
English Doctor of Philosophy Program

Department of English | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Calendar 2013 Spring

The department offers a doctor of philosophy (PhD) program, with the following major areas of study: English literature, language, and print culture. Library resources include the contemporary literature collection, the largest single collection of post-war experimental and avant-garde poetry in Canada; the Wordsworth collection, including one of the largest collections of Lake District writings; William Blake drawings, illuminations and engravings in facsimile. The library also has on-line scholarly databases and resources in all major areas of study and subscribes to a wide range of leading academic journals.

The program is normally completed within four years.

Applicants will have a well planned project that integrates with the department’s areas of expertise. Cross disciplinary proposals and innovative studies are encouraged. Students are expected to contribute at all stages of the program.

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Requirements

Students must have a master of arts (MA) or equivalent with high standing from a recognized university and a solid grounding in English studies. To fill any academic gaps, extra undergraduate or graduate courses may be required. Before accepting a student into the program, the department will consider the proposed research in relation to faculty resources in the field.

To apply, transcripts of all previous post-secondary studies, three academic reference letters, one academic writing sample, a CV, and a one to two page doctoral project description are required. See graduate general regulation 1.3 ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV for admission requirements.

Application Deadline

January 15

Residence Requirement

Six terms

Language Requirement

PhD students must demonstrate to the supervisory committee an acceptable reading ability in a language other than English. For information and regulations, see graduate general regulations.

Program Requirements

The program’s three stages include course work; field exams and thesis prospectus; thesis oral defence.

The first two years involve course work, field examinations, and a thesis prospectus to provide necessary grounding before the thesis project. In the third year, students engage in dissertation research and writing. Upon admission, the graduate chair is the advisor until a senior supervisor and supervisory committee are confirmed. Each student is matched with a potential senior supervisor, normally upon admission, and the supervisory committee should be formed during the first year and no later than the beginning of the field exams. Student and senior supervisor are encouraged to meet early.


By the third term’s end, the student completes five regular courses, at least one of which must be outside the student's specialization area. ENGL 880/881 is also completed, which is the graduate professional development seminar. The senior supervisor, in consultation with the graduate program chair, advises the student about course choices.

Field Exams and Thesis Prospectus

The field exam process begins at the start of the third doctoral term, normally in the first summer term, and must be completed by the end of the sixth term. There are two fields to be completed consecutively in the fourth and fifth terms. The thesis prospectus is written in the sixth term.

Field exams are a take-home essay, written within a week and graded pass/fail. In exceptional cases a distinction will be recognized. A field exam can be repeated not later than the following term. A second failure requires a review of the student's progress. Normally, those who fail two field exams must withdraw from the program. Once the field exams are complete, the student begins the thesis prospectus in preparation for writing the dissertation. See department handbook for examples of fields, the field schedule, and the thesis prospectus schedule ().

Field Committees

The committee for the secondary field, which will be written first, consists of an advisor who is a field specialist and one knowledgeable faculty member. The primary field committee, which will be written second, consists of three faculty members: the primary field advisor (normally the dissertation supervisor) and two faculty members in the field.

Secondary Field

The secondary field examination paper ensures a comprehensive expertise in an area of study distinct from, but providing a basis of, knowledge that is useful to the student's field of specialization. The department offers fields in three general areas (historical, geographical, and theoretical) and may consider other fields if faculty and library resources are sufficient and it is academically appropriate.

Primary Field

The primary field exam ensures that students have a broad knowledge and understanding of the literature, historical contexts and critical history of the primary field of English studies that is germane to their dissertation area and in which they will be claiming expertise as university teachers and scholars.

Thesis Prospectus

The thesis prospectus guides students toward defining a thesis topic and is undertaken normally in the sixth term following the completion of the second field exam. The supervisory committee for the thesis prospectus will be the dissertation committee that was formed for the primary field.


After the completion of the thesis prospectus, the candidate will write a scholarly thesis normally consisting of between 200 and 250 pages (not including bibliography).

From the supervisory committee’s appointment, the student and senior supervisor meet at least three times a term through the field exam period, thesis prospectus term, and thesis research/ writing period.

The completed thesis is defended in an oral exam. The (defence) examining committee consists of a chair (normally the graduate program chair), members of the supervisory committee (senior supervisor and at least one other department member), a faculty member external to the department, and an external examiner who is not a member of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.

Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations

All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the Graduate General Regulations (residence, course work, academic progress, supervision, research competence requirement, completion time, and degree completion), as well as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled, as shown above.

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