
International Leadership Courses

School for International Studies | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
間眅埶AV Calendar 2012 Spring

The following are all the courses offered in this area. To view the current course catalog and/or course schedule on the Student Information System, visit (select "Class Search/Course Schedule" on the left menu).

MIL 800-5 Research Methods

This course will develop understanding of research design from theoretical, analytical, and practical standpoints and provide hands-on experience in a range of social science research techniques. It is designed to prepare MIL students to conduct original, independent research for their internship projects and in their future careers. Greater emphasis will be placed on qualitative than on quantitative research methods.

MIL 801-5 International Financial Policy

An advanced course designed to introduce graduate students to international finance issues from a policy perspective. The general orientation of the course is that of the international political economy of finance. From a strong and practical knowledge base, students will be able then to begin to look at applied problems in either Latin America or Asia.

MIL 802-5 Regional Focus: Asia

Provides an outline of the main elements to be engaged in interpreting Asia. This course focuses on historical and philosophical issues relating to the understanding of Asia in the context of contemporary global issues.

MIL 803-5 Regional Focus: Latin America

Provides an outline of the main elements to be engaged in interpreting Latin America. This course focuses on historical and philosophical issues relating to the understanding of Latin America in the context of contemporary global issues.

MIL 804-5 Directed Readings I

MIL 805-5 Directed Readings II

MIL 806-3 Internship I

All students in the Master's program in International Leadership will undertake a year long internship. The work they undertake must be of sufficient depth and breadth to allow the student the opportunity to demonstrate his or her acquired knowledge and skills. Students will be required to produce a work report, which will be an appraisal of the student's work experience. Graded S/U.

MIL 807-3 Internship II

MIL 808-6 Internship Project

Students complete their internship project and work with their supervisory committee to bring it to a final acceptable form.

MIL 809-3 Internship Project Completion

Students will continue to complete their internship project and work with their supervisory committee to bring it to a final acceptable form. Prerequisite: MIL 808.