Archaeology Master of Arts Program
Department of Archaeology | Faculty of Environment
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Calendar 2013 Summer
Areas of Study
The department offers specialization in archaeometry, art, ceramic analysis, cultural resource management, ethnoarchaeology, forensic anthropology, geoarchaeology, historical archaeology, lithic analysis, palaeoanthropology, palaeoethnobotany, skeletal biology and zooarchaeology.
The student gains a comprehensive understanding of the discipline and strives to acquire a general knowledge of world prehistory, physical anthropology, and archaeological theory and method, in addition to gaining knowledge and expertise in particular areas of research interest. Depending on enrolments, individual or group courses can be arranged in addition to regularly scheduled courses.
Degree Requirements
A distinction is made between program enrolment and formal advancement to degree candidacy. A candidate is a student who successfully completes advancement to candidacy requirements (defined below). Normally, advancement happens once the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV residency is fulfilled, but not later than the end of the ninth term after PhD admission and not later than the end of the sixth term for MA students.
Program Requirements
This program consists of these sequential steps: course requirements, thesis prospectus, colloquium presentation, advancement to candidacy, and thesis completion and defence. Students are expected to complete all MA program requirements in a maximum of nine terms of full-time enrolment.
Course Requirements
In addition to the thesis, students complete the two core graduate courses as shown below.
- ARCH 871-5 Archaeological Theory
- ARCH 876-5 Research Design
Students also complete one or more additional courses for graduate credit. Individual course requirements are determined in consultation with the supervisory committee.
Each term that these courses are offered, students are also required to complete both of
- ARCH 872-0 Graduate Seminar in Archaeology and Prehistoryâ€
- ARCH 873-2 Graduate Seminar in Archaeology and Prehistory*â€
*credit for this course is not part of the normal MA requirement
†grading is satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U)
Course requirements, thesis prospectus and colloquium presentation should be completed by full-time students by the end of the second term.
Advancement to Candidacy
Formal advancement to candidacy happens when the following have been completed
- completion of two of the minimum three graduate courses
- submission of written thesis prospectus to the supervisory committee outlining the proposed research and relevant background to the research
- approval of the thesis prospectus by the supervisory committee, followed by the presentation of an oral colloquium on the substance of the prospectus.
The colloquium is not considered a defence of the prospectus, but a means whereby the student may benefit from the department’s expertise.
Language Requirement
A knowledge of a language other than English is desirable, but there are no prescribed language requirements. However, if knowledge of a language is necessary for the field work or reading, he/she will be required to attain the necessary language proficiency.
After the above, students advance to candidacy and complete and defend the thesis. The defence topic should be the thesis itself and related matters. It should be focused on problem-oriented research, involving the conceptualization of a problem, and the collection, analysis and interpretation of data. It should not normally exceed 100 pages of text. Students are expected to complete the MA thesis in a maximum of six terms of full-time enrolment.
Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations
All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the Graduate General Regulations (residence, course work, academic progress, supervision, research competence requirement, completion time, and degree completion), as well as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled, as shown above.
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