Appeals, undergraduate policies and procedures
Student Responsibility
A student is expected to fulfil the requirements and write the examinations in all courses for which he/she is enrolled after the date shown in the Undergraduate Schedule of Classes and Examinations () as the last date to drop courses. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that Student Services has the proper information regarding courses in which the student is enrolled. Except in cases of illness, or for compassionate reasons, failure to write the exam constitutes a course failure. A student may receive credit for only the courses in which he/she is officially enrolled according to Student Service’s records.
Academic Honesty
All members of the University community share responsibility for academic standards and the reputation of the University. Academic honesty is a cornerstone of the development and acquisition of knowledge. Academic honesty is a condition of continued membership in the University community.
Academic dishonesty, like other forms of dishonesty, is misrepresentation with intent to deceive or without regard to the source or the accuracy of statements or findings. Academic dishonesty, in whatever form, is ultimately destructive of the University’s values. Further, it is unfair and discouraging to the majority of students who pursue their studies honestly. Scholarly integrity is required of all members of the University.
The following examples are representative but not exhaustive of activities constituting academic dishonesty: plagiarism (presenting the work of another person as your own); submitting the same work more than once without prior approval; cheating; impersonation (having someone else write your exam); submitting false records or information (forged medical notes); stealing or destroying the work of another student; removing, mutilating, misplacing or destroying books or other library material; unauthorized or inappropriate use of computers, calculators and other forms of technology in course work, assignments or examinations.
The code of academic honesty is contained in policy S10.02 on the Web via .
Student Conduct
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV is committed to creating a scholarly community characterized by civility, diversity, free inquiry, mutual respect and individual safety. The code of student conduct defines students’ basic responsibilities as academic community members, to define inappropriate student conduct and to provide procedures and penalties to be invoked if they engage in such unacceptable behavior. Each student is responsible for his/her conduct which affects the University community. The code shall not be construed to unreasonably prohibit peaceful assemblies, demonstrations or free speech.
The following are representative but not exhaustive of behaviors constituting misconduct: harm, injure or threaten any person (in person or through electronic means); disruptive or dangerous behavior; behavior which results in damage, destruction and theft of University property or the property of any University member; forgery or alteration of University documents or records; misuse of University resources including information (computing) resources; unauthorized entry or presence in University premises; misuse of student disciplinary procedures. The code of student conduct policy S10.01 is available in the Library, any department, or at .
Student Appeals
See 1.16 Graduate Student Appeals for graduate student appeals. Students may appeal certain University decisions as follows.
Reconsideration of Grades
Failing grades have been checked very carefully and appeals seldom result in higher grades except where a clerical error has occurred. See academic policy T20.01 at
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV and Readmission
Appeals for admission and readmission may be considered by the committee to review university admissions. Student Services provides appeal forms and advice about submitting an appeal. Download a pdf of the appeal form at
Course/Term Withdrawals
Extenuating circumstances are defined as unusual circumstances beyond your control which make it impossible for you to complete the course.The dominant principles governing the Withdrawal under Extenuating Circumstances (WE) process are compassion and equity. The university is prepared to help students who experience unexpected and uncontrollable events that seriously threaten their academic studies.
It is not possible to lay down clear rules specifying precisely how WE applications will be assessed because the reasons for such requests are so varied. However, the following criteria are intended to help you determine whether you are eligible to apply for withdrawal under extenuating circumstances. See details on .
Refund Appeals
The enrolment appeals committee hears appeals for tuition fee refunds, penalties for classes dropped, and for late payment due to extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control for undergraduate students. The appeal must be supported with proper documents, i.e. medical and/or (in cases that involve a family death) a death certificate. Financial hardship alone does not qualify.
The student must appeal within one calendar year from the time the class(es) is dropped and charges incurred. If the student is uncertain about health, finances, time or other resources, students are advised to be conservative in committing themselves to classes. Student Services provides appeal forms and advice about submitting an appeal. More information can be found on the form available at
Appeals of Academic Penalties
Disputes about the findings may be brought to the university board on student discipline (policy S10.03). Appeals on the following three grounds may be brought to the senate committee on disciplinary appeals (also Policy S10.04).
- that there was unfairness in the process at the hearing
- that the penalty imposed was inappropriate
- that new evidence has emerged that was not available at the hearing and which casts doubt on the accuracy of the finding
Entry to Limited Enrolment Program or Faculty
Appeals may be considered by the appropriate chair, director or dean.
Senate Appeals Board
The senate appeals board considers cases in which a student or former student feels aggrieved by the decision of a faculty, department or other administrative unit relating to an enrolment in courses,University withdrawal, graduation eligibility, program approval, or a matter relating to academic standing when special circumstances are present. Appeals must be submitted in writing, giving the grounds for the appeal. Student Services provides appeal forms and advice on submitting an appeal. Obtain the appeal form at