
Linguistics Courses

Department of Linguistics | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
間眅埶AV Calendar 2013 Spring

The following are all the courses offered in this area. To view the current course catalog and/or course schedule on the Student Information System, visit (select "Class Search/Browse Catalog" on the left menu).

LING 100-3 Communication and Language

A non-theoretical approach to the study of language using examples from a variety of languages. Breadth-Social Sciences.

LING 110-3 The Wonder of Words

Study of the structure of words, the change of meaning of words, the change in form of words. Examples from English, French and other languages. A general interest course open to all students. Breadth-Social Sciences.

LING 160-3 Language, Culture and Society

An introduction to language in its social and cultural dimensions. Students who have taken LING 260 prior to Fall 2008 may not take LING 160 for further credit. Breadth-Social Sciences.

LING 200-3 Introduction to the Description of English Grammar

A practical overview of English grammar based on linguistic principles, for those designing basic knowledge of language structure, grammatical categories and grammatical analysis. This course is particularly suited for students interested in the teaching of English as a second language.

LING 220-3 Introduction to Linguistics

An introduction to linguistic analysis. Breadth-Social Sciences.

LING 221-3 Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology

The principles of phonetic and phonological analysis. Prerequisite: LING 220.

LING 222-3 Introduction to Syntax

The principles of syntactic analysis. Prerequisite: LING 220.

LING 290-3 The Science of Speech

Introduces the scientific study of speech, focusing on the mechanisms of speech production and perception, the ways in which speech is described and analyzed, the relationship between speech and technology, and the practical applications of phonetic science. Students who have taken LING 480 or 481 with similar content may not take this course for further credit. Breadth-Social Sci/Science.

LING 295-3 Language and the Law

An examination of how language is used by law enforcement, the courts, government, and the legal profession. Particular attention is paid to the contributions of linguistic science to a proper understanding of the role and usage of language in the legal domain.

LING 301W-3 Linguistic Argumentation

Advanced study of the styles of written argumentation that are used in linguistic research. Prerequisite: LING 222. Recommended: A lower division writing intensive (W) course. Writing.

LING 309W-3 Sociolinguistics

A systematic approach to the study of linguistic variation in different areal, social, and cultural settings. Prerequisite: LING 220. Recommended: LING 160 or 260. Students who have taken LING 409 may not take this course for further credit. Writing.

LING 321-3 Phonology

An overview of theoretical principles in phonology. Prerequisite: LING 221.

LING 322-3 Syntax

The study of sentence structure in language through a survey of constructions found in natural language data together with a consideration of syntactic theory. Prerequisite: LING 222.

LING 323-3 Morphology

Word structure in natural languages and its relationship to phonological and syntactic levels of grammar. Prerequisite: LING 221, 222; or 310.

LING 324-3 Semantics

Basic formal aspects of meaning (e.g. compositional semantics, truth conditional semantics and quantification in natural language) and how they are distinguished from pragmatic aspects of meaning. Prerequisite: LING 222. Quantitative.

LING 330-3 Phonetics

A survey of methods of speech sound description and transcription. Prerequisite: LING 221.

LING 350-3 First Language Acquisition

Introduction to the study of language acquisition from the point of view of linguistic structure. Prerequisite: LING 221. Students who have taken LING 250 may not take this course for further credit.

LING 360-3 Linguistics and Language Teaching

Theoretical and practical aspects of second language learning. Prerequisite: LING 220.

LING 362-3 English as a Second Language: Theory

Application of linguistic principles to the teaching of English as a second language. Prerequisite: LING 221.

LING 363-3 English as a Second Language: Practice

Implementation of linguistic principles in the teaching of English as a second language, including a practical experience with learners of English. Prerequisite: LING 360, 362. This course is graded on a pass/fail basis.

LING 370-3 Linguistics Practicum I

First semester of work experience in the Linguistics Co-operative Education Program. Credits from this course do not count towards the credits required for an 間眅埶AV degree. Prerequisite: normally 30 units, including LING 220 and four other courses in Linguistics, with a minimum CGPA of 2.75.

LING 371-3 Linguistics Practicum II

Second term of work experience in the Linguistics Co-operative Education Program. Units from this course do not count towards the units for an 間眅埶AV degree. Prerequisite: successful completion of LING 370 and 45 units with a minimum CGPA of 2.75.

LING 400-3 Formal Linguistics

Formal systems and their relation to linguistic methods and theory. Topics include the mathematical properties of natural languages, and rigorously defined frameworks for linguistic analysis and their formal properties. Prerequisite: LING 322. Recommended: PHIL 210 Quantitative.

LING 401-3 Topics in Phonetics

Advanced training in speech sound description and analysis in the impressionistic and instrumental modes. Prerequisite: LING 330.

LING 407-3 Historical Linguistics

The development of languages and language families through time; genetic grouping, the comparative method, reconstruction, etymology, universals and language change. Prerequisite: LING 321, 322 and 323, plus LING 301.

LING 408-3 Field Linguistics

The investigation and description of an unfamiliar language. Prerequisite: LING 221 and 222.

LING 410-3 Theories of Applied Linguistics

Explores the range of theories that are used within applied linguistics, including issues of theory evaluation and application. Prerequisite: LING 360 and 9 units of upper division Linguistics. Students who have taken LING 480 or LING 481 with this topic may not take this course for further credit.

LING 411-3 Topics in Applied Phonetics

Application of principles from phonetics to a number of practical problems in such areas as second language learning and teaching, forensics, communications, commerce and the arts. Prerequisite: LING 321 or 330, and 9 additional units of upper division Linguistics. Students who have taken LING 480 or LING 481 with this topic may not take this course for further credit.

LING 415-3 Neurolinguistics

Explores language as a system of the human brain, including specific topics such as the neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of language; language production, perception and processing; bilingualism, language learning and brain plasticity; and aphasia, dyslexia, deafness and sign languages. Prerequisite: 12 units of upper division linguistic courses. Students who have taken LING 480 with this topic may not take this course for further credit.

LING 430-3 First Nations Languages

Structural and genetic characteristics of Native languages of America, with special emphasis on languages of the Northwest. Detailed examination of one language or language family. Prerequisite: 12 upper division linguistics units. Recommended: LING 241 and 323.

LING 431-3 Language Structures I

Detailed examination of the structure of a selected language. Prerequisite: LING 221 and 222.

LING 432-3 Language Structures II

Detailed examination of the structure of a selected language. Prerequisite: LING 221 and 222.

LING 441-3 Linguistic Universals and Typology

A survey of the main language types found in the world with reference to their structural properties; the categorization of language types as a consequence of linguistic universals. Prerequisite: Two of LING 321, 322 or 323. Recommended: LING 241.

LING 470-3 Linguistics Practicum III

Third term of work experience in the Linguistics Co-operative Education Program. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an 間眅埶AV degree. Prerequisite: successful completion of LING 371 and 60 units with a minimum CGPA of 2.75.

LING 471-3 Linguistics Practicum IV

Fourth term of work experience in the Linguistics Co-operative Education Program. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an 間眅埶AV degree. Prerequisite: successful completion of LING 470 and 75 units with a minimum CGPA of 2.75.

LING 480-3 Topics in Linguistics I

Investigation of a selected area of linguistic research. Prerequisite: Requirements will vary according to the topic offered.

LING 481-3 Topics in Linguistics II

Investigation of a selected area of linguistic research. Prerequisite: Requirements will vary according to the topic offered.

LING 482W-3 Topics in Linguistics III

Investigation of a selected area of linguistic research. The course will be writing-intensive. Prerequisite: requirements will vary according to the topic offered. Writing.

LING 490-3 Honors Essay

Topic of a specific nature to be agreed upon by the student and a particular faculty member. Prerequisite: a minimum of 33 units of upper division linguistic courses counting toward the honors degree.

LING 800-4 Phonology

LING 801-4 Syntax

LING 802-4 Semantics

LING 803-4 Discourse and Pragmatics

Introduction to the analysis of discourse as the use of language in context, and the general discipline of pragmatics. Topics to be covered include coherence, reference, implicature, speech acts and information structure.

LING 804-4 Field Methods

LING 805-4 Historical and Comparative Linguistics

LING 806-4 Sociolinguistics

LING 807-4 Computational Linguistics

LING 810-4 Topics in Linguistics I

LING 811-4 Topics in Linguistics II

LING 812-4 Topics in Linguistics III

LING 813-4 Topics in Linguistics IV

LING 820-4 Formal Linguistics

LING 821-4 Phonetics

LING 850-4 Foundations of Applied Linguistics

Introduction to areas where linguistics is applied, with a particular focus on language learning and acquisition.

LING 851-4 Research Techniques and Experimental Design

LING 855-4 Topics in Applied Linguistics

In-depth treatment of a particular area of applied linguistics. Topic will vary from offering to offering.

LING 890-1 Graduate Seminar I

An introduction to professional aspects in the field of Linguistics. Course consists of seminars, lectures and workshops.

LING 891-1 Graduate Seminar II

An introduction to professional aspects in the field of Linguistics. Course consists of seminars, lectures and workshops.

LING 896-4 Directed Research

LING 898-6 MA Thesis

LING 899-6 PhD Thesis

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