
Labour Studies Minor Program

Department of Sociology and Anthropology | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Calendar 2012 Fall

Program Requirements

Students complete 24 units comprised of the following.

Lower Division Requirements

Students complete nine lower division units including

  • LBST 101-3 Introducing Labour Studies

and the remaining six units chosen from the following.

  • BUEC 280-3 Introduction to labour Economics
  • CNS 280-3 Canadian Political Economy
  • ECON 103-4 Principles of Microeconomics
  • POL 222-3 Introduction to Canadian Politics
  • POL 223-3 Canadian Political Economy
  • SA 202-4 Post-Industrial Society
  • SA 263-4 Peasants, Proletarians and the Global Economy

Upper Division Requirements

Students complete 15 upper division units including

  • LBST 301-3 labour Movements: Contemporary Issues and Images

The remaining 12 units chosen from the following.

  • BUEC 384-3 Industrial Relations
  • BUEC 396-3 The Structure of Industry
  • BUEC 485-3 Collective Bargaining
  • BUS 484-3 Workplace Industrial Relations
  • BUS 488-3 Human Relations in Business
  • CMNS 454-4 Computer Mediated Work and Workplace Communication
  • ECON 309-5 Introduction to Marxian Economics
  • ECON 353-4 Economic History of Canada
  • ECON 381-4 Labour Economics
  • GEOG 426-4 Industrial Change and Local Development
  • HIST 327-4 Canadian Labour and Working Class History
  • HIST 412-4 Marxism and the Writing of History
  • HIST 424-4 Problems in the Cultural History of Canada*
  • HIST 428-4 Problems in the Social and Economic History of Canada*
  • HIST 453-4 The United States in Depression and War
  • KIN 381-3 Psychology of Work and Human Performance
  • KIN 382-3 Physical Hazards in the Workplace
  • LAS 318-4 Political Economy of Latin American Development
  • POL 327-4 Globalization and the Canadian State
  • POL 343-4 Global Political Economy
  • POL 356-4 The Political Economy of Labour
  • POL 383-4 Political Economy of Latin America
  • POL 423-4 BC Government and Politics
  • SA 321-4 Social Movements
  • SA 328-4 Political Economy of Latin American Development
  • SA 340-4 Social Issues and Social Policy Analysis
  • SA 362-4 The Global Division of labour
  • WS 308-4 Women and Work
  • WS 310-4 Special Topics in Women’s Studies*
  • WS 314-4 Race, Class and Gender

*when topic is appropriate

Students may substitute relevant special topics courses, with labour studies approval.

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Requirements

In addition to the above requirements, students must also satisfy Faculty of Arts and Social Science extended minor requirements.

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