
Chinese Courses

Department of Humanities | Language Training Institute | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
間眅埶AV Calendar 2012 Fall

The following are all the courses offered in this area. To view the current course catalog and/or course schedule on the Student Information System, visit (select "Class Search/Browse Catalog" on the left menu).

CHIN 100-3 Mandarin Chinese I

Introduction to the study of Mandarin Chinese and to the development of basic oral and written skills for those with no background in Mandarin. Students with B.C. high school Mandarin 12 will not be admitted to CHIN 100 through CHIN 201. Students with any knowledge of Chinese should see the Language Training Institute advisor for placement.

CHIN 101-3 Mandarin Chinese II

Continues to build on all four language skills acquired in CHIN 100. Prerequisite: CHIN 100 or equivalent.

CHIN 151-3 Spoken Mandarin for Speakers of Other Chinese Dialects I

Designed for speakers of a Chinese dialect other than Mandarin, e.g., Cantonese. Learners will come to the course with no ability in spoken Mandarin, but some command of Chinese reading and writing. By the end of CHIN 151, students will be able to use spoken Mandarin at a basic level. Prerequisite: no knowledge of spoken Mandarin; placement interview. Students who have taken CHIN 151 (Spoken Mandarin for Speakers of Other Chinese Dialects) may not take this course for further credit.

CHIN 152-3 Spoken Mandarin for Speakers of Other Chinese Dialects II

Designed for speakers of a Chinese dialect other than Mandarin, e.g., Cantonese. Learners will come to the course with novice level proficiency in spoken Mandarin and a good command of Chinese reading and writing. By the end of CHIN 152, students will have improved their pronunciation and aural comprehension of spoken Mandarin and have enhanced their conversational skills. Prerequisite: CHIN 151 or equivalent.

CHIN 200-3 Mandarin Chinese III

Continues to build on all four skills of the language acquired in CHIN 101/102, with special emphasis on improving the students' spoken facility in the language. Prerequisite: CHIN 100 and 101 or equivalent.

CHIN 201-3 Mandarin Chinese IV

Continues to build on all four skills of the language acquired in CHIN 200, with special emphasis on improving the students' spoken facility. Prerequisite: CHIN 200 or equivalent.

CHIN 350-3 STT - Chinese Reading & Writing I

This is a course designed for students to develop reading and writing skills through the study of selected reading materials and writing assignments. Through these reading materials, new vocabulary, grammar and sentence structures will be introduced, as well as literature appreciation and good writing skills. Prerequisite: CHIN 291 (or equivalent)

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