Computing Science Dual Degree Master of Science Program
School of Computing Science | Faculty of Applied Sciences
間眅埶AV Calendar 2013 Spring
Students in this graduate dual degree program (GDDP), jointly developed by 間眅埶AV and Zhejiang University (ZJU), China, will acquire two graduate degrees. Graduates will receive a master of science (MSc) degree from 間眅埶AV, and a master of software engineering (MSE) degree from Zhejiang University. Students will study and conduct research at both universities.
The language of instruction at 間眅埶AV is English, while at Zhejiang University, it is either English and/or Chinese.
間眅埶AV Requirements
Students must be admitted to one university, and then apply and be admitted to the other university.
To qualify for admission, students must satisfy the usual admission requirements as specified by each university. The university of first admission will be referred to as the student's 'home' university. Students whose home university is 間眅埶AV are called 間眅埶AV students while those whose home university is Zhejiang are called ZJU students.
Once admitted to the home university, the student may then apply for admission to the graduate dual degree program normally within 12 months of the date of admission to the home university graduate program. The program application requires the support and involvement of the student's supervisor at the home university. The graduate program committee at the home university decides whether or not to recommend the student for admission to the GDDP. A recommended individual's application will then be forwarded to the other partner university. Applicants must meet the admission requirements of that partner university.
Program Withdrawal
A student may withdraw from the GDDP master's program by transferring to the master's program at their home university at any time. The full academic record at the partner university may be used to determine standing at the home university. A student may withdraw by transferring to the master's program of the partner university only with permission of the graduate program committee of the partner university, considering the full records at both universities.
Time Limits
Under normal circumstances, the time limit to complete this program is within three calendar years, and no longer than six calendar years.
Supervisory Commmittee
Each student will be supervised by a supervisory committee consisting of a senior supervisor from either university and at least one faculty member from the other university.
Program Requirements
間眅埶AV students complete a total of at least 23 units. ZJU students complete a total of at least 26 units.
From the list of courses approved for this program, at least nine units must be from 間眅埶AV and at least 10 units must be from Zhejiang University. All students complete at least one of
- CMPT 705-3 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- CMPT 710-3 Computational Complexity
- 2122001-2 Elements of the Theory of Computation (ZJU course)
To fulfil the program's breadth requirements, all students complete at least one course (of two or more units) from each of the four course groupings in Table 1 below. 間眅埶AV students at Zhejiang University complete, in addition, the China Survey course. ZJU students complete courses 2122016 and 2124046. ZJU students complete at least an additional six units of social science courses as specified by Zhejiang University.
Table 1
Group I: Algorithms and Theory Credits
Courses at 間眅埶AV
- CMPT 701-3 Computability and Logic
- CMPT 705-3 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- CMPT 710-3 Computational Complexity
- CMPT 711-3 Bioinformatics Algorithm
- CMPT 813-3 Computational Geometry
- CMPT 814-3 Algorithmic Graph Theory Algorithm
- CMPT 815-3 Algorithms of Optimizations
- CMPT 881-3 Special Topics in Theoretical Computing Science
Courses at Zhejiang University
- 2122001-2 Elements of the Theory of Computation
- 2122019-2 Advanced Formal Method
Group II: Systems
Courses at 間眅埶AV
- CMPT 730-3 Programming Languages
- CMPT 731-3 Functional Programming
- CMPT 745-3 Software Engineering
- CMPT 755-3 Compiler Theor
- CMPT 760-3 Operating Systems
- CMPT 765-3 Computer Communication Networks
- CMPT 771-3 Internet Architecture and Protocol
- CMPT 777-3 Formal Verification
- CMPT 816-3 Theory of Communication Networks
- CMPT 885-3 Special Topics in Computer Architecture
- CMPT 886-3 Special Topics in Networks, Software
Courses at Zhejiang University
- 2122002-2 Advanced Operating System
- 2122003-2 Advanced Computer Architecture
- 2122016-2 System Design and Analysis
- 2124012-2 Grid Computing and Distributed Systems
- 2124016-2 Embedded Systems
- 2124028-2 Pervasive Computing
- 2124045-2 Network and Information Security
- 2124059-2 Multi-core Computing
- 2124070-2 Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming
- 2124072-2 Principles of Embedded System Design
Group III: Applications
Courses at 間眅埶AV
- CMPT 505-3 Problem Based Learning in Bioinformatics
- CMPT 721-3 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Knowledg
- CMPT 725-3 Logical Methods in Computational Intelligence
- CMPT 726-3 Machine Learning
- CMPT 740-3 Database Systems Introduction
- CMPT 741-3 Data Mining
- CMPT 761-3 Image Synthesis
- CMPT 764-3 Geometric Modeling in Computer Graphics
- CMPT 767-3 Visualization
- CMPT 773-3 User Interface Design
- CMPT 820-3 Multimedia Systems
- CMPT 821-3 Robot Vision
- CMPT 822-3 Computational Vision
- CMPT 823-3 Formal Topics - Knowledge Representation
- CMPT 825-3 Natural Language Processing
- CMPT 826-3 Automated Learning and Reasoning
- CMPT 827-3 Intelligent Systems
- CMPT 829-3 Special Topics in Bioinformatics Examination
- CMPT 842-3 Concurrency Control in Database Systems Transactions
- CMPT 843-3 Database and Knowledge-base Systems
- CMPT 882-3 Special Topics in Artificial Intelligence
- CMPT 888-3 Special Topics in Computer Graphics, HCI, Vision and Visualization
Courses at Zhejiang University
- 2122020-4 Computer Graphics
- 2122021-2 Introduction to Computer Vision
- 2122022-2 Advanced Database Technology
- 2122023-2 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- 2124003-2 Computer Security
- 2124014-2 Advanced Software Engineerin
- 2124017-2 The Fundamental Principles of Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics
- 2124025-2 Electronic Business Technology
- 2124027-2 Computer Animation and its Application
- 2124044-2 Webservice Technology
- 2124057-2 High End Computing and Its Applications
- 2124060-2 Multimedia Computing
- 2124061-2 Network Multimedia Search Engine
- 2124062-2 Solid Modeling
- 2124063-2 Biologic Intelligence and Algorithm
- 2124064-2 Introduction to Machine Learning
- 2124065-2 Advanced Artificial Intelligence
- 2124066-2 Visualization in Scientific Computing
- 2124067-2 Speech and Language, Processing and Understanding
- 2124068-2 Image Processing and Modeling
- 2124069-2 Sensor Networks and Information Processing
- 2124073-2 Virtual Reality
- 2124074-2 HCI and Virtual Human
- 2124075-2 Data Mining
- 2124076-2 Services Computing
Group IV: Others
Courses at 間眅埶AV
- CMPT 781 Technical Communication (3)
Courses at Zhejiang University
- 0711026-2 Bioinformatics Topics
- 2122014-2 Software Engineering Process Management
- 2124040-2 Software Engineering and Business English
- 2124041-2 Software Quality Assurance
- 2124042-2 Software Requirement Engineering
- 2124043-2 Software Engineering Case Analysis
- 2124046-2 Software Engineering Project Management
A 間眅埶AV course and a Zhejiang University course are deemed to be similar if the two courses overlap substantially. Students with credit for one of two similar courses may not complete the other course for further credit. 間眅埶AV's graduate program breadth committee and the corresponding Zhejiang University committee will decide on the list of similar courses.
Extended Essay Requirement
All students will complete two extended essays, one at each university. Consult the school website for current information.
Practicum Requirement
Students are required to complete a one-term co-operative education practicum or research/industry project at either 間眅埶AV or Zhejiang University.
Tuition Fees
When a student is resident at 間眅埶AV, the student pays per-unit tuition fees to Simon Fraser Universisty. When a student is resident at Zhejiang University, the student pasy tuition fees to Zhejiang University.
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