Arts Education (Doctor of Philosophy) Program
Faculty of Education
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Calendar 2012 Fall
Doctor of philosophy (PhD) degrees signify the acquisition of advanced knowledge in a field of specialization and advanced competence in conducting significant and original education research. This program is for those interested in becoming scholars and leaders in art education.
This program requires successful completion of a minimum of 20 units of course work and culminates in a comprehensive examination and a doctoral thesis.
¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Requirements
See graduate general regulation 1.3 for University admission requirements. In exceptional circumstances, applicants who do not meet these requirements may be considered if superior scholarly or professional achievement is demonstrated.
Graduate education admission is granted to a specific degree and to a particular program or specialization. Updated application information is available beginning November 15 from the . Completed applications must be received by January 15.
Program Requirements
Students complete one of
- EDUC 901-5 Seminar in the History of Educational Theory
- EDUC 902-5 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Contemporary Educational Theory
and all of
- EDUC 943-5 Arts-based Inquiry in Educational Research
- EDUC 944-5 Aesthetic Ways of Knowing and Education
- EDUC 945-5 Doctoral Seminar in Arts Education
Comprehensive Examination
All candidates also complete a comprehensive examination by enrolling in
- EDUC 983-5 Doctoral Comprehensive Examination
This course is a prerequisite to EDUC 899. Normally, the comprehensive examination is completed in the term in which course requirements are completed, or the term immediately following.
Normally, before the fourth course, a thesis research plan is presented to the tenured or tenure track Faculty of Education member whom the student proposes to be senior supervisor. Following the supervisor’s approval and at least one other faculty member chosen in consultation with the senior supervisor, the supervisory committee is formed and the student proceeds to the thesis by completing:
- EDUC 899-10 Doctoral Thesis
Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations
All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the graduate general regulations (residence, course work, academic progress, supervision, research competence requirement, completion time, and degree completion), as well as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled, as shown above.
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