
Latin American Studies courses

Latin American Studies Program | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
間眅埶AV Calendar 2012 Fall

The following are all the courses offered in this area. To view the current course catalog and/or course schedule on the Student Information System, visit (select "Class Search/Browse Catalog" on the left menu).

LAS 100-3 Introduction to Latin American Issues

A multidisciplinary introduction to contemporary Latin America. The course is organized in three modules: people and the land, the human condition, and the political alternatives, each of which will be examined from the varying perspectives of history, geography, politics, the arts, etc. Students who have taken LAS 200 as Introduction to Latin American Development Studies, or LAS 200 Introduction to Latin American Issues, may not take this course for further credit. Breadth-Social Sciences.

LAS 300-3 Latin American Literature

A study in English of significant contributions to Latin American literature. Breadth-Humanities.

LAS 312-3 Special Topics: Latin American Cultural Topics

A cross-disciplinary focus on specific elements of contemporary Latin American culture. Topics such as indigenism, Afro-Latin culture, religion, literature, and folklore will be studied. Prerequisite: LAS 140 or 200.

LAS 402-5 Field Study

A multidisciplinary study of a selected country or region. This course will normally be part of the LAS Field School in Latin America, and will be conducted in co-operation with local lecturers from the host country. Prerequisite: LAS 200.

LAS 404-3 Special Topics: Field School I

This course will be part of the LAS field school in Latin America. The selected region will be examined on site from a multidisciplinary perspective. Prerequisite: LAS 200 or permission of the department.

LAS 412-4 STT - Selected Topic in World Literature I: Latin American Literature

Latin America produced much of the truly significant literature of the 20th century, and has been the centre of post-colonial literary forms and the birthplace of magical realism. Pablo Neruda, Jorge Luis Borges, Octavio Paz, Carlos Fuentes, Gariela Mistral, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and Mario Vargas Llosa are some of the authors we will examine. Pre-requisites: This course is identical to WL 410 and students may not take both courses for credit. Completion of 60 units of 300 or 400 level courses.

LAS 493-3 Directed Readings

Provides opportunity for individual reading and research under the supervision of a faculty member. Prerequisite: 90 units including LAS 200 and permission of the program advisor.

LAS 498-5 Capstone Project

Independent reading and research under the supervision of a LAS associated faculty member. A research term paper will be required as the culmination of a LAS joint major. Prerequisite: 90 units, including LAS 200 and permission of the program advisor. Students who have taken LAS 498-5 prior to Fall 2006 may take this course for further credit.

LAS 800-4 Approaches to Research in Latin American Studies

Provides an introduction to choosing a methodological framework for conducting the MA research project. Topics include epistemology of the human sciences, social research design and a review to qualitative, quantitative and mixed research methods. Students will gain experience in writing research proposals for external funding early in the term. This course is identical to IS 805 and students may not receive credit for both courses

LAS 815-4 Theories of Latin American Development

A synthetic introduction to historical and contemporary theories of development in Latin America. Topics include political economy of development, sociological theories of development, an introduction to neoliberalism, and the contemporary experience of globalization and development in Latin America. This course is identical to IS 815 and students may not receive credit for both courses.

LAS 835-4 Social and Political Change in Latin America

A general overview of social and political change in Latin America, including revolutions, independence, transition to democracy, and contemporary social movements. Theoretical approaches may include social-movement theory, democratic theory, etc. This course is identical to IS 835 and students may not receive credit for both courses

LAS 851-5 Directed Readings in Latin American Studies

Directed readings in a selected field of study under the direction of a single faculty member. An annotated bibliography and a term paper is required.

LAS 898-6 MA Thesis

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