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  • 間眅埶AV Shirt Day founder, Musqueam Elder, Nobel Prize winner & Canadian artist to be honoured at Fall Convocation


間眅埶AV Shirt Day founder, Musqueam Elder, Nobel Prize winner & Canadian artist to be honoured at Fall Convocation

October 10, 2023

The founder of 間眅埶AV Shirt Day, Phyllis Webstad, will be recognized with an honorary degree next week, along with Elder Larry Grant, economist Esther Duflo and artist Stan Douglas.

The honorary degree recipients will join the nearly 1,700 students preparing to graduate Oct 5 and 6.

Webstad, who is Northern Secw谷pemc (Shuswap) from the Stswecem*c Xget*tem First Nation, has tirelessly shared her personal story over the past decade, as a revered speaker and as an author of children*s books. Through facilitating dialogue and raising awareness of the Indian Residential School system she has created a space for healing.

Webstad will be recognized at Friday morning*s ceremony, and will also participate in a special event on campus on Wednesday.

Elder Larry Grant (s??y???q | 粹跎鶸) is a widely-respected educator and community leader of Musqueam and Chinese ancestry. His efforts have played a key role in revitalizing Musqueam language, culture, and presence throughout Metro Vancouver.  He will be honored on Friday afternoon.

Dr. Esther Duflo is one of the world*s most highly accomplished economists〞and the youngest recipient of the Nobel Prize for Economics〞who has bettered countless lives through her mission of alleviating global poverty. Her commitment to addressing areas of health, education, financial inclusion, environment, and governance have led to policy change and real public good. Duflo will be celebrated on Thursday afternoon.

Stan Douglas is one of Canada*s most acclaimed contemporary artists, lauded for his distinctive style of telling the stories of transitional periods through various mediums.

His work is represented by the world*s top contemporary galleries and exhibitions, including the prestigious Venice Biennale, where he recently represented Canada. He will be recognized at Fall Convocation*s first ceremony on Thursday morning.
