
Urban Studies Certificate Program

Department of Geography | Faculty of Environment
間眅埶AV Calendar 2012 Fall

This certificate studies the nature and functions of the contemporary city from an interdisciplinary perspective of geography, political science, sociology and anthropology. It is suited to those contemplating careers in urban planning, governance or consulting.

Units applied to one certificate may not be applied to another 間眅埶AV certificate or diploma.

Completion is possible in one year but additional terms may be required.

間眅埶AV Requirements

Normal requirements for admission to 間眅埶AV apply. Prior to formal approval into the certificate program, students complete two of

  • GEOG 100 Society, Space, Environment: Introducing Human Geography (3)
  • POL 100 Introduction to Politics and Government (3) (or POL 151)
  • SA 101 Introduction to Anthropology (A) (4) (or SA 150)

Program Requirements

Students will successfully complete eight courses as follows, that total 29 or 30 units. Of the eight, no more than four may be in any one department. Substitutions may be approved on a case-by-case basis by the advisor.

Students complete all of

  • GEOG 261 Introduction to Urban Geography (3)
  • POL 252 Local Democracy and Governance (3)
  • SA 201W Anthropology and Contemporary Life (A) (4)

and at least three of

  • GEOG 325 Geographies of Consumption (4)
  • GEOG 362 Geography of Urban Built Environments (4)
  • GEOG 363 Urban Planning and Policy (4)
  • HUM 340 Great Cities in Their Time (4)
  • POL 352 Canadian Local and Urban Government and Politics (4)
  • POL 354 Comparative Metropolitan Governance (4)
  • SA 302W Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism (SA) (4)
  • SA 362 Society and the Changing Global Division of Labor (S) (4)
  • SA 364 Urban Communities and Cultures (SA) (4)

and at least one of these four capstone seminars

  • GEOG 441 Cities, Space, and Politics (4)
  • GEOG 449 Environmental Processes and Urban Development (4)
  • POL 454 Urban Public Policy Making (4)
  • POL 458 Selected Topics in Local and Urban Governance (4)

and at least one of these research methods courses

  • GEOG 251 Quantitative Geography (3)
  • GEOG 255 Geographical Information Science I (3)
  • GEOG 391 Qualitative Research Methods (Inactive) (4)
  • POL 201 Research Methods in Political Science (3)
  • POL 315 Quantitative Methods in Political Science (4)
  • SA 255 Introduction to Social Research (SA) (4)
  • SA 356W Ethnography and Qualitative Methods (SA) (4)

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