


Reel 65 [DAT 30]

Wensleydale, Yorkshire May 11,12/75

A [ID 1 0:31]

1. CHURCH BELLS (12 midnight) at Aysgarth Falls

B [ID 2 4:50]

2. SECOND SET OF HORNBLOWS at Aysgarth Falls 3 sets of 3 (see also reel 64)

[ID 3 8:16]

3.MORE HORNBLOWS ( one set of 3)

C) (4a. false take)

[ID 4 10:09]

4. BROOKSIDE AMBIENCE at the beginning of Pennine Way on the bridge of Grindsbrook, near Edale.

[ID 5 22:25]

D) 5. WENSLEYDALE DAWN CHORUS, at Lunds church.




A) 1. Good take. Waterfall ambience and church bells blend well.


B) 2,3. Note reverb can still be heard over the masking effect of the waterfalls.


C) 4. Notice the shadow effect when some children walk over the bridge, passing in front of the mics. Hear also the occasional plane flying averhead.


D) 5. The beginning of the Dawn Chorus is missing, birds have already begun. But what a different chorus than that of Lesconil! "There are song birds here, also cuckoos and screech owls. There also moor birds, curlews, pluvers, blackheaded gulls and others who howl as they search the moors for food. Their calls are quite eerie and they call in the night." (from Howard's diary May 12, when he did the recording). Note also an occasional car passing in the distance and later on the sheep bleating and an owl screeching. A little stream forms the background to the chorus.
