
Sponsor Creating Connections 4.0

Sponsorship Packages - Industry - Academic

The support of our generous sponsors are the keystones that allow Creating Connections to happen. Their support ensures we can have an accessible, inclusive conference that is truly open to everyone in the region who wishes to contribute to a meaningful dialogue about the role of women in the fields of engineering, science, and technology.

Creating Connections needs your help to succeed. Your sponsorship will allow us to:

  • Welcome people at all stages of their careers by providing sliding-scale registration fees;
  • Research, share, and communicate best practices into the broader engineering, science and technology community;
  • Provide targeted career and personal development opportunities not available elsewhere;
  • Create a space for people to engage in transformative and lasting change.

Sponsoring the conference is an opportunity to show your commitment to engineering, science, technology and innovation to a large and diverse audience.

For more information on how you can support Creating Connections 4.0, please see our sponsorship package above
or contact cc-2015@sfu.ca