can be taken concurrently. Students who have taken ENSC 151 cannot take this course for further credit.

ENSC 220-3 Electric Circuits I

This course will cover the following topics: fundamental electrical circuit quantities, and circuit elements; circuits laws such as Ohm law, Kirchoff's voltage and current laws, along with series and parallel circuits; operational amplifiers; network theorems; nodal and mesh methods; analysis of natural and step response of first (RC and RL), as well as second order (RLC) circuits; real, reactive and rms power concepts. In addition, the course will discuss the worker safety implications of both electricity and common laboratory practices such as soldering. Prerequisite: PHYS 121 and 131, or PHYS 126 and 131, or PHYS 141, and MATH 232 and 310. MATH 232 and/or 310 may be taken concurrently. Students with credit for ENSC 125 cannot take this course for further credit. Quantitative.

ENSC 224-3 Electronic Devices

The essential physics of silicon semiconductor devices that form the heart of integrated circuits today. An introduction to semiconductor device physics upon which device models are based leading to the development of the drift-diffusion equations. The static and dynamic behavior of PN junction diodes, bipolar junction transistors, and field effect transistors will be covered along with the application of the developed device models to integrated circuit design. Prerequisite: ENSC 220, MATH 232, and MATH 310 or equivalents. Students who have credit for PHYS 365 cannot take this course for further credit.

ENSC 225-4 Microelectronics I

This course teaches analog/digital electronics and basic device physics in the context of modern silicon integrated circuits technology. Topics include: qualitative device physics and terminal characteristics; implementations and models of basic semiconductor devices (diodes, BJTs and MOSFETs); circuit simulation via SPICE; basic diode circuits; transistors as amplifiers and switching elements; temperature effects and compensation; single-stage transistor amplifiers; biasing, current sources and mirrors. Prerequisite: ENSC 150 or CMPT 150, ENSC 220, MATH 232, and MATH 310. Students taking or with credit for ENSC 226 may not take ENSC 225 for further credit. Quantitative

ENSC 226-4 Electronic Circuits

Introduces the basic electronic components, amplifiers, diodes, and oscillators. Fundamentals of logic design. Prerequisite: ENSC 220. Students who have taken this course may not take ENSC 225 for further credit.

ENSC 230-4 Introduction to Mechanical Design

This course presents the elements and principles involved in design and analysis of basic mechanical structures and mechanisms. Mechanical elements such as gears, cams and bearings and fundamental relationships between the forces and corresponding motion or deflection are investigated through examples and experiments. This background can then be used in the design, analysis and development of computer controlled machines such as robotic devices. Prerequisite: PHYS 120, MATH 310.

ENSC 231-3 Engineering Materials

Materials, their structures, properties and performance; crystal structures and instruments for structure determination; polymers, ceramics, and composites; quality control and reliability. Prerequisite: CHEM 120 or 121; PHYS 140 or 121. Students who have taken ENSC 330 may not take this course for further credit.

ENSC 250-3 Introduction to Computer Architecture

This course deals with the main concepts embodied in computer hardware architecture. In particular, the organization, design and limitations of the major building blocks in modern computers is covered in detail. Topics will include: processor organization; control logic design; memory systems; and architectural support for operating systems and programming languages. A hardware description language will be used as a tool to express and work with design concepts. Prerequisite: CMPT 150 or ENSC 150. This course is identical to CMPT 250 and students cannot take both courses for credit. Quantitative.

ENSC 263-3 Special Topics in Engineering Science

Prerequisite: permission of the undergraduate curriculum chair.

ENSC 264-4 Special Topics in Engineering Science

Prerequisite: permission of the undergraduate curriculum chair.

ENSC 280-3 Engineering Measurement and Data Analysis

An introduction to methods to collect and analyse engineering data. Topics include the Engineering data representation, Discrete and continuous probability density functions, Engineering measurements, Error analysis, Introduction to sensor interfaces, Introduction to physical sensors, Introduction to sensor signal conditioning, Noise, Test of hypotheses, Linear and nonlinear regression, and Design of experiments. Prerequisite: PHYS 141 or equivalent. MATH 150 or MATH 151. Students with credit for PHYS 231 cannot take this course for further credit. Students who have taken and passed ENSC 263 "Special Topics in ENSC: Engineering Measurement and Data Analysis" in Spring 2009 and Spring 2010 cannot take this course for further credit.

ENSC 281-3 Statics and Strength of Materials

Covers basic concepts of mechanics, vectors. Statics of particles. Rigid bodies and force systems, equilibrium of rigid bodies. Analysis of trusses and frames. Distributed forces, centroids and moments of inertia. Friction. Internal shear and bending moments in beams. Strength of material: introduction to mechanical response of materials and stress-strain transformations. Virtual work and energy methods. Prerequisite: PHYS 140, MATH 152.

ENSC 282-3 Kinematics and Dynamics of Rigid Bodies and Mechanisms

Planar and 3D motions kinematics and kinetics of rigid bodies and mechanisms; linkages, gears, cams; synthesis and analysis of mechanisms; consideration of the static and dynamic forces in machines; vibration analysis, response to shock, motion and force transmissibility, vibration isolation. Prerequisite: PHYS 140, MATH 152, and 310.

ENSC 283-3 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics

Physical properties of fluids and fundamental concepts in fluid mechanics. Hydrostatics. Conservation laws for mass, momentum and energy. Flow similarity and dimensional analysis as applied to engineering problems in fluid mechanics. Laminar and turbulent flow. Engineering applications such as flow measurement, flow in pipes and fluid forces on moving bodies. Prerequisite: PHYS 140, MATH 152, and 310.

ENSC 295-3 Industrial Internship II

Second four month internship in industry. Credit is awarded as in ENSC 195. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an 間眅埶AV degree. Prerequisite: ENSC 195 or 196.

ENSC 296-3 Special Internship II

Four month internship in industry or university research environment. Credit is awarded as in ENSC 195. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an 間眅埶AV degree. Prerequisite: ENSC 195 or 196 and approval of internship co-ordinator required.

ENSC 303-3 Directed Studies in Engineering Science

Directed reading and research in a topic chosen in consultation with a supervisor. 間眅埶AV requires agreement by a proposed faculty supervisor and submission of a proposal to the school at least one month prior to the start of the term in which the course will be taken. Upon completion of a directed study course, the student must submit a copy of the 'deliverables' to the chair of the undergraduate curriculum committee. Prerequisite: a minimum of 70 units and permission of the chair of the undergraduate curriculum committee.

ENSC 304-1 Human Factors and Usability Engineering

The user is often overlooked in the engineer's quest for a functional and efficient design. This course examines the factors that make designs more or less usable and how to integrate usability constraints and testing procedures into the design process.

ENSC 305-1 Project Documentation and Team Dynamics

This course is integrated with an ENSC project course (either ENSC 340 or 440) that provides practical experience with the design process for development projects. Topics include project management, team writing, project documentation (proposals, functional and design specifications, progress reports, and users manuals), group dynamics and dispute resolution. Corequisite: ENSC 440 or 441.

ENSC 305W-1 Project Documentation and Group Dynamics

This course is integrated with an ENSC project course (either ENSC 340 or 440) that provides practical experience with the design process for development projects. Topics include project management, team writing, project documentation (proposals, functional and design specifications, progress reports, and users manuals), group dynamics and dispute resolution. Prerequisite: Either both of ENSC 101W and ENSC 102 or one of ENSC 105W or CMPT 105W. Corequisite: ENSC 440 or 441. Writing

ENSC 311-3 The Business of Engineering I

Covers topics in decision theory and engineering economics including: gap analysis, multi-attribute utility theory, discounted cash flow fundamentals, inflation, depreciation, tax, financial analysis, uncertainty and optimization. Prerequisite: More than 50 units. Students who have credit for ENSC 201 may not complete this course for further credit

ENSC 312-3 The Business of Engineering II

Concepts covered include entrepreneurship, marketing, financing, business plan, project management skills as well as facilitation, communication and negotiation. Students will experience what it is like to be part of a start-up company with a diverse project team. Prerequisite: ENSC 311.

ENSC 320-3 Electric Circuits II

This course is a second course on electric circuits and the topics covered include: the use of Laplace transform in circuit analysis, including poles and zeros, the frequency response and impulse response; convolution as a method for computing circuit responses; resonant and bandpass circuits; magnetically coupled circuits; three-phase circuits; two port circuits; and filtering. Prerequisite: ENSC 220, MATH 232, and MATH 310.

ENSC 325-4 Microelectronics II

This course introduces Students to analog integrated circuit design in the context of modern silicon integrated circuits technology. Topics included: integrated circuit technology and design tools; integrated component characteristics and limitations, differential amplifiers; multi stage amplifiers; feedback amplifiers; stability and frequency compensation; integrated operational amplifiers; bipolar and MOS digital circuits; analog aspects of digital electronics. Prerequisite: ENSC 225.

ENSC 327-4 Communication Systems

This course represents and introduction to analog and digital communications systems. The main topics are: a review of Fourier Transform; the representation of bandpass signals; random signals in communications, including stationarity, ergodicity, correlation, power spectra and noise; amplitude and frequency modulation; circuits and techniques for modulation and demodulation; frequency division multiplexing; baseband digital communication; time division and multiplexing; an introduction to basic digital modulation schemes such as BPSK, FSK and QPSK. Laboratory work is included in this course. Prerequisite: ENSC 380 and STAT 270.

ENSC 328-1 Random Processes in Engineering

An introduction to continuous-valued random processes, including first and second order statistics. Topics: definitions of random processes taking complex values in continuous time; autocorrelation and autocovariance functions in the time domain; stationarity, ergodicity; power spectral density in frequency domain; effect of linear filters; cross correlation functions and cross-power spectral densities. Prerequisite: ENSC 380 and STAT 270. STAT 270 may be taken concurrently. Students who have taken ENSC 327 may not take ENSC 328 for further credit.

ENSC 329-4 Introduction to Digital Logic

Conveys the essential principles of digital logic systems which are the building blocks of many electronic systems including computer systems. These principles form the basis of the electronics component of the mechatronics curriculum and therefore a good understanding of the material is crucial. Prerequisite: ENSC 226, CMPT 128.

ENSC 330-4 Engineering Materials

An introductory course in materials science which covers materials, their structures, properties, and performance; crystal structures and instruments for structure determination; polymers, ceramics, composites; quality control and reliability. Prerequisite: CHEM 121, PHYS 121.

ENSC 331-3 Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems

An introduction to microelectromechanical systems, covering thin film processing technologies, bulk and surface micromachining, and MEMS applications. Prerequisite: ENSC 281, 387 and one of ENSC 231 or ENSC 330.

ENSC 332-4 Microprocessors and Interfacing

Covers basic microcomputer architecture, design and analysis of address decoders and memory systems, design and analysis of assembly language programs and microcomputer system design. Prerequisite: ENSC 329.

ENSC 350-3 Digital Systems Design

This course deals with advanced topics in digital design such as advanced state machine concepts, asynchronous design, hardware description languages, bus interfacing and DSP architecture. It also covers both the architecture and programming of field programmable logic devices. Some laboratory work is expected. Prerequisite: ENSC 215, and either ENSC 250 or CMPT 250.

ENSC 351-4 Real Time and Embedded Systems

This course concentrates on the problems encountered when attempting to use computers in real time (RT) and embedded applications where the computer system must discern the state of the real world and react to it within stringent response time constraints. Both design methodology and practical implementation techniques for RT systems are presented. Although some hardware will be involved, it should be noted that this course concentrates on real time software. Prerequisite: CMPT 128, and either CMPT 250 or ENSC 250, and a minimum of 60 units. ENSC 215 is highly recommended. Students who have taken ENSC 451 cannot take this course for further credit.

ENSC 363-3 Special Topics in Engineering Science

Prerequisite: permission of the undergraduate curriculum chair.

ENSC 364-4 Special Topics in Engineering Science

Prerequisite: permission of the undergraduate curriculum chair.

ENSC 370-3 Biomedical Engineering Directions

An overview of the discipline of biomedical engineering, including its purpose and scope. Typical discussion topics: goals and limitations of biomedical engineering, the nature and relevant technologies of selected application areas, common aspects of biomedical practice, current trends and new directions in biomedical engineering. Students conduct extended investigations of biomedical practice, new biomedical techniques or possible new products, then prepare reports and present seminars. Prerequisite: completion of at least 25 units of engineering science (ENSC) courses and KIN 208. KIN 208 can be taken concurrently.

ENSC 372-4 Biomedical Instrumentation

Instrumentation techniques for measuring common physiological signals. Bioelectric and biochemical sensors. Biostimulation. Electronic design issues: electrical safety, signal conditioning and protection against noise, digital signal acquisition. Live subject ethical considerations. Laboratory work to include use of data acquisition packages in conjunction with various sensors, as well as design and construction of a full signal acquisition chain, from sensor to RAM. Prerequisite: ENSC 225, 320, 380 and KIN 308. KIN 308 can be taken concurrently.

ENSC 374-4 Biomedical Image Acquisition

Provides an understanding of the scientific principles, physics and engineering technology that provide the basis for the various techniques (radiography, sonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging), by which medical images are acquired. Prerequisite: ENSC 220, 225. Recommended: ENSC 224.

ENSC 376-4 Introduction to Optical Engineering and Design

In this course students learn basic of designing optical instruments. Lectures cover the principles of operation of optical devices using linear (ray) optics and Fourier optics as well as optical metrology. Hands-on practice is provided by extensive laboratory activities. Prerequisite: PHYS 121, MATH 254.

ENSC 380-3 Linear Systems

The objectives of this course are to cover the modelling and analysis of continuous and discrete signals using linear techniques. Topics covered include: a review of Laplace transforms; methods for the basic modelling of physical systems; discrete and continuous convolution; impulse and step response; transfer functions and filtering; the continuous Fourier transform and its relationship to the Laplace transform; frequency response and Bode plots; sampling; the Z-transform. Prerequisite: ENSC 220 and MATH 310.

ENSC 381-3 Systems Modeling and Simulation

Introduction to systems modeling and analysis. Application to engineering systems including: mechanical, electrical, thermal, and fluid systems. Allows the student to acquire, in a time-efficient and uncomplicated manner, knowledge in the formation and construction of dynamic models. The simulation models that the student will design in this course accommodate these analyses, with the construction of realistic hypotheses and elaborate behavior models. Prerequisite: ENSC 226, 281, 282.

ENSC 382-3 Machine Design

Review of stress and strain in solids, superposition, energy theorems, theories of failure, elastic and inelastic analysis of symmetrical bending, torsion of circular members, and virtual work. Adequacy assessment and synthesis of machine elements with a focus on the design process. Static failure of ductile and brittle materials, fatigue analysis of structures. Topics include the design of welds, bolted connections, springs and shafts. Solution strategies include both analytical and finite element methods. Prerequisite, ENSC 281 and 282.

ENSC 383-4 Feedback Control Systems

This course is an introduction to the analysis, design, and applications of continuous time linear control systems. Topics include transfer function representation of open and closed loop systems, time domain specifications and steady state error, sensitivity analysis, time and frequency response, and stability criteria. It includes a treatment of methods for the analysis of control systems based on the root locus, Bode plots and Nyquist criterion, and their use in the design of PID, and lead-lag compensation. Lab work is included in this course. Prerequisite: ENSC 380.

ENSC 384-4 Mechatronics Design II

Interweaves mechanisms, electronics, sensors, and control strategies with software and information technology to examine the demands and ideas of customers and find the most efficient, cost-effective method to transform their goals into successful commercial products. Most of the term is devoted to a significant design project in which student groups work independently and competitively, applying the design process to a project goal set by the faculty co-ordinator. Prerequisite: ENSC 382, 381, 182. ENSC 332 and 387 can either be taken as prerequisites or concurrently.

ENSC 387-4 Introduction to Electro-Mechanical Sensors and Actuators

This course provides an introduction to sensors and actuators for electromechanical, computer-controlled machines and devices. Topics include operating principles, design considerations, and applications of analog sensors, digital transducers, stepper motors, continuous-drive actuators, and drive system electronics. Component integration and design considerations are studied through examples selected from applications of machine tools, mechatronics, precision machines, robotics, aerospace systems, and ground and underwater vehicles. Laboratory exercises strengthen the understanding of component performance, system design and integration. Prerequisite: ENSC 380.

ENSC 388-3 Engineering Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

Energy transfer as work and heat, the First Law of thermodynamics. Properties and states of simple substances. Control-mass and control-volume analyses. Entropy, the Second Law of thermodynamics. Carnot cycle. Energy conversion systems; internal combustion engines, power plants and refrigeration cycles. Heat transfer by conduction, convection, and radiation. Formulation and solution of steady and transient problems. Cooling of microelectronics, thermal solutions. Prerequisite: MATH 152, 251, PHYS 141. Students with credit for PHYS 344 cannot take this course for further credit.

ENSC 395-3 Industrial Internship III

Third four month internship in industry. Credit is awarded as in ENSC 195. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an 間眅埶AV degree. Prerequisite: ENSC 295 or 296 and a minimum of 75 units.

ENSC 396-3 Special Internship III

Four month internship in industry or university research environment. Approved entrepreneurial projects will also be accepted. Credit is awarded as in ENSC 195. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an 間眅埶AV degree. Prerequisite: ENSC 295 or 296, a minimum of 75 units and approval of internship co-ordinator required.

ENSC 400-4 Directed Studies in Engineering Science

Directed reading and research in a topic chosen in consultation with a supervisor. 間眅埶AV requires agreement by a proposed faculty supervisor and submission of a proposal to the school at least one month prior to the start of the term in which the course will be taken. Upon completion of a directed study course, the student must submit a copy of the 'deliverables' to the chair of the undergraduate curriculum committee. Prerequisite: a minimum of 100 units and permission of the chair of the undergraduate curriculum committee.

ENSC 401-4 Directed Studies in Engineering Science

Directed reading and research in a topic chosen in consultation with a supervisor. 間眅埶AV requires agreement by a proposed faculty supervisor and submission of a proposal to the school at least one month prior to the start of the term in which the course will be taken. Upon completion of a directed study course, the student must submit a copy of the 'deliverables' to the chair of the undergraduate curriculum committee. Prerequisite: a minimum of 100 units and permission of the chair of the undergraduate curriculum committee.

ENSC 402-4 Directed Studies in Engineering Science

Directed reading and research in a topic chosen in consultation with a supervisor. 間眅埶AV requires agreement by a proposed faculty supervisor and submission of a proposal to the school at least one month prior to the start of the term in which the course will be taken. Upon completion of a directed study course, the student must submit a copy of the 'deliverables' to the chair of the undergraduate curriculum committee. Prerequisite: a minimum of 100 units and permission of the chair of the undergraduate curriculum committee.

ENSC 403-3 Directed Studies in Engineering Science

Directed reading and research in a topic chosen in consultation with a supervisor. 間眅埶AV requires agreement by a proposed faculty supervisor and submission of a proposal to the school at least one month prior to the start of the term in which the course will be taken. Upon completion of a directed study course, the student must submit a copy of the 'deliverables' to the chair of the undergraduate curriculum committee. Prerequisite: a minimum of 100 units and permission of the chair of the undergraduate curriculum committee.

ENSC 406-2 Engineering Ethics, Law, and Professional Practice

This course provides an introduction to the engineering profession, professional practice, engineering law and ethics, including the issues of worker and public safety. It also offers opportunities to explore the social implications and environmental impacts of technologies, including sustainability, and to consider engineers' responsibility to society. Prerequisite: 100 units including one of ENSC 100W, ENSC 106, or CMPT 106.

ENSC 411-4 The Business of Entrepreneurial Engineering

This course combines the engineering economics covered in ENSC 201 with a series of guest lectures on entrepreneurship and the writing of a business plan in collaboration with students from the Beedie School of Business. Prerequisite: Students must have completed 90 units and have a GPA above 3.0. Students with credit for ENSC 201 cannot complete this course for further credit

ENSC 424-4 Multimedia Communications Engineering

This course covers the technical basis for multimedia communications systems. The main topics are as follows: methods for audio and visual signal compression and processing; the communications requirements of multimedia systems, such as synchronization, quality of service and bandwidth; the architectures and protocols associated with multimedia communications networks. Prerequisite: ENSC 380.

ENSC 425-4 Electronic System Design

The principles and processes involved in designing analog circuits, emphasizing the functional blocks that comprise subsystems of a larger analog signal processing system. Topics include linear and nonlinear amplifiers, active filters, signal generators, signal modulators, switchmode power converters and analog/digital data conversion. The effects of non-ideal aspects of IC operational amplifiers on system performance are discussed and verified using laboratory projects. Students should be familiar with the behaviour and application of discrete semiconductor devices. Prerequisite: ENSC 320, 325 and 380.

ENSC 426-4 High Frequency Electronics

Transmission lines and waveguides, microwave devices, travelling wave devices. An introduction to the theory of radiation, antennae and wave propagation, and microwave scattering theory. The design of complete communication systems incorporating microwave, optical and satellite channels. Laboratory work is included in this course. Prerequisite: Completion of 80 units including PHYS 221 or 321.

ENSC 427-4 Communication Networks

Quantitative performance analysis and design of data and integrated services networks. Re-transmission error recovery schemes, networks of queues, congestion control, routing strategies. Multiple access techniques in data networks, design for specified throughput and delay performance. Wireless networks, routing approaches in mobile networks. Analysis and design of broadband integrated services digital networks, asynchronous time division multiplexing. Laboratory work is included in this course. Prerequisite: ENSC 327 or permission of instructor.

ENSC 428-4 Digital Communications

This course will cover the physical-layer design issues in digital communication systems. The major topics covered are: information measures and the notion of channel capacity; link budgets; digital modulation techniques, including the signal space concept and optimal detectors, error performance in noise, suboptimal detectors, pulse shaping, synchronization, and equalization; error control techniques such as block and conventional codes, as well as comparisons between FEC and ARQ. Laboratory work is included in this course. Prerequisite: ENSC 327.

ENSC 429-4 Digital Signal Processing

Discrete time signals and systems, sampling and quantization. The Discrete Fourier Transform and fast transforms. Digital filters, IIR and FIR, design procedures and implementations. Quantization noise in digital filters and transforms. Random signals, the response to linear systems to random signals. Introduction to adaptive systems. Introduction to system architectures for digital signal processing. Laboratory work includes familiarization with digital signal processing software packages. Prerequisite: ENSC 327 or 328, and 380.

ENSC 430-3 Advanced Electronic Circuits

Introduction to advanced topics in electronic circuit design. The emphasis will be on circuits and devices which are needed by mechatronics engineers in practice. Prerequisite: Completion of 80 units including ENSC 226. Students with credit for ENSC 325 cannot complete this course for further credit

ENSC 432-3 Manufacturing Systems

An introduction to manufacturing systems: industrial robotics, manufacturing system components and definitions, material handling systems, production lines, assembly systems, robotic cell design, cellular manufacturing, flexible manufacturing systems, quality control, manufacturing support systems. Prerequisite: ENSC 387.

ENSC 436-3 Advanced Vibration

Advanced introduction to vibration, free vibration, harmonic excitation of undamped systems, harmonic excitation of damped systems, base excitation, rotating unbalance, impulse response, response to an arbitrary input, response to an arbitrary periodic input, transform method, two degree of freedom model, more than two degrees of freedom, systems with viscous damping, Lagrange's equations, vibrations of string or cable, vibration of rods and bars, torsional vibration, bending vibration of a beam, finite element method. Prerequisite: ENSC 282, 380.

ENSC 440-4 Capstone Engineering Science Project

This capstone design course is based around a group project that consists of researching, designing, building, and testing the hardware implementation of a working system. The course also includes material on how to design for safety, engineering standards, and human factors. Prerequisite: at least 100 units. Corequisite: ENSC 305. Students with credit for ENSC 340 cannot take ENSC 440 for further credit.

ENSC 440W-4 Capstone Engineering Science Project

This capstone design course is based around a group project that consists of research, designing, building, and testing the hardware implementation of a working system. The course also includes material on how to design for safety, engineering standards, and human factors. Prerequisite: at least 100 units. Corequisite: ENSC 305. Students with credit for ENSC 340 cannot take ENSC 440 for further credit. Writing.

ENSC 442-3 Capstone Design Technical Project II

Students will apply their technical, marketing and entrepreneurship knowledge to develop a product that was designed earlier in ENSC 441. Students will then present and be able to see it to a panel of engineers, business and investment community members. Prerequisite: ENSC 441.

ENSC 442W-3 Capstone Design Technical Project II

Students will apply their technical, marketing and entrepreneurship knowledge to develop a product that was designed earlier in ENSC 441. Students will then present and be able to see it to a panel of engineers, business and investment community members. Prerequisite: ENSC 441. Writing.

ENSC 450-4 VLSI Systems Design

An introduction to the design of Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits and systems (System-on-Chip, SoC) using mainly CMOS technology. SoC design techniques and applications will be covered. Basic topics will include: CMOS technology and circuit layout rules; combinational and sequential logic; logic simulation; systems design; design for verification and testability; and embedded-processor design and application. An advanced digital design flow based on the VHDL hardware description language will be introduced and exercised in the labs. Prerequisite: ENSC 225 and ENSC 350.

ENSC 451-4 Real-Time and Embedded Control Systems

Focuses on implementation and design of embedded computer control systems used in mechatronics and other applications. Many of these systems are real-time in nature, meaning that the computer system must discern the state of the world and react to it within stringent response-time constraints. Upon completion of the course, the student will have a basic understanding of how to design, build and integrate hardware and software for an embedded control application. Hands-on experience will be gained by performing laboratory experiments and doing an embedded computer control project on a mechatronic system. Prerequisite: ENSC 332, 383, and completion of 90 units. Students who have taken ENSC 351 cannot take this course for further credit.

ENSC 452-4 Advanced Digital System Design

Digital system design considerations including methodologies, specification, SoC partitioning, fault tolerance, design reuse, debugging and verification. Prerequisite: ENSC 350 and 351.

ENSC 460-4 Special Topics in Engineering Science

Studies in areas not included within the undergraduate course offerings of the engineering science program. Prerequisite: to be determined by the instructor subject to approval by the department chair.

ENSC 461-4 Special Topics in Engineering Science

Studies in areas not included within the undergraduate course offerings of the engineering science program. Prerequisite: to be determined by the instructor subject to approval by the department chair.

ENSC 462-4 Special Topics in Engineering Science

Studies in areas not included within the undergraduate course offerings of the engineering science program. Prerequisite: to be determined by the instructor subject to approval by the department chair.

ENSC 470-4 Optical and Laser Engineering Applications

A practical, hands-on introduction to optical engineering and lasers. Covers the concepts of light, optics (geometric optics, Gaussian optics, multiple optical elements, lens aberrations), laser concepts, operational details of major laser types, laser interactions with optical systems, laser applications in engineering and medicine, complex optical system design and fiber optics. Labs cover optical systems, lasers measurements, optical CAD design, holography. Prerequisite: Completion of 80 units including PHYS 121 or 126 or 141, and MATH 310.

ENSC 472-4 Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Devices

Provides students with exposure to essential topics in rehabilitation engineering and the design of assistive devices. The course is organized into weekly modules, each of which includes a basic patho-physiology component, an introduction to related rehabilitation engineering technology, and a laboratory/project component. All modules will provide students with (a) an understanding of the scientific basis for a specific area of rehabilitation engineering, (b) experience in the application of standard medical techniques for disability assessment, (c) exposure to biomechanical and physiological measurement techniques, (d) experience in the design (including ISO standards), construction, and evaluation of technological solutions to enhance mobility, communication, sensory function, cognition, and independence in daily activities. Prerequisite: ENSC 372, KIN 201, 308, 448.

ENSC 474-4 Digital/Medical Image Processing

Develops signal processing techniques of wide applicability, presented in the context of processing and analysis of digital images, in particular 2D and3D biomedical images. Covers acquisition, formation and representation of digital images, filtering, enhancement and restoration in both spatial and frequency domains, image segmentation, image registration, and discrete image transforms. Prerequisite: CMPT 128, 225 (or permission of the instructor), and ENSC 380. Students with credit for ENSC 460/895 cannot take this course for further credit.

ENSC 476-4 Biophotonics and Microscopy Techniques

Basic physics and applications of light-biomatter interactions, tissue optics and microscopy instrumentation. With this background students will embark on practical issues such as light-induced effects in bio-systems, microscopy diagnostic techniques, therapeutic instrumentation and applications, optical tomography and recent developments in optical sensors. Lectures are accompanied by laboratory evaluation projects plus a final design and fabrication project. Prerequisite: Completion of 80 units including PHYS 121 or 102 or 141. Recommended: ENSC 376 or 470.

ENSC 481-4 Designing for Reliability

Aspects of quality control and reliability in manufacturing environments will be discussed, including stress and strain, failure modes, reliability testing, statistical and experimental methods, and destructive/non destructive testing. Prerequisite: ENSC 330.

ENSC 483-4 Modern Control Systems

Analytical representation of the finite dimensional linear systems, analysis and design of linear feedback control systems based on the state space model, and state/output feedback. Topics include: review of the linear spaces and operators, mathematical modelling, state space representation and canonical forms, controllability, observability, realization of transfer function, and solution of the state equation. Applications include: stability concepts and definitions. Lyapunov's Direct Method, design of the state and output feedback control systems, eigenspectrum assignment, and state estimator design. Prerequisite: ENSC 383.

ENSC 484-4 Industrial Control Systems

Examines modern industrial control systems and applications. Topics include: review of industrial sensors and actuators; computer interfacing; ladder logic and programmable logic controllers; industrial computer and programming methods; industrial networks; human-machine interfaces; supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA); manufacturing execution systems; and enterprise-wide integration. Prerequisite: ENSC 332, 383.

ENSC 488-4 Introduction to Robotics

Fundamentals of robotics: mathematical representation of kinematics, dynamics and compliance. Planning and execution of robot trajectories. Feedback from the environment: use of sensors and machine vision. A brief introduction to robot languages. Different application domains for manipulator robots, e.g., assembly, manufacturing, etc. Prerequisite: ENSC 383. Recommended: ENSC 230 is strongly recommended for Systems Option students.

ENSC 489-4 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing

Survey of methods for computer aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM), including experience with basic systems in the laboratory component of the course. The student will be introduced to computer integrated manufacturing and flexible manufacturing systems concepts. The use of finite element modeling and analysis will be presented through examples from thermal studies as well as mechanical stress analysis. Issues in constructing and using integrated CAD/CAM in a production environment will be discussed. Emphasis will be on the use of such techniques in light industry, particularly related to electronics manufacturing. A manufacturing cell consisting of several robots and computer control systems will be available for student projects. Prerequisite: ENSC 380.

ENSC 491-1 Special Project Laboratory

This course is intended for students wishing to pursue laboratory research on a specific topic outside the standard course offerings. Each student must be sponsored by a faculty member who will oversee the project. A proposal of the student's special project must be submitted to the school at least one month prior to the start of the term in which the course will be taken. The unit value of the project will be assessed during this review phase and the student will be directed to enrol in the appropriate course. Upon completion of a special project laboratory course, the student must submit a copy of the 'deliverables' to the chair of the undergraduate curriculum committee. Prerequisite: permission of the undergraduate curriculum committee chair.

ENSC 492-2 Special Project Laboratory

This course is intended for students wishing to pursue laboratory research on a specific topic outside the standard course offerings. Each student must be sponsored by a faculty member who will oversee the project. A proposal of the student's special project must be submitted to the school at least one month prior to the start of the term in which the course will be taken. The unit value of the project will be assessed during this review phase and the student will be directed to register in the appropriate course. Upon completion of a special project laboratory course, the student must submit a copy of the 'deliverables' to the chair of the undergraduate curriculum committee. Prerequisite: permission of the undergraduate curriculum committee chair.

ENSC 493-3 Special Project Laboratory

This course is intended for students wishing to pursue laboratory research on a specific topic outside the standard course offerings. Each student must be sponsored by a faculty member who will oversee the project. A proposal of the student's special project must be submitted to the school at least one month prior to the start of the term in which the course will be taken. The unit value of the project will be assessed during this review phase and the student will be directed to register in the appropriate course. Upon completion of a special project laboratory course, the student must submit a copy of the 'deliverables' to the chair of the undergraduate curriculum committee. Prerequisite: permission of the undergraduate curriculum committee chair.

ENSC 494-4 Special Project Laboratory

This course is intended for students wishing to pursue laboratory research on a specific topic outside the standard course offerings. Each student must be sponsored by a faculty member who will oversee the project. A proposal of the student's special project must be submitted to the school at least one month prior to the start of the term in which the course will be taken. The unit value of the project will be assessed during this review phase and the student will be directed to register in the appropriate course. Upon completion of a special project laboratory course, the student must submit a copy of the 'deliverables' to the chair of the undergraduate curriculum committee. Prerequisite: permission of the undergraduate curriculum committee chair.

ENSC 495-4 Introduction to Microelectronic Fabrication

Lectures provide the theory of integrated circuit fabrication. Students fabricate diodes, transistors and test structures in the laboratory. Topics: clean room practice, thermal oxidation and diffusion, photolithography, thin film deposition, etching, ion implantation, packaging, CMOS and bipolar processes. Prerequisite: Completion of 80 units including ENSC 225 or 226, and permission of the instructor.

ENSC 498-3 Engineering Science Thesis Proposal

Supervised study, research and preliminary work leading to a formal proposal for the thesis project work in ENSC 499. This activity can be directly augmented by other course work and by directed study. The locale of the work may be external to the University or within a University laboratory, or may bridge the two locations. Supervision may be by technical personnel at an external organization, or by faculty members, or through some combination. At least one of the supervisors must be a registered professional engineer. A plan for the student's ENSC 498 activities must be submitted to the school at the time of enrolment in the course. Completion of the undergraduate thesis project proposal is the formal requirement of this course and the basis upon which it is graded. Grading will be on a pass/fail basis. Prerequisite: at least 115 units or permission of the academic supervisor.

ENSC 499-9 Engineering Science Undergraduate Thesis

A thesis is based on the research or development project that incorporates a significant level of engineering design. This work is typically undertaken in the student's final year, but in no case before the student has completed 115 units. Registration for ENSC 499 takes place in the term in which the thesis will be presented and defended. The locale of the work, supervision and other arrangements follow those for ENSC 498. Grading of the thesis will be on a pass/fail basis, but recognition will be given to outstanding work. Prerequisite: ENSC 498.

ENSC 801-3 Linear Systems Theory

State-space analysis of finite dimensional continuous and discrete time linear systems. Linear vector spaces, linear operators, normed linear spaces, and inner product spaces. Fundamentals of matrix algebra; generalized inverses, solution of Ax=y and AXB=Y, least square and recursive least square estimation, induced norm and matrix measures, functions of a square matrix, Cayley-Hamilton and Sylvester's theorems, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) with applications. Analytical representation of linear systems, state-space formulation, solution of the state equation and determination of the system's response. Controllability, observability, duality, canonical forms, and minimal realization concepts. Stability analysis and the Lyapunov's method. Prerequisite: graduate standing.

ENSC 802-3 Stochastic Systems

The application of theories in probability, random variables and stochastic processes in the analysis and modelling of engineering systems. topics include: a review of probability and random variables; random deviate generation; convergence of random sequences; random processes; auto correlation and power spectral-density; linear systems with stochastic inputs; mean-square calculus; AR and ARMA models; Markov chains; elementary queuing theory; an introduction to estimation theory. Areas of application include digital communications, speech and image processing, control, radar and Monte Carlo simulations. Prerequisite: graduate standing.

ENSC 803-3 Writing for Publication

Through discourse analysis and simulation of the publication process, ENSC 803 enables the analysis and refinement of writing processes and written styles when preparing journal articles, oral conference presentations, and poster presentations in professional contexts. Students will write and revise an article suitable for publication in a professional journal, design a poster presentation, and design and deliver an oral conference presentation. Additionally, students will blind review a peer's journal article and will participate in a series of team-based discourse analysis exercises. ENSC 803 will also cover departmental requirements and University regulations related to thesis completion and submission. This course will not count towards the student's CGPA but will appear as a grade on the transcript. This course cannot be used as one of the course requirements towards the degree.

ENSC 805-3 Advanced Digital Communications

This course discusses the fundamental techniques used in the physical layer of a digital communication system. The main topics are as follow: digital modulation, including complex baseband representations, the concept of the signal space, optimal demodulation, bit error probability analysis, as well as timing and carrier recovery; error control techniques, including soft decision decoding and the Viterbi algorithms; and various kinds of equalization (linear, decision feedback, and maximum likelihood sequences estimation). Sub topics of the equalization section include pulse shaping and eye diagrams. The emphasis may vary slightly in different offerings. Prerequisite: ENSC 428 or equivalent. ENSC 802 (as a corequisite) or permission of instructor.

ENSC 808-3 Information Theory

Information measures: entropy, relative entropy, mutual information, entropy rate, differential entropy. Asymptotic Equipartition Property. Lossless data compression: Kraft inequality, Huffman code, Shannon code, Arithmetic coding. Channel capacity: binary symmetric channel, binary erasure channel, Shannon's channel coding theorem, Gaussian channel, feedback. Prerequisite: STAT 270 or equivalent.

ENSC 810-3 Statistical Signal Processing

Processing techniques for continuous and discrete signals with initially unknown or time-varying characteristics. Parameter estimation; Bayes, MAP, maximum likelihood, least squares the Cramer-Rao bound. Linear estimation, prediction, power spectrum estimation, lattice filters. Adaptive filtering by LMS and recursive least squares. Kalman filtering. Eigenmethods for spectral estimation. Implementation issues and numerical methods of computation are considered throughout. Prerequisite: ENSC 802 and 429 or their equivalents.

ENSC 815-3 Multirate Signal Processing

An advanced digital signal processing course. Topics include: sampling rate conversion; multirate and polyphase representations and implementations; multirate filter banks and the discrete wavelet transform; modulated filter banks. Applications are drawn from areas such as transmultiplexing, echo suppression, signal compression and modulation. Prerequisite: ENSC 429 or equivalent.

ENSC 820-3 Engineering Management for Development Projects

This course focuses on the management and reporting activities of typical engineering development projects. Through seminars and workshops it builds the student's skills at estimating project cost and schedule, keeping a project on track, and handing over the completed project to a customer or another team. A writing workshop emphasizes techniques for writing proposals, and writing and controlling documentation. Note that ENSC 820 will not count towards the course work requirement of students enrolled in the MASc program.

ENSC 832-3 Mobile and Personal Communications

Propagation phenomena, modulation techniques and system design considerations for mobile and personal networks. Topics include: fading and shadowing, noise and interference effects, analog and digital transmission, cellular designs, multiple access techniques. Prerequisite: ENSC 802 or permission of instructor.

ENSC 833-3 Network Protocols and Performance

This course covers the techniques needed to understand and analyse modern communications networks. The main topics are as follow: practical techniques for the design and performance analysis of data communication networks; performance analysis of error control, flow and congestion control, and routing; networks of queues using stochastic and mean value analysis; polling and random access LANs and MANs; wireless networks; broadband integrated services digital networks and asynchronous transfer mode; optical networks. Prerequisite: ENSC 802 or permission of instructor.

ENSC 835-3 Communication Networks

Techniques needed to understand and analyze modern data communications networks. Basic architecture of packet networks and their network elements (switches, routers, bridges), and the protocols used to enable transmission of packets through the network. Techniques for collection, characterization, and modeling of traffic in packet networks. Aspects of traffic management, such as call admission control and congestion control algorithms in packet networks and the influence of traffic on network performance. Prerequisite: ENSC 427 or permission of the instructor.

ENSC 850-3 Semiconductor Device Theory

Detailed treatment at the graduate level of semiconductor fundamentals and theory. Electronic properties and characteristics of selected semiconductor devices: pn junctions, Schottky barrier junctions, silicon-based heterojunctions and ohmic contacts; bipolar junction transistors; field effect transistors; heterostructures; charge coupled devices and microwave devices. Prerequisite: PHYS 365 or permission of instructor.

ENSC 851-3 Integrated Circuit Technology

Review of semiconductor physics. Technology of semiconductor devices and integrated circuits: material evaluation, crystal growth, doping, epitaxy, thermal diffusion, ion implantation, lithography and device patterning, and thin film formation. Design and fabrication of active and passive semiconductor devices, packaging techniques and reliability of integrated circuits.

ENSC 852-3 Analog Integrated Circuits

Models for integrated circuit activity and passive devices and their implementation; computer aided design tools and their use in designing analog integrated circuits; analysis of single transistor amplifiers; current sources, current mirrors, and voltage references; op-amps characteristics, analyses and circuit design examples; frequency response of integrated circuits; noise in integrated circuits; low power integrated circuits; non-linear analog integrated circuits. The students will be required to either design, fabricate and test simple analog ICs in the microelectronics lab, or do a project which involves the design, analysis, modeling and simulation of an analog integrated circuit. Prerequisite: ENSC 850 or permission of instructor.

ENSC 853-3 Digital CMOS Integrated Circuits

MOS device electronics. Second Order Effects in MOS transistors. BJT device electronics. Static and transient analysis of inverters. Digital gates, circuits and circuit techniques. Speed and power dissipation. Memory systems. Gate arrays, semicustom and customized integrated circuits. CAD tools. Students are required to complete a project. Prerequisite: ENSC 850 or permission of the instructor.

ENSC 854-3 Integrated Microsensors and Actuators

Microelectronic transducer principles, classification, fabrication and application areas. Silicon micromachining and its application to integrated microelectronic sensors and actuators. CMOS compatible micromachining, static, dynamic and kinematic microactuator fabrication. Integrated transducer system design and applications. Students will be required to complete a micromachining project in the microfabrication lab at ENSC. Prerequisite: ENSC 370, 453, 495 or permission of instructor.

ENSC 859-3 Biomedical Microdevices and Systems

This course introduces students to microdevices and systems with applications in biology, chemistry, and medicine. Topics include microfabrication techniques of biocompatible materials including polymers; microfluidic theory and components; electro-osmotic flow and separation techniques; system integration; and a selection of key applications including micro total analysis systems, cell and tissue applications, implantable/transdermal devices, biosensors, and biotechnology (PCR, DNA chips). Recommended, ENSC 330; ENSC 495/851 or ENSC 854.

ENSC 861-3 Source Coding in Digital Communications

This course presents basics of information theory and source coding with applications to speech/audio, images/video and multimedia. The course first covers the topics of entropy, information, channel capacity and rate-distortion functions. Various techniques used in source coding, such as entropy coding, scalar and vector quantization, prediction, transforms, analysis by synthesis, and model based coding are then discussed. Prerequisite: ENSC 802 or equivalent.

ENSC 887-3 Computational Robotics

A main goal of computational robotics is to automatically synthesize robot motions to achieve a given task. This course discusses geometric and algorithmic issues that arise in such an endeavour. For example: how can a robot plan its own collision-free motions? How does it grasp a given object? How do we account for uncertainty? The course employs a broad range of tools from computational geometry, mechanics, algorithms and control. The material covered also finds applications in designing devices for automation and in computer animation. The course involves a substantial project which exposes students to practical and implementational issues involved in building automatic motion planning capabilities for robotic systems. Prerequisite: ENSC 488 and a basic course in data structures and algorithms, or permission of the instructor.

ENSC 888-3 Finite-Element Methods in Engineering

Overview of FEM and its use in industry mathematical foundations of FEM; Galerkin method; finite element interpretation of physical problems in one, two and three dimensions; numerical techniques for storing and solving sparse matrices; checking for convergence, error estimation; pre- and post-processing; automatic mesh generation.

ENSC 890-3 Advanced Robotics: Mechanics and Control

Robotic applications are extensively involved in various fields such as manufacturing and health care with new, efficient tools and methods having been developed for modelling and co-ordinating such devices. The main focus of this course is to introduce these tools and methods for kinematic and dynamic modelling approaches. These new approaches allow more intuitive and geometrical representation of motion and interaction in any articulated multi-body system such as robotics devices. The course offers valuable background for students involved in computer graphics (e.g. animation), human/machine interface (e.g. haptic interface), control engineers (e.g. trajectory planning, master/slave system) and robotic designers. The course involves individual projects in modelling and co-ordination of a robotic device. Prerequisite: introductory course in robotics (ENSC 488) or permission of the instructor.

ENSC 891-3 Directed Studies I

ENSC 892-3 Directed Studies II

ENSC 893-3 Special Topics I

ENSC 894-3 Special Topics II

ENSC 895-3 Special Topics III

ENSC 896-1.50 MEng Project (Completion)

Students who do not complete ENSC 897 in one term must enrol for this course in all subsequent terms.

ENSC 897-3 MEng Project

ENSC 898-18 MASc Thesis

ENSC 899-6 PhD Thesis

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