
Linguistics Master of Arts Program

Department of Linguistics | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
間眅埶AV Calendar 2012 Fall

間眅埶AV Requirements

    Students must demonstrate adequate linguistics preparation. Those with little or no academic linguistics preparation may not obtain clear program admission or admission as a qualifying student. See graduate general regulations 1.3.5 間眅埶AV Under Special Arrangements and 1.3.4 間眅埶AV to a Doctoral Program for general admission requirements.

Areas of Specialization

    Linguistic theory, phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, discourse-pragmatics, computational linguistics, Amerindian linguistics, historical and comparative linguistics, linguistics history, sociolinguistics, second language learning.

Time Limit

    Although University regulations allow a six calendar year time limit (or 12 terms of full-time enrolment) for MA degree completion, (including the MA degree work), an MA student is normally expected to complete the degree in two years. See the graduate general regulations.

Program Requirements

    Students complete at least 24 units of approved graduate course work, including all of

Course Work

  • LING 800 Phonology (4)
  • LING 801 Syntax (4)
  • LING 851 Research Techniques and Experimental Design (4)
  • and 12 additional units of graduate course work. Only one course may be a directed research course.

    and, in the first year of program enrolment, both of

  • LING 890 Graduate Seminar I (1)
  • LING 891 Graduate Seminar II (1)


    All students must complete an MA thesis based on original research, and must comply with University regulations on completing and defending the thesis.

Language Requirements

    Candidates must show a high competence in at least one language other than English.

Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations

    All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the Graduate General Regulations (residence, course work, academic progress, supervision, research competence requirement, completion time, and degree completion), as well as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled, as shown above.

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