
German Studies Certificate Program

Department of Humanities | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Calendar 2012 Fall

This program serves both full and part time students, and those seeking educational enrichment in areas related to the establishment and evolution of German humanism from the Reformation to modern times. The certificate may be completed concurrently with, and complements, major and minor programs in areas such as history, humanities, philosophy and political science.

The program requires basic proficiency in the German language (writing, reading, listening and speaking), and is intended for students who wish to pursue further studies in literature, history, philosophy and political science, and may be completed in conjunction with a degree program.

Those students planning to obtain a bachelor of arts within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) may complete the certificate in such a way that some of the FASS breadth requirements are fulfilled by the same courses. Courses used toward the certificate may also be used toward a major and minor.

Course Requirements

This program requires a minimum of 21 units as stipulated below. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all prerequisites are met.

Students complete four German language courses including all of

  • GERM 102-3 Introductory German I
  • GERM 103-3 Introductory German II
  • GERM 201-3 Intermediate German I

and a minimum of three courses selected from the following list, or other courses with the approval of the Language Training Institute.

  • ENGL 392-4 Studies in World Literatures in English*
  • FPA 137-3 The History and Aesthetics of Cinema II*
  • FPA 337-4 Intermediate Selected Topics in Film and Video Studies*
  • HIST 224-3 Europe from the French Revolution to the First World War
  • HIST 225-3 20th Century Europe
  • HIST 332-4 Politics and Culture in Modern Germany
  • HIST 337-4 The Balance of Power in Europe
  • HIST 338-4 World War II
  • HIST 401-4 Problems in Modern German History
  • HIST 412-4 Marxism and the Writing of History
  • HUM 240-3 Studies in Modern European Culture*
  • HUM 307-4 Carolingian Civilization
  • HUM 340-4 Great Cities in Their Time*
  • HUM 350-4 Great Figures in Humanistic Tradition*
  • PHIL 151-3 History of Philosophy II
  • PHIL 280-3 Introduction to Existentialism
  • PHIL 451-4 Kant
  • POL 348-4 Theories of War, Peace and conflict Resolution*
  • POL 444-4 Politics and Foreign Policy of the European Union

*may be used if the subject is primarily Germany and its people (literature, film and/or video, great historical figures, etc.); requires program director’s approval.

Transfer Credit

A maximum of six transfer credit units of 100 division language courses (only GERM 102 and 103) may be used toward this certificate.

Course Challenge Credit

A maximum of six units of 100 division language courses (only GERM 102 and 103) may be challenged for credit for this certificate.

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