
English Co-operative Education Program

Department of English | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Calendar 2012 Spring

Program Requirements

This program, for students who wish work experience in areas related to English studies, entails planned terms of study and employment.

To be admitted, students must have completed 30 units with a minimum 3.0 CGPA. Of these 30 units, 15 units (five courses) must be in English courses including the lower division requirements for a minor in English (see below).

College transfer students must complete at least 15 ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV units before being eligible for co-op admission and must satisfy the requirements shown above, or the equivalent. Transfer students who participated in co-op programs elsewhere may be credited with the term(s) already completed. The applicability of such terms depends on the evaluation.

Arrangements for the work terms are made through the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences co-operative education co-ordinators.

To continue in the program, students must maintain a minimum 3.0 CGPA in their academic course work.

Contact the Department of English for information. Also, see Co-operative Education.

Lower Division Requirements for a Minor

As stated above, prior to admittance to the English Co-operative Education program, students must completeat least five English courses (15 unit) including the lower division requirements for a minor in English as shown below.

An English minor must complete 12 units of lower division English courses including two of

  • ENGL 101W-3 Introduction to Fiction*
  • ENGL 102W-3 Introduction to Poetry*
  • ENGL 103W-3 Introduction to Drama*
  • ENGL 104W-3 Introduction to Prose Genres*
  • ENGL 105W-3 Introduction to Issues in Literature and Culture*
  • ENGL 199W-3 Introduction to University Writing*

*any one but not more than one of these courses may be replaced by any three unspecified transfer units in English or in ENGL – Writing

and one of

  • ENGL 201-3 Medieval Literature
  • ENGL 203-3 Early Modern Literature
  • ENGL 205-3 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Literature
  • ENGL 206-3 Nineteenth Century Literatures in English

and any one of

  • ENGL 201-3 Medieval Literature**
  • ENGL 203-3 Early Modern Literature**
  • ENGL 205-3 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Literature**
  • ENGL 206-3 Nineteenth Century Literatures in English**
  • ENGL 207-3 Twentieth Century Literatures in English**
  • ENGL 210W-3 Writing and Critical Thinking**
  • ENGL 212-3 Metrics and Prosody**
  • ENGL 214-3 History and Principles of Rhetoric**
  • ENGL 216-3 History and Principles of Literary Criticism**

**any one, but not more than one of these courses may be replaced by any three unspecified 200 division transfer units in English

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