Geography Courses
Department of Geography | Faculty of Environment
間眅埶AV Calendar 2012 Spring
The following are all the courses offered in this area. To view the current course catalog and/or course schedule on the Student Information System, visit (select "Class Search/Course Schedule" on the left menu).
GEOG 100-3 Society, Space, Environment: Introducing Human Geography
A survey of how humans shape their world, considered from spatial and environmental perspectives. Themes include population, culture, resources, livelihood, cities. Breadth-Social Sciences.
GEOG 102-3 World Problems in Geographic Perspective
Current world-scale problems are examined in their regional and global contexts, with emphasis being placed on the importance of dynamics of the natural environment in human affairs. Breadth-Social Sciences.
GEOG 104-3 Climate Change, Water, and Society
An examination of climate change, its interaction with water availability, and how humans cope with these altered circumstances. Students who have completed GEOG 102 prior to the fall 2011 term may not complete this course for further credit.
GEOG 111-3 Earth Systems
An introduction to landforms, climates, soils and vegetation; their origins, distributions, interrelationships and roles in the ecosystem. Laboratory work and field trips are included. Breadth-Science.
GEOG 162-3 Canada
The geographical character of Canada; the Canadian environment; regional differences in socio-economic growth. Breadth-Social Sciences.
GEOG 213-3 Introduction to Geomorphology
An examination of landforms, processes, laws, and theories of development; types and distributions. Prerequisite: GEOG 111 or EASC 101.
GEOG 214-3 Climate and Environment
A review of the basic principles and processes involved in physical and dynamic climatology, with particular emphasis on global distributions and change. Prerequisite: GEOG 111. Quantitative.
GEOG 215-3 Biogeography
An examination of the abiotic and biotic factors that control the distribution and development of plant communities, including climatic and geological change. Prerequisite: GEOG 111. Students granted credit for GEOG 215 may not be granted credit for BISC 204.
GEOG 221-3 Economic Geography
The basic concepts of economic geography, involving consideration of the spatial organization and development of economic and resource based systems. Prerequisite: GEOG 100.
GEOG 241-3 Social Geography
Systematic consideration of the spatial and environmental bases of societies, in historical and cultural perspective. Prerequisite: GEOG 100.
GEOG 250-3 Cartography I
An introduction to the interpretation of maps and air photographs. Prerequisite: GEOG 100 or 221 or 241; and 111.
GEOG 251-3 Quantitative Geography
An introduction to basic quantitative methods and software for the solution of geographic problems. Topics include spatial data measurements, central tendency measures, simple probability theory and distributions, inferential methods, and correlation analysis. Prerequisite: GEOG 100 or 221 or 241; and 111. Quantitative.
GEOG 253-3 Aerial Photographic Interpretation
Uses of aerial photography and air photo interpretation in geography. The course is divided into four sections: (1) technical background regarding aerial photography and photo interpretation; (2) air photo interpretation and mapping; (3) application of air photo interpretation; and (4) introduction to remote sensing. Prerequisite: GEOG 100 or 221 or 241; and 111. Quantitative.
GEOG 255-3 Geographical Information Science I
A basic overview of Geographical Information Systems and Science; GIS software, hardware, data structures and models; spatial data, operations and algorithms; practical applications and limitations. Prerequisite: GEOG 100 or 111 or permission of instructor. Students with credit for GEOG 354 may not take this course for further credit. Quantitative.
GEOG 261-3 Introduction to Urban Geography
This course will introduce basic concepts in the study of urban geography by systematically identifying and examining major components of urban structure. Prerequisite: GEOG 100 or 102 or 30 units. Breadth-Social Sciences.
GEOG 263-3 Selected Regions
A study of the geographical character of a major world region. Prerequisite: at least nine units. This course may not be counted more than once toward a degree. Breadth-Social Sciences.
GEOG 264-3 Canadian Cities
This course will provide a systematic introduction to urbanization in Canada. Topics addressed will include Canadian urbanization as compared with other nations, especially the United States, metropolitan centres, resource towns, and the internal structure of cities. Prerequisite: GEOG 100 or 162 or permission of instructor.
GEOG 265-3 Geography of British Columbia
An examination of the physical landscape, the migration process, resource exploitation and the development of the settlement patterns. Prerequisite: at least nine units.
GEOG 300-4 Possible Worlds: The Rise of Geographical Thinking
A survey of geographical thinking within the Western tradition, from the Greeks to modern times. This course looks at efforts, both mainstream and eccentric, to describe and explain the world (places, peoples, environments, Earth). Extensive use of primary texts. Prerequisite: completion of 45 units.
GEOG 301-4 Geographic Ideas and Methodology
A study of contemporary geographical concepts in historical perspective. The course will examine traditional approaches to the subject matter of geography, giving particular attention to present day methodological debate and foci of interest. Prerequisite: completion of 30 units, including 15 in geography.
GEOG 302-3 Geography Practicum I
First term of work experience in the geography co-operative education program. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an 間眅埶AV degree. Students in the BA and the BSc program should apply to the environment co-operative education program. Prerequisite: acceptance in the environment co-operative education program.
GEOG 303-3 Geography Practicum II
Second term of work experience in the geography co-operative education program. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an 間眅埶AV degree. Prerequisite: GEOG 302 and readmission to the environment co-operative education program.
GEOG 310-4 Physical Geography Field Course
A twelve-day field camp with a focus on various measuring, surveying, recording and mapping skills in branches of physical geography. A selected project will be completed either by a team or by an individual. Field camp locations will vary from year to year. The camp will be held immediately following the end of final examinations in April. Prerequisite: GEOG 213 and one of GEOG 214 or 215. Pre- or Co-requisite: one of GEOG 311, 313, 314, 315, 316 or 317.
GEOG 311-4 Hydrology
Introduction to the hydrologic cycle, with an emphasis on the hydrology of British Columbia; description and analysis of the processes of water movement and storage measurements and analysis of hydrologic data. Prerequisite: GEOG 213 or 214; GEOG 251 or one of STAT 101, 201, 203 (formerly 103), or 270. Quantitative
GEOG 312-4 Geography of Natural Hazards
An introduction to the occurrence and origin of natural hazards such as volcanic eruptions, landslides, etc. Interaction between the relevant natural processes and society will be examined, as well as prediction of natural events and the amelioration of the effects of such events within different cultural contexts. Prerequisite: GEOG 111 or EASC 101. Students with credit for GEOG 212 may not take this course for further credit.
GEOG 313-4 River Geomorphology
Intermediate analysis in fluvial and coastal geomorphology with particular reference to British Columbia. Prerequisite: GEOG 213. Quantitative.
GEOG 314-4 The Climate System
A survey of the climate system, with emphasis on the interactions among its components; radiation, energy and water balances; climate sensitivity and feedbacks; natural and anthropogenic climate change; climate models. Prerequisite: GEOG 214. Recommended: MATH 151 and 152 or MATH 154 and 155 or MATH 157 and 158. Quantitative
GEOG 315-4 World Ecosystems
Distribution, structure, function, and dynamics of the world's major biomes. Attention to comparative aspects among terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and to environmental problems associated with the biomes. Prerequisite: GEOG 215 or BISC 204.
GEOG 316-4 Global Biogeochemical and Water Cycles
Introduction to the cycling of essential chemical elements through ecosystems. Interactions among biological, hydrological, and geological controls on the structure and function of ecosystems and the spatial-temporal scales of elemental cycling are emphasized. Environmental problems resulting from disturbance to natural equilibria in the elemental cycles are examined. Prerequisite: GEOG 215 or BISC 204 or permission of the instructor. Quantitative.
GEOG 317-4 Soil Science
An introduction to the study of soils: physical, chemical and biological properties of soils; soil formation, description, classification, survey and use. Field and laboratory techniques of soil analysis. Prerequisite: one of GEOG 213, 214, 215, or CHEM 121.
GEOG 318-4 Soils in Our Environment
A survey of soils and their management. Focuses on the role of soils in the environment; their physical, chemical and biological properties; processes of degradation (including erosion, desertification, pollution, and nutrient depletion); and the maintenance of healthy soils. Prerequisite: completion of 45 units including GEOG 111. Students who have taken GEOG 317 may not take this course for further credit. Breadth-Science.
GEOG 322-4 World Resources
An analysis of the use and development of natural resources from a geographic, economic and institutional perspective. Prerequisite: at least 30 units including GEOG 221.
GEOG 322W-4 World Resources
An analysis of the use and development of natural resources from a geographic, economic and institutional perspective. Prerequisite: at least 30 units including GEOG 221. Writing.
GEOG 323-4 Industrial Location
An examination of the factors affecting industrial location and the geographic organization of production systems within and among firms from the perspectives of national, regional and urban development. Prerequisite: GEOG 221.
GEOG 324-4 Geography of Transportation
An empirical and theoretical examination of the geographical aspects of transportation systems. Prerequisite: GEOG 221 and 241.
GEOG 325-4 Geographies of Consumption
Spaces, places, landscapes, and scales of consumption emphasizing commodity cultures, marketing, retail, ideology, subjectivity, objects, technology, and tourism. Prerequisite: GEOG 221 or 261.
GEOG 327-4 Geography of Tourism
Factors underlying the changing geography of tourism. Issues of demand, supply and impact are examined. Prerequisite: GEOG 221 or 241, or permission of the instructor.
GEOG 351-4 Cartography and Visualization
Elements of cartographic analysis, design and visualization, with an emphasis on digital mapping, animation techniques, cartographic software and internet mapping. Prerequisite: GEOG 255. Quantitative.
GEOG 352-4 Spatial Analysis
Advanced quantitative techniques for spatial analysis of geographic data and patterns. Topics include geostatistics, spatial interpolation, autocorrelation, kriging, and their use in geographic problem solving with spatial analysis software. Prerequisite: GEOG 251 or one of STAT 101, 201, 203 (formerly 103), or 270. Quantitative.
GEOG 353-4 Remote Sensing
Applied remote sensing and image analysis. Topics include air photo interpretation, multispectral and color photography, thermal imagery, multispectral scanners, microwave applications, satellite imagery. The relation of remote sensing information and Geographic Information Systems is discussed. Digital interpretation and photogrammetric analysis will be emphasized. Prerequisite: GEOG 253. Quantitative.
GEOG 355-4 Geographical Information Science II
An examination of technical components of GIS. Topics include spatial representations, generalization and data management; computational algebra and set theory; digital surfaces and terrain models. Prerequisite: GEOG 255. Quantitative.
GEOG 356-4 3D Geovisualization
3D geovisualization methods, concepts and theory. Bridges conventional geographic visualization with emerging 3D methods. Emphasizes user-centered design and cognitive implications. Prerequisite: GEOG 255.
GEOG 362-4 Geography of Urban Built Environments
Current concepts and approaches in urban geography regarding the development of built environments. Central concerns are the relationships between urbanization and the state, capital, and civil society at various scales. Prerequisite: at least 30 units, including one of GEOG 221, 241, or 261.
GEOG 362W-4 Geography of Urban Built Environments
Current concepts and approaches in urban geography regarding the development of built environments. Central concerns are the relationships between urbanization and the state, capital, and civil society at various scales. Prerequisite: at least 30 units, including one of GEOG 221, 241, or 261. Writing.
GEOG 363-4 Urban Planning and Policy
An introduction to the major approaches and key ideas of the professions of urban governance; urban planning and urban policy. Through a focus on contemporary theory, process-based understanding, and specific issues and examples, the course examines key trends and interventions and promotes critical reflection on urban development. Prerequisite: 30 units including one of GEOG 241 or 261.
GEOG 377-4 Environmental History
Examines the reciprocal influences between humans and nature through time. Topics may include settlement, agriculture, technology, politics, urbanization, science, and conservation. Prerequisite: 45 units with nine of lower division Geography units. This course is identical to HIST 377 and students cannot take both courses for credit.
GEOG 381-4 Political Geography
Theoretical approaches to problems of the interactions of political decisions and power structures with territorial organization. Prerequisite: GEOG 241.
GEOG 381W-4 Political Geography
Theoretical approaches to problems of the interactions of political decisions and power structures with territorial organization. Prerequisite: GEOG 241. Writing.
GEOG 382-4 Population Geography
A survey - from geographic perspective - of data, concepts, themes, and debates in the study of population. Particular concern for population numbers, fertility, mortality, and migration over space and time. Prerequisite: GEOG 221 or 241.
GEOG 383-4 Regional Development and Planning I
Theories and concepts of regional development and planning in the advanced capitalist and third worlds; methods of spatial analysis. Prerequisite: GEOG 221 and 241.
GEOG 385-4 Agriculture and the Environment
An examination of the relationship between agricultural production systems and the biophysical environment, with emphasis on the origins of, and potential solutions to, agri-environmental degradation. Prerequisite: GEOG 221.
GEOG 386-4 Health Geography
A survey of health issues from a geographic perspective, including major spatial influences shaping the health status of populations and health-place relationships. Prerequisite: at least 30 units, including either GEOG 241 or HSCI 130.
GEOG 387-4 Geography and Gender
Geographical perspectives on gender and sexuality. This course investigates feminist theory in geography and its analysis of home, city, nation, state, global economy, colonialism, and migration. Prerequisite: GEOG 241.
GEOG 389W-4 Nature and Society
Examines the relationship between nature and society, covering the dominant geographical approaches to human-environment interaction, and their social, spatial, and political economic effects. Prerequisite: GEOG 221 or EVSC 200 (formerly ENPL 200). Writing.
GEOG 391-4 Qualitative Research Methods
Research design process and qualitative research methods for human geographers with emphasis on case study and survey-based research. Provides the rationale, tools, and skills students need to design, conduct and analyze qualitative research. Prerequisite: One of GEOG 221 or 241 and 8 units of upper division geography courses.
GEOG 402-3 Geography Practicum III
Third term of work experience in the geography co-operative education program. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an 間眅埶AV degree. Prerequisite: GEOG 303 and readmission to the environment co-operative education program.
GEOG 403-3 Geography Practicum IV
Fourth term of work experience in the geography co-operative education program. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an 間眅埶AV degree. Prerequisite: GEOG 402 and readmission to the environment co-operative education program.
GEOG 404-2 Directed Readings
Designed for upper level geography major and honors students who wish to continue research started in conjunction with an earlier course. Prerequisite: permission to enter directed readings courses requires written consent of both the faculty member willing to supervise the research, and the chair of the department.
GEOG 405-4 Directed Readings
Designed for upper level geography major and honors students who wish to continue research started in conjunction with an earlier course. Prerequisite: permission to enter directed readings courses requires written consent of both the faculty member willing to supervise the research, and the chair of the department.
GEOG 409-3 Geography Practicum V
Optional fifth term of work experience in the geography co-operative education program. Units from this course do not count towards the units required for an 間眅埶AV degree. Prerequisite: GEOG 403 and readmission to the environment co-operative education program.
GEOG 411-4 Advanced Hydrology
An examination of hydrologic processes at different scales; effects of climate and land use change on the hydrologic cycle; application of hydrologic models; recent research developments in selected sub-fields of hydrology. Prerequisite: one of GEOG 311, 313, or 314; one of GEOG 251 or one of STAT 101, 201, 203 (formerly 103), or 270. Quantitative
GEOG 412-4 Glacial Processes and Environments
An examination of glacial processes and environments emphasizing landscapes and sediments resulting from the movement of ice, water, and sediment; application of field techniques. Prerequisite: GEOG 313; EASC 201 recommended.
GEOG 412W-4 Glacial Processes and Environments
An examination of glacial processes and environments emphasizing landscapes and sediments resulting from the movement of ice, water, and sediment; application of field techniques. Prerequisite: GEOG 313; EASC 201 recommended. Writing.
GEOG 413-4 Advanced River Geomorphology
Advanced treatment of topics in glacial and fluvial geomorphology with emphasis on current research problems. Prerequisite: GEOG 313.
GEOG 414-4 Advanced Climatology
An examination of recent advances in climatology and application of atmospheric process models. Prerequisite: GEOG 314. Quantitative.
GEOG 415-4 Advanced Biogeography
A survey of advanced biogeographic theory, and techniques of vegetation analysis. The application of these theories and techniques to biotic resources management is also examined. Prerequisite: GEOG 315.
GEOG 417-4 Advanced Soil Science
Advanced treatment of topics in soil science: soil physics, soil chemistry, soil biology, soil classification and/or forest soils. Prerequisite: GEOG 317.
GEOG 417W-4 Advanced Soil Science
Advanced treatment of topics in soil science: soil physics, soil chemistry, soil biology, soil classification and/or forest soils. Prerequisite: GEOG 317. Writing.
GEOG 420-4 Cultural Geography
A critical study of selected cultural landscapes, practices and meanings in light of recent theoretical developments in geography. Prerequisite: GEOG 325 or 381 or 387.
GEOG 422-4 Theories and Practices of Development
A geographic study of 'development' and 'underdevelopment' with particular references to selected lesser developed regions. Prerequisite: at least 60 units including GEOG 111, 221, and 241. This course is identical to LAS 422 and students cannot take both courses for credit.
GEOG 424-4 STT - Cities, Transportation, Infrastructure
This seminar course explores the relationships between the development of cities, transportation and infrastructure from an economic geography perspective. City-regions are fundamentally shaped by transportation and infrastructure systems. Greater Vancouver, created at the western terminus of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and now the site of significant gateway expansion provides a location to explore, apply and critique the theoretical perspectives presented in the course. Prerequisite: GEOG 221 and GEOG 241. Recommended: GEOG 324.
GEOG 426-4 Industrial Change and Local Development
Relationships between multinational corporations and local development with reference to resource based towns in British Columbia. An analysis of the implications of changes in employment, organization, technology and resource utilization for community economic development. Prerequisite: at least 60 units including GEOG 323 or 383.
GEOG 427-4 Selected Topics in the Geography of Tourism
Selected topics in the geography of tourism. Topics emphasize policy, planning and management issues associated with tourism. Prerequisite: GEOG 327, or permission of the instructor.
GEOG 428-4 World Forests
Comparative analysis of forest industries, ecosystems and policies, and their lessons for forest management in British Columbia. Topics include tropical deforestation and carbon sequestration, the wilderness debate, and forests in culture and the visual arts. Prerequisite: GEOG 315, or 322, or 389.
GEOG 429-4 Environment and Inequality
Examination of the particular challenges associated with production in nature; of the geography of environmental 'goods' and 'bads' across different social and biophysical landscapes; and of the environmental conflicts that frequently arise. Prerequisite: GEOG 322 or 389.
GEOG 432-4 Problems in Environmental History
An investigation into the major themes and arguments in the environmental histories of North America, emphasizing how different individuals and groups have used, perceived, and managed their environments over time. Prerequisite: 60 units including eight of upper division geography. This course is identical to HIST 432 and students cannot take both courses for credit. Students with credit for HIST 485 in 2001-3 cannot take this course for further credit.
GEOG 440-4 Law and Geography
An examination of the emergent field of law and geography. Topics will include the legal-geographic dimensions of property; the regulation of public space; rights; nature; colonial dispossession; and globalization and the law. Prerequisite: 60 units, including eight of upper division geography.
GEOG 440W-4 Law and Geography
An examination of the emergent field of law and geography. Topics will include the legal-geographic dimensions of property; the regulation of public space; rights; nature; colonial dispossession; and globalization and the law. Prerequisite: 60 units, including eight of upper division geography. Writing
GEOG 441-4 Cities, Space, and Politics
An evaluation of the nature of urbanization, having specific reference to theories of urban spatial structure and to comparisons of urbanization in Canada and abroad. Prerequisite: at least 60 units including GEOG 362.
GEOG 444-4 Regional Development and Planning II
The evaluation of regional development planning and practice; case study analysis of regional development programs with particular reference to Canadian experience. Prerequisite: 60 units including GEOG 383.
GEOG 445-4 Resource Planning
This course introduces the student to the principles and practices of resource planning within a Canadian context. Special attention is paid to land-use planning as it relates to major resource sectors. Prerequisite: one of GEOG 322, 363, 383, or 389.
GEOG 449-4 Environmental Processes and Urban Development
An examination of environmental processes as they influence, and are influenced by, urban development, with attention to implications for urban policy and planning. Prerequisite: enrolment in the Post Baccalaureate Program in Sustainable Community Development or 60 units; and one of GEOG 351, 362, 383, 389 or SCD 301 (formerly CED 301).
GEOG 451-4 Spatial Modeling
Spatial models for the representation and simulation of physical, human and environmental processes. GIS and spatial analysis software are used in the laboratory for model development, from problem definition and solution to visualization. Prerequisite: GEOG 251 or one of STAT 101, 201, 203 (formerly 103), or 270; one of GEOG 351, 352, 353 355 or 356. Quantitative.
GEOG 453W-4 Remote Sensing of Environment
Computational aspects of environmental remote sensing. Topics include digital image processing, image enhancement, sensor systems, statistical extraction, and environmental analysis. Prerequisite: GEOG 352 and 353. Quantitative/Writing.
GEOG 455-4 Theoretical and Applied GIS
A critical examination of advanced topics in GIS, such as: boundary definition, expert systems and artificial intelligence, error and uncertainty, and scale in a digital context. Examines social applications and the roles of GIS in society. Students will design original projects, including data acquisition, analysis, and web site development. Prerequisite: GEOG 355 and pre- or co-requisite GEOG 352. Students with credit for GEOG 452 may not take this course for further credit. Quantitative.
GEOG 457-4 Geovisualization Interfaces
The concepts, theories, and technology behind interactive and immersive interface technologies used for geospatial visualization. Applications and implications for GIScience and spatial knowledge acquisition. Combines GIScience, spatial cognition, and virtual environments/interface research perspectives. Prerequisite: GEOG 351 and 356 (or permission of instructor). Students who have taken GEOG 457 (STT) Geospatial Virtual Environments in fall 2005 or fall 2006 may not take this course for further credit.
GEOG 460-4 Selected Regions
A study of the geographical character of a major world region. Prerequisite: at least 60 units including eight of upper division geography courses.
GEOG 462-4 The Geography of the United States
Selected themes in the geography of the United States, addressing the biophysical environment, culture and landscape, resources and livelihood, population and settlement. Prerequisite: at least 60 units including eight of upper division geography courses.
GEOG 466-4 Latin American Regional Development
The course introduces students to a geographical analysis of patterns of Latin American development and planning. It is divided into two sections: geographical/historical development of selected countries; and analysis of common Latin American developmental models. A geographical perspective is used which stresses the interconnectedness of spatial and socio-economic structures. Prerequisite: 60 units including eight of upper division geography.
GEOG 468-4 Society and Environment in China
An examination of environmental issues facing rural people and their livelihoods in China from a political ecology perspective. Topics include: environmental history and concepts of nature; property rights in land and trees; agriculture; forests; wildlife and biodiversity; grasslands; and water. Prerequisite: GEOG 389.
GEOG 486-4 Health Care Geographies
An in-depth examination of health care and health services from a health geography perspective, including place-based considerations of care spaces, health human resources, and new forms of health care. Prerequisite: GEOG 386 or HSCI 305.
GEOG 489-4 Selected Topics
The topics will vary from term to term depending on the interests of faculty and students. Prerequisite: 75 units including 30 in geography.
GEOG 490-4 Selected Topics
The topics will vary from term to term depending on the interests of faculty and students. Prerequisite: 75 units including 30 in geography.
GEOG 491-4 Honors Essay
All candidates for honors will be required to submit a major paper on a geographical topic to be selected in consultation with the department. Prerequisite: 105 units and consent of supervisor. See a departmental academic advisor for details.
GEOG 497-5 International Field Study
A fieldwork based study of a selected region conducted in an international setting. Emphasis is placed on how to understand landscapes by relating concepts and models with direct observation, inference and collection of field evidence, as well as published literature on the selected region. Prerequisite: at least 60 units including 12 units of upper division geography courses.
GEOG 600-0 Introduction to Graduate Studies: Fall Semester
Introduction to graduate studies in the Department of Geography at 間眅埶AV, covering formal requirements and practical considerations.
GEOG 601-0 Introduction to Graduate Studies: Spring Semester
Completion of GEOG 600, with an emphasis on the preparation and presentation of the research proposal.
GEOG 604-5 Research Design and Analytical Techniques in Human Geography
Qualitative and quantitative techniques relevant to human geographic research.
GEOG 605-4 Geographic Ideas and Methodology
Contemporary and historical modes of analysis in human geography.
GEOG 606-5 Research Design and Analytical Techniques in Physical Geography
Research design, data collection and quantitative methods in physical geography.
GEOG 611-4 Hydrology
Conceptual and methodological bases of current hydrologic research.
GEOG 612-4 Glacial Geomorphology
Glacial landform-process models; field study of glacial landforms and sediments.
GEOG 613-4 Fluvial Geomorphology
An examination of current conceptual and methodological issues in fluvial geomorphology based on analyses of the primary research literature.
GEOG 614-4 Climatology
Recent theoretical developments in physical climatology.
GEOG 615-4 Quaternary Environments
Recent developments in paleoecology and the study of Quaternary environments.
GEOG 617-4 Soil Science
Soil physics, soil chemistry, soil biology and/or forest soils.
GEOG 620-4 Selected Topics: Economy, Environment and Development
Geographic perspectives on selected topics in economy and environment in Canadian and international contexts.
GEOG 622-4 Theories and Practices of Development
Conditions in the Third World: a review of theories and geographical solutions.
GEOG 626-4 Multinational Corporations and Regional Development
The influence of the policies and structures of multinational corporations on regional economic change.
GEOG 640-4 Selected Topics in Social and Urban Geography
Geographic perspectives on society and the city in Canadian and international contexts.
GEOG 641-4 Morphogenesis and the Built Environment
Evolution of built environments in urban contexts: morphological change and societal processes.
GEOG 644-4 Regional Development and Planning
Regional development in theory and practice with particular reference to resource based hinterland regions.
GEOG 645-4 Resource Management
Economic, social and political aspects of conservation and resource management.
GEOG 646-4 Cultural Geography
Relationships between cultural geography and related fields, particularly social theory and current philosophy.
GEOG 651-4 Advanced Spatial Analysis and Modeling
Perspectives on the description, analysis and prediction of geographical processes using spatial modeling and decision-making in a GIS environment.
GEOG 653-4 Theoretical and Applied Remote Sensing
Theory and applications of analytical processing procedures used with multispectral remote sensing data.
GEOG 655-4 Advanced Principles of Geographic Information Science
Examines data, data structures and computational methods that underlie GIS description and analysis. Illustrates the social science and science links between computers and geography.
GEOG 656-4 Aerial Reconnaissance for Remote Sensing
Theoretical and practical training in the acquisition of airborne multispectral remote sensing data.
GEOG 657-4 Geovisualization Interfaces
The concepts, theories and technology behind 3D representation and 3D geovisualization of complex spatial phenomena using emerging interactive, immersive and ubiquitous interface technologies. Combines geovisualization, geospatial interface research, geovirtual environments, GIScience, and spatial knowledge acquisition perspectives. Prerequisite: Enrolment in any graduate program plus permission of the instructor. Graduate students from other disciplines are welcome to take this course.
GEOG 666-4 Geography, Development Theory, and Latin America
Geographic aspects of theories of development as they have been applied in Latin America.
GEOG 681-4 Law and the Geographies of Power
Case studies of the inter-relations between the social and political construction of law and space.
GEOG 685-4 Resources, Environment and Food Production
A global survey of the geographical context of food production.
GEOG 691-4 Directed Readings
Students may only take this course once during their program.