
Conference on Genocide October 7-9; October 15-16, 2016

September 19, 2024

Conference on Genocide
Genocide: The politics of denial, forgetting and the work of memory

October 7-9; October 15-16, 2016, Vancouver

to remember is the secret of redemption
(Jewish traditional commandment quoted, Alex Boraine in Hushed Voices,
ed. Heribert Adam, 2011)


The plan of the conference

Friday evening, October 7: Keynote address: Doudou Diene; moderator: Samir Gandesha

Saturday, October 8: Conference
Plenary #1: Settler colonial genocide in Canada (Justice Murray Sinclair); moderator: Sunera Thobani
Plenary #2: Armenian genocide: David Barsamian (possibly in dialogue with Alan Whitehorn);
moderator: Zahid Makhdoom
Plenary #3: Palestinian genocide: Hanna Kawas; moderator: Sid Shniad
Panel #1: The nation state and genocide:Bangladesh genocide, 1971 (Habiba Zaman); Massacre of Sikhs in Delhi, 1984 (Indira Prahst); Genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka, 2009 (Premrajah Chelliah); moderator: Anis Rahman
Panel # 2: Colonialism, capitalism and genocide: British genocide in Ireland (Julian Ichim);
genocide in Mexico; Ethnocide of the indigenous peoples in the Philippines (Beth Dollaga); moderator: Aiyans Ormond
Concluding plenary: Human rights, genocide and the West: Adam Jones; moderator: Harinder Mahil

Sunday, October 9: Roundtable; moderator: Jerrry Zaslove

Saturday, October 15: Film Screening (Vancouver)
The Look of Silence (Joshua Oppenheimer; on Indonesia)
Enemies of the People (Rob Lemkin and Thet Sambath; on Cambodia)
Al Jazeera documentary on Rohingyas in Myanmar

Sunday, October 16: Film screening (Surrey): The Final Solution ( Rakesh Sharma, on Gujarat); Dialogue on Gujarat: Dionne Bunsha and Sunera Thobani.

Dr. Chinmoy Banerjee, President, SANSAD
Telephone: (604) 421-6752, Email: cb6752@telus.net
Office: 906-608 Belmont Street, New Westminster, B C. V3M 0G8
Anis Rahman, Secretary, SANSAD
Cell phone: 778-389-2491, Email: abur@sfu.ca