Corporate Social Responsibility Certificate Program
Beedie School of Business
間眅埶AV Calendar 2013 Spring
Program Requirements
Students complete a minimum total of 21 units by completing both of
- BUS 303 Business, Society and Ethics (3)
- BUS 393 Commercial Law (3)
and a minimum of 15 units by completing a minimum of three of *
- BUS 403 Seminar in Business and Society (3)
- BUS 449 Ethical Issues in Marketing (3)
- BUS 453 Sustainable Innovation (3)
- BUS 467 Social Perspectives on Information Systems (3)
- BUS 489 Management Practices for Sustainability (3)
- one of BUS 490-to-496 when offered as a special topics course in Corporate and Social Responsibility
and a minimum of two of *
- ECON 260 Environmental Economics (3)
- ECON 355W Economic Development (4)
- ECON 362 Economics of Natural Resources (4)
- EVSC 100 Introduction to Environmental Science (3)
- GEOG 100 Society, Space, Environment: Introducing Human Geography (3)
- GEOG 102 World Problems in Geographic Perspective (3)
- GEOG 221 Economic Geography (3)
- GEOG 322 World Resources (4)
- GEOG 322W World Resources (4)
- GEOG 385 Agriculture and the Environment (4)
- GEOG 389W Nature and Society (4)
- HSCI 319W Applied Health Ethics (3)
- PHIL 120W Introduction to Moral Philosophy (3)
- PHIL 320 Social and Political Philosophy (3)
- PHIL 321 Topics in Moral Philosophy (3)
- PHIL 421W Advanced Topics in Ethical Theory (4)
- POL 342 Developing Countries in Global Politics (4)
- POL 373 Human Security (4)
- REM 100 Global Change (3)
- REM 311 Applied Ecology and Sustainable Environments (3)
- REM 356 Institutional Arrangements for Sustainable Environmental Management (3)
- SA 326 Ecology and Social Thought (S) (4)
- SA 363 Process of Development and Underdevelopment (SA) (4)
- SA 371 The Environment and Society (SA) (4)
- SCD 201 Introduction to Sustainable Community Development (3)
and completion of a minimum of one of the following approved experiential or service learning components.
- co-operative education work term focused on areas related to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and/or sustainability*
- 25 hours minimum of voluntary or salaried work within a social enterprise, charitable organization, company, corporation, or non-profit organization in a role related to CSR and/or sustainability*
- 25 hours minimum as a research assistant for a professor focusing on areas related to CSR and/or sustainability*
- 25 hours minimum in other Faculty-approved activity areas related to CSR and/or sustainability*
*with permission of the Beedie School of Business, substitutions with appropriate course content are possible
Before beginning this requirement, prior approval from the Director, Beedie School of Business, is recommended by submitting a detailed outline of their activity.
Upon completion of the experiential component, students will submit to the faculty
- a description (written by either the student or the organization) of the organization and the student's role in the organization, signed and validated by the employer/supervisor
- a reflective 500 word essay about the student's work/volunteer experience that identifies key CSR experiences and how that influenced their current thinking about the implications of business practice on society. The essay will be graded pass/fail.
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