
Graduate admission

1.3.1 General

A student may seek admission to a graduate diploma, master or doctoral program. A student who is not qualified to enter a specific program may seek admission to the University as a qualifying student under the provisions of section 1.3.6.

For admission to post baccalaureate programs, refer to undergraduate admission in this Calendar.

Before applying for admission, the student should obtain information about admission requirements and procedures. This information can be obtained from the websites of departments and faculties, or by contacting the appropriate program’s graduate secretary.

Applicants meeting the minimum University requirements for admission given below are not assured admission into any graduate program. Most graduate programs have admission requirements in addition to the minimum. Furthermore, programs must restrict admission to students whose interests are compatible with available resources and faculty expertise.

1.3.2 ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV to a Graduate Diploma Program

The minimum University requirements for admission to a graduate diploma program are as follows:

a) a bachelor degree from a recognized university, or the equivalent;

b) submitted evidence, usually references from qualified referees, of the student’s ability to undertake advanced work in the area of interest.

In exceptional circumstances, a student may be admitted with lower formal qualification than in (a) when there is significant professional experience relevant to the proposed area of study.

Students must satisfy any further requirements set by the graduate program committee. Students whose native language is not English may be required to satisfy the University and the graduate program committee as to their capability in English. (See also 1.3.12.)

1.3.3 ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV to a Master Program

The minimum University requirements for admission to a master program are as follows.

a) a bachelor degree with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 from a recognized university, or the equivalent;

b) submitted evidence, usually references from qualified referees, of the student’s ability to undertake advanced work in the area of interest.

In exceptional circumstances, a student may be admitted with lower formal qualification than in (a) when there is significant professional experience relevant to the proposed area of scholarship.

Students must satisfy any further requirements set by the graduate program committee. Students whose native language is not English may be required to satisfy the University and the graduate program committee as to their capability in English. (See also 1.3.12).

1.3.4 ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV to a Doctoral Program

The minimum University requirements for admission to a doctoral program are as follows.


i) a master degree from a recognized university, or the equivalent, or

ii) a bachelor degree, with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.5, from a recognized university, or the equivalent, or

iii) completion of at least 75% of the course work units required for the relevant department’s master program, with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.5. All graduate courses, whether completed at this University of another university, shall be considered in the calculation.


b) submitted evidence that the applicant is capable of undertaking substantial original research. Normally, such capability will be judged from letters of reference from qualified referees, and the completion of a master thesis or other scholarly work.

Students must satisfy any further requirements set by the graduate program committee. Students whose native language is not English may be required to satisfy the University and the graduate program committee as to their capability in English. (See also 1.3.12.)

1.3.5 ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV under Special Arrangements

Exceptionally able applicants who wish to work for a master or doctoral degree outside or between existing programs at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV may apply to work under special arrangements. A student applying for special arrangements must have a well developed plan of studies in an area that can be shown to have internal coherence and academic merit, and in which the university has appropriate expertise and interest among its faculty members.

Graduate students applying or working under special arrangements are required to conform to Senate regulations for graduate students. However, there are additional regulations which concern only those applying or working under special arrangements. Enquiries about these regulations should be directed to the Dean of Graduate Studies by December 1st of each year for admission to the fall term.

Students working under special arrangements may be required to complete a selection of courses from existing programs.

1.3.5a Cohort Special Arrangements

Cohort-based special arrangements programs are designed to meet the educational needs of specific student groups in fulfilling the requirements for a master’s degree where these needs cannot be met within existing programs. Each program will integrate studies from across two or more departments, schools or faculties and will involve a curriculum and requirements recommended by each program’s graduate program committee and approved by the senate graduate studies committee. Students may undertake this degree program only through specific admission to the cohort program. ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV criteria, degree requirements and any other special conditions for a particular cohort special arrangements program must be approved in advance by the senate graduate studies committee; these may not be below the minimum admission and degree requirements of regular graduate programs. In some instances, tuition fees may differ from the graduate fee schedule included in the Calendar, and will be announced separately.

1.3.6 ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV as a Qualifying Student

Normally, qualifying students will be working either to improve cumulative grade point averages in order to meet the minimum University requirement, or to make up deficiencies in their backgrounds to satisfy the graduate program committee in their area of interest. An applicant may be recommended for admission as a qualifying student when it is expected that the admission requirements for a master or a doctoral program can be met through the satisfactory completion of no more than 30 units of specified courses. A qualifying student who has completed the make-up work may then apply under 1.3.3 or 1.3.4 for admission to a master’s or doctoral program.

The minimum University requirements for admission as a qualifying student are as follows.

a) a bachelor degree, or the equivalent

b) submitted evidence of academic ability, usually in the form of references from qualified referees

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV as a qualifying student does not guarantee future admission to a master or doctoral program unless the offer of admission states that satisfying specific requirements within a specific period of time will result in automatic admission to the program.

Normally a student will be admitted with qualifying status for a maximum of one year (three consecutive terms).

1.3.7 ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV as a Non-degree Student

Normally, a non-degree student at the graduate level has at least a bachelor degree, or the equivalent, is admitted in order to complete specified courses, but is not seeking a degree from this University. A non-degree student will not be permitted to enrol in undergraduate courses.

Application is through the graduate program committee in the department in which the student wishes to work; applicants are advised to contact the department before submitting an application (see 1.3.1). Transcripts of previous university work (or proof of obtaining a degree) will be required at the time of application, but letters of reference will not necessarily be required.

No credit will be given towards any degree offered by the University for courses completed as a non-degree student except, under unusual circumstances, on petition to the senate graduate studies committee.

1.3.8 Conditional ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV

Conditional admission may be offered to an applicant who is substantially ready to undertake a program but who has not completed all admission requirements at the time of application. An offer of conditional admission will specify the remaining requirements to be met and a limited time period within which the requirements must be met. Normally, the requirements must be fulfilled either prior to enrolling in the program, or within the first term of enrolment.

1.3.9 ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV as an Exchange Student

Bona fide graduate students at other universities who wish to complete courses at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, not leading to a degree at this University, will be admitted to complete specific graduate courses on the recommendation of the chair of the department (or equivalent officer) and the dean of graduate studies at the other university, and with the permission of the appropriate graduate program committee and the dean of graduate studies at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.

1.3.9a ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV as a Visiting Researcher

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV accepts visiting research students under the terms of the Canadian Graduate Student Research Mobility Agreement. Details:

1.3.10 Application for ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV

Application is through the Dean of Graduate Studies website. Completed applications and accompanying materials must be submitted to the department before the deadline specified by the department. Applicants are advised to check with the appropriate department as to the prevailing application procedures and deadlines for the graduate program in which they are interested. Applicants are advised that deadlines for applications for awards and teaching assistantships may be earlier than the deadlines for application to a graduate program.

All decisions on graduate admissions are made by the senate graduate studies committee, on recommendation from graduate program committees. Decisions on admissions shall be final. Final approval of admission for non-degree students or exchange graduate students is by the dean of graduate studies.

1.3.11 Application to complete a Second Master or Doctoral Degree

Students who have a master or a doctoral degree (either from ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV or another university) can apply to complete a second master or doctoral degree under the following constraints.

a) no course work completed for the first degree shall count toward the second.

b) none of the research done for the first degree shall be used for the second.

c) none of the time spent in residence for the first degree shall count toward the residence for the second degree.

1.3.12 English Language Competence

English is the language of instruction and communication in the University. Accordingly, an applicant whose primary language is not English or whose previous education has been conducted in another language must demonstrate command of English sufficient to pursue graduate studies in the chosen field. Applicants normally will be required to achieve a satisfactory score on a standardized English test acceptable to the University. This test must include a writing component. The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) including reading, writing, speaking, and listening components, is acceptable for this purpose. The IELTS (International English Language Testing Systems) is also acceptable. The minimum university requirements for test scores is TOEFL 88 with a minimum of 20 in each category (internet based exam), or TOEFL 570 and TWE 5 (paper based), or TOEFL 230 (computer based), and IELTS overall band score of 7.0; some graduate programs have higher requirements, as indicated in their section of this Calendar.

Further details about the above tests may be obtained from the following.

TOEFL and TWE – Education Testing Service, CN 6151, Princeton, NJ, 08541-6151 USA

Other acceptable English tests – Director, Graduate Records and ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, Dean of Graduate Studies office, Maggie Benston Centre, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, Burnaby BC Canada V5A 1S6.

1.3.13 Certificate Programs

A certificate program consists of approved combinations of graduate courses completed from at least two different departments. Graduate certificate programs are intended to be both thematic and interdisciplinary.

Courses completed for credit in a graduate degree program may be applied to certificate programs. A certificate program must include a minimum of four courses and a minimum of 12 units.

Certificate programs may be completed only by students already enrolled in a master or doctoral program at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.

Certificates are awarded at the time of convocation.