
Cognitive Science Minor Program

Cognitive Science Program | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
間眅埶AV Calendar 2012 Spring

Program Requirements

Lower Division Requirements

Students complete a total of 21-31 units, including both of

  • COGS 100-3 Exploring the Mind
  • COGS 200-3 Foundations in Cognitive Science

and the requirements listed below for two of the four disciplines. When provided with a choice between different 200 division courses, students should consider which course can be used as a prerequisite for a subsequent 300 division course.

Computing Science

Students who choose this discipline will complete a total of nine units, including one of

  • CMPT 125-3 Introduction to Computing Science and Programming II
  • CMPT 126-3 Introduction to Computing Science and Programming

and both of

  • CMPT 225-3 Data Structures and Programming
  • MACM 101-3 Discrete Mathematics I


Students who choose this discipline will complete a total of six units, inculding

  • LING 220-3 Introduction to Linguistics

and one of

  • LING 221-3 Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology
  • LING 222-3 Introduction to Syntax


Students who choose this discipline will complete a total of nine units, including all of

  • PHIL 100W-3 Knowledge and Reality
  • PHIL 201-3 Epistemology
  • PHIL 210-3 Natural Deductive Logic


Students who choose this discipline will complete a total of 16 units, including all of

  • PSYC 100-3 Introduction to Psychology I
  • PSYC 102-3 Introduction to Psychology II
  • PSYC 201-4 Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology
  • PSYC 221-3 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
  • PSYC 280-3 Introduction to Biological Psychology

Upper Division Requirements

Students complete a total of 15-16 units, including both of

  • COGS 300-3 Selected Topics in Cognitive Science
  • COGS 310-3 Consciousness

and three courses from the following, including at least one course in each of the two disciplines selected previously at the lower division.

Computing Science

Students who chose this discipline will also complete a total of 24 units, including all of

  • CMPT 310-3 Artificial Intelligence Survey
  • CMPT 411-3 Knowledge Representation
  • CMPT 412-3 Computational Vision
  • CMPT 413-3 Computational Linguistics
  • CMPT 414-3 Model-based Computer Vision
  • CMPT 417-3 Intelligent Systems
  • CMPT 418-3 Computational Cognitive Architecture
  • CMPT 419-3 Special Topics in Artificial Intelligence

Note: 400 division courses require instructor consent


Students who chose this discipline will also complete a total of 15units, including all of

  • LING 321-3 Phonology
  • LING 322-3 Syntax
  • LING 324-3 Semantics
  • LING 330-3 Phonetics
  • LING 350-3 First Language Acquisition


Students who chose this discipline will also complete a total of 15 units, including all of

  • PHIL 302-3 Topics in Epistemology and Metaphysics
  • PHIL 314-3 Topics in Logic I
  • PHIL 341-3 Philosophy of Science
  • PHIL 343-3 Philosophy of Mind
  • PHIL 344-3 Philosophy of Language


Students who chose this discipline will also complete a total of 22 units, including all of

  • PSYC 303-3 Perception
  • PSYC 325-4 Memory and Mind
  • PSYC 330-3 Attention
  • PSYC 335-3 Sensation
  • PSYC 382-3 Cognitive Neuroscience
  • PSYC 383-3 Psychopharmacology
  • PSYC 385-3 Evolutionary Psychology

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Requirements

In addition to the above requirements, students must also satisfy Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences requirements.

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