Academic Programs and Credentials



bachelor of arts

BA honours

bachelor of arts (honours)


bachelor of applied science


bachelor of business administration

BBA honours

bachelor of business administration (honours)


bachelor of education

BEd honours

bachelor of education (honours)


bachelor of fine arts


bachelor of general studies


bachelor of science

BSc honours

bachelor of science (honours)




co-operative education program


post baccalaureate diploma


doctor of education

extended minor

extended minor

graduate certificate

graduate certificate

graduate diploma

graduate diploma

joint major, joint honours, joint MA

joint programs


master of arts


master of arts liberal studies


master of applied science


master of business administration


master of digital media


master of education


master of engineering


master of environmental toxicology


master of fine arts


master of financial risk management


program requiring completion of specified minimum upper division courses


master of public health


master of pest management


master of public policy


master of publishing


master of resource management

MRM (Planning) master of resource management (planning)


master of science


master of urban studies


doctor of philosophy


doctor of philosophy under special arrangements

Credentials by Programs

  • actuarial mathematics β€“ certificate
  • actuarial science β€“ BSc, honours, certificate, MSc
  • advanced professional studies in education – graduate diploma
  • African studies β€“ certificate
  • anthropology β€“ BA, minor, extended minor, honours, co-op
  • anthropology or sociology, and art and culture studies – joint major
  • applied human nutrition β€“ certificate
  • applied mathematics β€“ BSc, honours
  • applied and computational mathematics β€“ MSc, PhD
  • applied legal studies (Notaries Public) β€“ MA
  • applied physics β€“ BSc, honours
  • archaeology β€“ BA, minor, extended minor, honours, MA, PhD, co-op
  • archaeology and anthropology β€“ BA joint major
  • archaeology and First Nations studies β€“ BA joint major
  • art and culture studies β€“ BA, minor, honours
  • art and culture studies and sociology and/or anthropology β€“ BA joint major
  • arts, general β€“ BA, extended minor, two extended minors, minor and extended minor, two minors
  • arts education β€“ MA, MEd, PhD
  • Asia-Canada β€“ minor, extended minor
  • behavioural neuroscience β€“ BSc, honours
  • bioinformatics β€“ graduate diploma
  • biological physics β€“ BSc, honours
  • biological sciences β€“ BSc, minor, honours, MSc, PhD, diploma, co-op
  • biomedical physiology β€“ BSc, minor, honours
  • business administration β€“ BBA, minor, honours, MBA, PhD, graduate diploma, co-op
  • business administration and communication β€“ BBA joint major
  • business administration and computing science β€“ BBA joint major, BSc joint major
  • business administration and economics β€“ BBA joint major, joint honours, BA joint major, joint honours
  • business administration and geography β€“ BBA joint major, BA joint major
  • business administration and Latin American studies β€“ BBA, joint major, BA joint major
  • business administration and psychology β€“ BBA joint major, BA joint major
  • BusOne – business administration first year cohort program
  • business technology management β€“ certificate
  • chemical physics β€“ BSc, honours, co-op
  • chemistry β€“ BSc, minor, honours, MSc, PhD, co-op
  • Chinese studies β€“ certificate
  • cognitive science β€“ BA, minor, honours
  • communication β€“ BA, minor, extended minor, honours, MA, PhD, diploma, co-op
  • communication and interactive arts and technology β€“ BA joint major, BSc joint major
  • computer and electronics design β€“ minor
  • computing science β€“ BSc, minor, honours, BA, honours, BSc dual degree, MSc, MSc dual degree, PhD, PhD dual degree, diploma, co-op
  • computing science and linguistics – BA joint major, BSc joint major
  • computing science and molecular biology and biochemistry β€“ BSc joint major, BSc joint honours
  • computing science and philosophy β€“ BA joint major, BA joint honours, BSc joint major, BSc joint honours
  • computing studies β€“ certificate
  • contemporary arts β€“ BA, BFA, minor, extended minor, joint major, MFA
  • counselling and human development β€“ minor, diploma
  • counselling psychology β€“ MA, MEd
  • correctional studies β€“ certificate
  • corporate social responsibility β€“ certificate
  • creative writing β€“ certificate
  • criminology β€“ BA, minor, extended minor, honours, MA, PhD, general and advanced certificate, diploma, co-op
  • criminology and women’s studies β€“ BA joint major
  • cultural resource management β€“ certificate
  • curriculum and instruction β€“ minor, MA
  • curriculum theory and implementation β€“ PhD
  • dance β€“ BFA, extended minor, honours
  • development studies β€“ graduate certificate
  • development and sustainability β€“ minor
  • digital media β€“ MDM
  • early childhood education β€“ minor, diploma
  • early learning β€“ minor
  • earth sciences β€“ BSc, minor, honours, MSc, PhD, certificates, co-op
  • economics β€“ BA, minor, extended minor, honours, MA, PhD, diploma, co-op
  • education β€“ BEd, honours, MEd, MA, MSc, PhD, EdD, diploma, certificate, graduate diploma
  • education counselling and human development – minor
  • educational leadership – MA, MEd, EdD
  • educational practice – MEd
  • educational psychology – minor, MA, MEd, PhD
  • educational technology and learning design – MA, MEd, PhD
  • elementary generalist β€“ minor
  • elementary school physical education – minor
  • engineering science β€“ BASc, MASc, MEng, PhD, co-op
  • English β€“ BA, minor, extended minor, honours, MA, PhD, co-op
  • English and French literatures β€“ BA joint major, joint MA
  • English and humanities β€“ BA joint major
  • English and women’s studies β€“ BA joint major
  • environmental chemistry β€“ minor
  • environmental education β€“ minor, diploma
  • environmental science β€“ BSc, honours, BA double minor, co-op
  • environmental toxicology β€“ minor, MET
  • ethnic and intercultural relations β€“ certificate
  • ethics: theory and application β€“ certificate
  • executive MBA β€“ MBA
  • explorations in the arts and social sciences β€“ certificate
  • family studies β€“ certificate
  • film β€“ BFA, extended minor, honours
  • film and video studies β€“ minor
  • financial risk management β€“ MFRM
  • fine and performing arts β€“ minor
  • fine arts in interdisciplinary studies β€“ MFA
  • First Nations language proficiency β€“ certificate
  • First Nations studies β€“ major, minor, diploma
  • First Nations studies and archaeology β€“ BA joint major
  • First Nations studies and linguistics β€“ BA joint major
  • forensic studies β€“ certificate
  • forestry geoscience β€“ certificate
  • French β€“ BA, extended minor, honours, MA, co-op
  • French and education β€“ certificate, diploma
  • French education β€“ minor
  • French, history, politics β€“ BA joint major
  • French language cohort in public administration and community services β€“ extended minor
  • French language proficiency β€“ certificate
  • gender, sexuality and women's studies β€“  BA, minor, extended minor, co-op, MA, PhD
  • general science β€“ BSc
  • general studies β€“ BGS
  • geographic information science β€“ BSc, honours
  • geography β€“ BA, minor, extended minor, honours, MA, MSc, PhD, certificate, co-op
  • geography β€“ Environmental Specialty – BA, minor, honours
  • geography and economics β€“ environmental specialty β€“ BA joint major
  • German studies β€“ certificate
  • gerontology β€“ minor, MA, PhD, diploma
  • global asset and wealth management β€“ MBA
  • global health β€“ graduate diploma
  • helping expand access for returning teachers (HEART) β€“ teacher education
  • health and fitness studies β€“ certificate
  • health sciences β€“ BA, BSc, minor, honours, MSc, MPH, PhD
  • Hellenic studies β€“ certificate
  • history β€“ BA, minor, extended minor, honours, MA, PhD, co-op
  • history and humanities β€“ BA joint major
  • history and women’s studies β€“ BA joint major
  • humanities β€“ BA, minor, extended minor, diploma, MA, co-op
  • humanities and French β€“ BA joint major
  • humanities and women’s studies β€“ BA joint major
  • individual program β€“ MA, MEd
  • industrial mathematics β€“ BSc, honours, co-op
  • information systems in business administration and computing science β€“ BBA, BA, BSc joint major
  • integrated studies – BGS
  • interactive arts and technology β€“ BA, BSc, minor, honours, MA, MSc, PhD, co-op
  • interactive arts and technology and business administration β€“ BA joint major, BSc joint major, BBA joint major
  • international experiential learning β€“ certificate
  • international studies β€“ BA, minor, honours, MA
  • international and global education β€“ minor
  • Italian studies β€“ certificate
  • kinesiology β€“ BSc, minor, honours, MSc, PhD, diploma, co-op
  • labour studies β€“ minor, certificate
  • Latin American studies β€“ minor, MA, graduate certificate, co-op
  • Latin American studies and archaeology β€“ BA joint major
  • Latin American studies and business administration β€“ BA joint major, BBA joint major
  • Latin American studies and communication  β€“ BA joint major
  • Latin American studies and economics β€“ BA joint major
  • Latin American studies and geography β€“ BA joint major
  • Latin American studies and history β€“ BA joint major
  • Latin American studies and international studies β€“ BA joint major
  • Latin American studies and political science β€“ BA joint major
  • Latin American studies and sociology and/or anthropology β€“ BA joint major
  • learning and developmental disabilities β€“ minor
  • learning disabilities β€“ minor
  • legal studies β€“ minor, certificate, diploma
  • liberal arts β€“ certificate, co-op
  • liberal studies β€“ MALS
  • life sciences year two program β€“ 200 division BISC, CHEM, MBB courses
  • linguistics β€“ BA, minor, extended minor, honours, MA, PhD
  • linguistics and anthropology – BA joint major
  • literacy instruction β€“ certificate
  • management and systems science β€“ BSc, honours, co-op
  • management of technology MBA β€“ MBA
  • marine science
  • mathematical physics β€“ BSc (honours only)
  • mathematics β€“ BA, minor, BSc, minor, honours, MSc, PhD, co-op
  • mathematics and computing science β€“ BSc joint major, joint honours
  • mathematics education β€“ PhD
  • MBA program – MBA
  • mechatronic systems engineering β€“ BASc major, honours
  • mechatronic systems engineering and business administration β€“ double degree BASc and BBA
  • medieval and Renaissance studies β€“ certificate
  • modelling of complex social systems β€“ graduate certificate
  • molecular biology and biochemistry β€“ BSc, minor, honours, MSc, PhD, co-op
  • molecular biology and biochemistry and business administration β€“ BSc joint major, joint honours
  • music β€“ BFA, extended minor, honours
  • master of arts β€“ co-op
  • Native studies research β€“ certificate, co-op
  • neuroscience – certificate
  • nuclear science β€“ minor
  • pest management β€“ MPM
  • philosophy β€“ BA, minor, extended minor, two minors, honours, MA, PhD, co-op
  • philosophy and humanities β€“ BA joint major
  • physical education β€“ minor
  • physical geography β€“ BSc, minor, honours, co-op
  • physics β€“ BSc, minor, honours, MSc, PhD, co-op
  • police studies β€“ minor, certificate, diploma
  • political science β€“ BA, minor, extended minor, honours, MA, PhD, co-op
  • political science and economics β€“ BA joint major
  • political science and women’s studies β€“ BA joint major
  • print and digital publishing β€“ minor
  • professional development (PDP) β€“ teacher education
  • professional linking (PLP) β€“ teacher education
  • professional practices β€“ certificate
  • professional qualification (PQP) β€“ teacher education
  • psychology β€“ BA, minor, extended minor, honours, MA, PhD, co-op
  • psychology and criminology β€“ BA joint major
  • psychology and women’s studies β€“ BA joint major
  • public health β€“ MPH
  • public policy β€“ MPP
  • publishing β€“ minor, MPub
  • quantitative methods in fisheries management – graduate diploma
  • religious studies β€“ certificate
  • resource and environmental management β€“ MRM, MRM (Planning), PhD, co-op
  • resource management and business administration β€“ MRM, MBA joint
  • science, general – BSc
  • Science Year One Program β€“ 100 division BISC, CHEM, CMPT, ECON, MACM, MATH, PHYS, STAT courses
  • secondary mathematics education β€“ minor, MSc, MEd
  • secondary teaching β€“ minor
  • senior citizens, certificate for β€“ certificate
  • social justice β€“ certificate
  • social policy issues β€“ diploma
  • sociology β€“ BA, minor, extended minor, honours, co-op
  • sociology and anthropology β€“ BA joint major, joint honours, MA, PhD, co-op
  • sociology or anthropology and art and culture Studies β€“ BA joint major
  • sociology or anthropology and communication β€“ BA joint major
  • sociology and/or anthropology and criminology β€“ BA joint major
  • sociology and/or anthropology and linguistics β€“ BA joint major
  • sociology and/or anthropology and women’s studies β€“ BA joint major
  • software systems β€“ BSc
  • Spanish language proficiency β€“ certificate
  • spatial Information systems β€“ certificate
  • special education β€“ diploma
  • statistics β€“ BA, minor, BSc, minor, honours, MSc, PhD, co-op
  • sustainable community development β€“ certificate, diploma
  • SystemsOne β€“ first year of study for mechatronic systems engineering, software systems
  • teaching English as an additional language β€“ MA
  • teaching English as a second or foreign language β€“ MEd
  • teaching ESL linguistics β€“ certificate
  • TechOne β€“ lower division Surrey campus courses
  • theatre β€“ BFA, extended minor, honours
  • undergraduate semester in dialogue
  • urban studies β€“ MUrb, certificate, graduate diploma
  • visual art β€“ BFA, extended minor, honours
  • world literature β€“ BA, minor, honours
  • writing and rhetoric β€“ certificate