Faculty of Science
P9309 Shrum Science Centre, Tel 778.782.4590, Fax 778.782.3424,
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Calendar 2012 Fall
Departments and Programs Offered
Behavioural Neuroscience Program
Department of Biological Sciences
Department of Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology
Department of Chemistry
Department of Earth Sciences
General Science Program
Management and Systems Science Program
Department of Mathematics
Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Department of Physics
Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science
Science Cohort Programs
Student Responsibility
It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of faculty regulations as stated in this Calendar. Departmental and faculty advisors and staff are available for advice and guidance. However, the ultimate responsibility for completeness and correctness of course selection, for compliance with and completion of program and degree requirements and for observance of regulations and deadlines rests with the student.
Transfer Credit and Bachelor of Science Degrees for Students Who Successfully Complete First Year Medical Science Professional Training
Students who complete at least 90 units in a science degree program and are accepted into an accredited professional program in medicine, dentistry, optometry or veterinary medicine are eligible for a ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV bachelor of science degree after successful completion of the first professional study year. To be acceptable, courses completed in the professional program must not duplicate those already completed at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV and must be acceptable for transfer credit in a major or honours program. Candidates must apply for transfer credit and a bachelor's degree through ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. Since official transcripts of the work completed in the first year of the professional program are required for transfer credit, application for graduation should be delayed until the summer term following the completion of requirements.
Faculty of Dentistry at the University of British Columbia
The following courses are prerequisites for applying to enter the first year of dentistry (DMD).
- ENGL 199 and one of 101 or 102 or 103 or 104 or 105
- MBB 222 and 321
- BISC 101 and 102
- CHEM 121, 122, 126, 281, 282, 286
Additional courses are required to complete six terms (90 UBC units) and should be chosen in accordance with a specific ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV degree program, but students are advised to select some courses from humanities and social sciences.
Contact address
For student admissions: Faculty of Dentistry – Student Services, University of British Columbia, 278 – 2199 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3. Telephone 604.822.8063, Fax 604.822‑8279, fodadms@interchange.ubc.ca,
Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia
The following courses are prerequisites for applying to enter the first year of medicine.
- English: any two of ENGL 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 199 (199 recommended)
- Chemistry: all of CHEM 121, 122, 126, 281, 282
- Biochemistry: both MBB 222 and 321 (MBB 222 is a prerequisite for MBB 231; MBB 231 is a prerequisite for MBB 321)
- Biology: both of BISC 101 and 102
Final authority regarding course equivalency rests with academic advisors in the Faculty of medicine and is only available after the application has been submitted and evaluated by an academic advisor.
Official admission requirements are defined in the UBC Calendar and may be subject to change. For information refer to
Contact address
¶¡ÏãÔ°AVs office: Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, 317 – 2194 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3. Telephone 604.822.4482, admissions.md@ubc.ca,
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of British Columbia
The following courses which are prerequisites for applying to enter the first year of a four year program of pharmacy.
- BISC 101and 102
- CHEM 121 / 122 / 126
- ENGL any two of ENGL 199, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105
- MATH 151 / 152 (or 154 / 155 or 157 / 158
- PHYS (101, 102, 130) or (120, 121, 131) or (125, 126, 131) or (140, 141)
Refer to a current University of British Columbia Calendar for specific information. All applicants must submit additional supplemental admission requirements. Students should consult the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of BC.
Contact address
¶¡ÏãÔ°AVs, Enrolment Services, University of BC, 2016 – 1874 East Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1. Telephone 604.822.3014, www.pharmacy.ubc.ca
Western College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon
The following courses as prerequisites for applying to enter this program.
- ENGL any two of 101, 102, 103 or 104
- MBB 222 and 231
- BISC 101, 102, 202, 303
- CHEM 121, 122, 126, 281, 282, 286
- MATH 151, 152 (or 154, 155 or 157, 158) STAT 201 may be substituted for MATH 152, or 155 or 158
- PHYS (101, 102, 130) or (120, 121, 131) or (125, 126, 131) or (140, 141)
- electives 15 units
Electives should be based on the program in which the student is enrolled, and may include non-science related subjects. Students are encouraged to choose electives that broaden perspectives. The electives should not include courses which are equivalent to BC high school grade 12, or which are general education courses at the 000 division.
Contact address
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Office, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, 52 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 5B4
General Note: All course requirements should be completed by the end of the spring term preceding the proposed date of entry to a professional school.
The Western College of Veterinary Medicine requires a minimum 70% cumulative average for veterinary program admission. Grades are converted to a common scale for comparative purposes and this converted average will be used.
The college has recently, with Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission approval, introduced an Educational Equity Program for Aboriginal students. A defined number of seats have been allocated for self-identified Aboriginal descent applicants who will be ranked among themselves and not against the general applicant pool. Proof of Aboriginal ancestry is required and must be provided at the time of application. For the purpose of admission the accepted documents for Aboriginal ancestry proof are in the University of Saskatchewan Calendar.
For calendar technical problems or errors, contact calendar-sfu@sfu.ca | Calendar changes and corrections