
Latin American Studies Minor Program

Latin American Studies Program | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
間眅埶AV Calendar 2012 Spring

The Latin American Studies Program offers students the maximum opportunity to integrate understanding of Latin America and its relationship with Canada, the Pacific Rim, and the world.

Language Requirements

The following courses or equivalents are required.

  • SPAN 102-3 Introductory Spanish I
  • SPAN 103-3 Introductory Spanish II
  • SPAN 201-3 Intermediate Spanish I
  • SPAN 202-3 Intermediate Spanish II

Those without credit for the above four courses may instead possess intermediate Spanish language competency as assessed by the director of the Latin American studies program.

Although all courses are taught in English, students must demonstrate a reading knowledge of Spanish (the equivalent of two college level courses) or Portuguese or, in exceptional circumstances, French. This is a recommended skill for upper division courses that frequently require independent investigation of specialized topics.

Lower Division Requirements

Students complete 12 units including two of

  • ARCH 273-3 Archaeology of the New World
  • HIST 208-3 Latin America: the Colonial Period
  • HIST 209-3 Latin America: the National Period

Balance of lower division units are chosen from

  • BUS 201-3 Business in the Networked Economy I
  • CMNS 110-3 Introduction to Communication Studies
  • CMNS 130-3 Explorations in Mass Communication
  • ECON 102-3 The World Economy
  • ECON 110-3 Foundations of Economic Ideas
  • GEOG 100-3 Society, Space, Environment: Introducing Human Geography
  • GEOG 111-3 Earth Systems
  • POL 100-3 Introduction to Politics and Government
  • POL 101W-3 Introduction to Politics and Government
  • REM 100-3 Global Change
  • SA 101-4 Introduction to Anthropology (A)
  • SA 150-4 Introduction to Sociology (S)

Upper Division Requirements

Students complete 15 upper division units of courses with Latin American focus. LAS 495 is strongly recommended.

Courses with Primary Latin American Focus*

Students may complete any of the following courses to fulfil LAS requirements. Others may be offered in addition to those below. Consult the advisor for a complete list each term.

  • ARCH 273-3 Archaeology of the New World
  • ARCH 330W-3 Prehistory of Latin America
  • GEOG 466-4 Latin American Regional Development
  • HIST 208-3 Latin America: the Colonial Period
  • HIST 209-3 Latin America: the National Period
  • HIST 458-4 Problems in Latin American Regional History
  • HIST 459-4 Problems in the Political and Social History Latin America
  • ISPO 337-4 Comparative Politics of Latin America
  • ISPO 450-4 Globalization and Regional Politics in Latin America
  • ISPO 483-4 Political Economy of Latin American Development
  • LAS 100-3 Introduction to Latin American Issues
  • LAS 300-3 Latin American Literature
  • LAS 312-3 Special Topics: Latin American Cultural Topics
  • LAS 404-3 Special Topics: Field School I
  • LAS 405-3 Special Topics: Field School II
  • LAS 493-3 Directed Readings
  • LAS 498-5 Capstone Project (5)
  • POL 320-4 Canada-Latin America
  • POL 440-4 Special Topics: Latin American International Relations (Inactive)
  • SA 392-4 Latin America (S or A)
  • SA 403-4 Selected Topics in Latin American Economy and Society (LAS)
  • SA 404-4 Andean Society and Culture

*students may use other courses with primary Latin American content to fulfil Latin American course requirements with approval of the program advisor

Courses with Substantial Latin American Focus

Courses in which Latin America is substantially emphasized may fulfil LAS joint major requirements. Students should review the department's course outlines and consult the Latin American studies advisor for permission to complete these courses.

A special topics course to be completed for Latin American studies credit should be approved by the instructor and the program advisor.

  • CMNS 347-4 Communication in Conflict and Intervention
  • CMNS 444-4 Political Economy of International Communication
  • CMNS 446-4 The Communication of Science and the Transfer Of Technology
  • ECON 355W-4 Economic Development
  • ECON 362-4 Economics of Natural Resources
  • GEOG 322-4 World Resources
  • GEOG 422-4 Theories and Practices of Development
  • GEOG 428-4 World Forests
  • HIST 104-3 History of the Americas to 1763
  • HIST 299-3 Problems in History
  • POL 342-4 Developing Countries in Global Politics
  • POL 433-4 Comparative Development
  • SA 388-4 Comparative Studies of Minority Indigenous Peoples (S or A)
  • SA 429-4 Sex, Work, and International Capital (S or A)
  • GSWS 200-3 Women in Cross-Cultural Perspective
  • GSWS 309-4 Gender and International Development

In addition to the above requirements, students must also satisfy Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences requirements.

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