
International and Global Education Minor Program

Faculty of Education
間眅埶AV Calendar 2012 Spring

This minor explores an interdisciplinary, experientially based approach to international and global education so that appropriate learning experiences can be created and infused in any given elementary and secondary course.

Program Requirements

Lower Division Requirements

Students complete one of

  • EDUC 100W-3 Selected Questions and Issues in Education
  • EDUC 230-3 Introduction to Philosophy of Education
  • EDUC 240-3 Social Issues in Education
  • EDUC 250-3 Studies in the History of Education in the Western World

Upper Division Requirements

Students complete a minimum total of 15 units, and an intercultural/international experience (see below), and both of

  • EDUC 370-4 International and Intercultural Education
  • EDUC 435-4 Infusing Global Perspectives in Curriculum

and either

  • one Designs for Learning course and one of the following courses

or two of

  • EDUC 311-3 Foundations in Aboriginal Education, Language and Culture
  • EDUC 367-4 Teaching Children and Minority Language Backgrounds in Elementary Classrooms
  • EDUC 382-4 Diversity in Education: Theories, Policies, Practices
  • EDUC 441-4 Multicultural/Anti Racist Education
  • EDUC 448-4 Teaching about Justice, Law and Citizenship
  • EDUC 452-8 Environmental Education
  • EDUC 467-4 Curriculum and Instruction in Teaching English as an Additional Language
  • EDUC 471-4 Curriculum Development: Theory and Practice

Intercultural/International Experience

In addition to the requirements listed above, an academic intercultural and/or international experience is also required before students complete this minor. This post-secondary experience may be an intercultural experience within Canada, such as a practicum experience in a First Nations community, or outside of Canada. Examples include

  • co-operative education placement in an intercultural/international setting
  • participation in an international field school program
  • international student exchange term outside of Canada or the United States
  • teaching English as a foreign language outside of Canada or the United States

Experiences fulfilling the requirements of this minor will need to meet the following criteria.

  • successful completion of the program experience as indicated by an official document from the supervising institution
  • an experience with high participatory involvement
  • an experience completed within five years prior to enrolling in the minor, or five years after completing the course work for the minor

Those who successfully complete the Professional Development Program (PDP) International Teacher Education Module (ITEM) program, or international field school at 間眅埶AV, will meet the above requirements.

All other applicants must submit a report indicating the nature of their experience, an analysis of their learning, and a letter of support from a person involved in supervising the experience. The director of undergraduate programs will oversee the submission assessment. A follow-up interview may be required.


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