
Engineering Science Master of Engineering Program

School of Engineering Science | Faculty of Applied Sciences
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Calendar 2013 Summer

The master of engineering science (MEng) program, for part-time study by practising engineers, is based on a course set normally offered in the evenings, and a project performed in industry.

The principal areas of study are electronics, communications and signal processing, intelligent systems, and control theory.

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Requirements

The normal admission requirement is a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, computer engineering, engineering science or a related area, with a 3.0 cumulative grade point average (CGPA) (B grade) from a recognized university, or equivalent.

Transfer from MEng to MASc Program

Normally transfer from the MEng to the master of applied science (MASc) program will be considered under the following conditions.

  • a minimum undergraduate cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.3 is required.
  • on at least two courses within the master of engineering program, a minimum CGPA of 3.5 is required

Course Requirements

If the subject matter of a required course has been previously completed with graduate credit, the course may not be completed again for credit.

Required Courses

Students complete a total of 21 graduate course units including

  • ENSC 820-3 Engineering Management for Development Projects
  • ENSC 896-1.5 MEng Project (Completion)
  • ENSC 897-3 MEng Project

and the specified courses in one of the following specializations.

Communications Specialization

Students who choose this specialization will complete both of

  • ENSC 805-3 Advanced Digital Communications
  • ENSC 810-3 Statistical Signal Processing

Electronics Specialization

Students who choose this specialization will complete one of

  • ENSC 851-3 Integrated Circuit Technology
  • ENSC 852-3 Analog Integrated Circuits
  • ENSC 853-3 Digital Semiconductor Circuits and Devices

Intelligent Systems or Control Theory Specializations

Students who choose either one of these specializations will complete

  • ENSC 801-3 Linear Systems Theory

Elective Courses

The remainder of the 21 required units are comprised of elective courses.

Additional courses may be required to correct background deficiencies.

Project Requirements

Students in this program complete a project instead of writing a thesis. The project is expected to take a minimum of two full-time equivalent months. If the project is performed in the student’s workplace, the student receives academic supervision from the senior supervisor, and day-to-day supervision from the manager, or designated associate. Industrial supervisors, who are on the supervisory committee, will be appointed by the graduate chair in consultation with the senior supervisor. In very small companies, alternate arrangements will be made for industrial supervision.

In addition to submission of a technical report at project completion, the student makes an oral presentation to the supervisory committee and the graduate chair. A grade will be assigned based on the report’s quality, the presentation, and the student’s understanding of the subject. A grade of ‘complete’ or ‘in progress’ will reflect the majority decision. In the case of an ‘in progress’ grade, the student re-submits the project report and presents it again.


Students may complete their program before paying the minimum total fee. An additional payment is required prior to graduation to satisfy the minimum fee requirement of six full-time fee units. See Graduate Fees for more details.

Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations

All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the Graduate General Regulations (residence, course work, academic progress, supervision, research competence requirement, completion time, and degree completion), as well as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled, as shown above.

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