
Mahda Jahromi, P.Eng.

Senior Lecturer, School of Sustainable Energy Engineering
Communications, Outreach, Recruitment and Engagement Committee Chair



Ph.D., Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, 2013

M.Sc. Electrical Power Engineering, Shiraz University, 2007

B.Sc. Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Yazd University, 2004


Industrial and research interests

  • Wind and Tidal Energy Converting Systems
  • Microgrids and Distributed Energy Systems
  • Power Quality Improvement and Power System Optimization
  • Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems, Renewables and Electric Vehicles
  • Application of Modern Control Techniques including Artificial Intelligence in Power Systems, Renewables and Electric Vehicles


Teaching interests

  • Renewable Energy Systems
  • Power Electronics
  • Electric Machines and Drive Systems
  • Control Techniques
  • Power System Analysis
  • Electric Circuits


Recently taught courses

  • SEE 230 Electric Circuits
  • SEE 231 Electronic Devices and Systems
  • SEE 251 Electric Machines and Energy Conversion
  • SEE 331 Power Electronics
  • SEE 342 Feedback Control Systems
  • SEE 476 Special Topics (Renewable Energy Systems)
  • SEE 486 Directed Studies
  • ELEX 1117 Digital Techniques 1 (BCIT, 2016-2018)
  • ELEX 2117 Digital Techniques 2 (BCIT, 2016-2019)
  • ELEX 2105 Circuit Analysis 2 (BCIT, 2016-2019)
  • ELEX 3403 Renewable Energy Systems (BCIT, 2017-2019)
  • ELEX 7350 Control and Dynamic Systems (BCIT, 2017-2019)
  • SGST 9320 Renewable & Distributed Energy Systems (BCIT, M.Eng. Program)


SRYE 5139

Selected recent publications

  • M. Jahromi, "Balancing the Capacitor Voltage Drift in Neutral Point Clamped Converters",  IEEE 5th International Conference on Electrical, Control and Instrumentation Engineering, K.L., Malaysia,  Dec 2023
  • M. Jahromi, "Application of Feedforward Compensation in the Design of Active Front-End Converters",  IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109 Helsinki,  June 2022
  • M. Jahromi, A. I. Maswood, and K.J. Tseng, "Design and Evaluation of a New Converter Control Strategy for Near Shore Tidal Turbines", Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions, vol. PP, pp. 1-1, 2012.
  • M. Jahromi, A. I. Maswood, and K. J. Tseng, "Design and Evaluation of a Tidal In-Stream Generator Power Port", Systems Journal, IEEE, vol. PP, pp. 1-1, 2013.
  • M. Jahromi, A. I. Maswood, and K.J. Tseng, "Long Term Prediction of Tidal Currents", Systems Journal, IEEE, vol. 5, pp. 146-155, 2011.
  • M. Jahromi, A. I. Maswood, K.J. Tseng, Bicky Bhangu, Tidal In-Stream Generation with Improved PCC Voltage Profile, IEEE-PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, Washington, D.C., 2012 
  • M. Jahromi, A.I. Maswood, and K.J. Tseng, Bicky Bhangu, Maximum Power Extraction of Tidal Streams, IEEE - PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, Washington, D.C., 2012
  • M. Jahromi, A.I. Maswood, and K.J. Tseng, Comparison of Different Techniques for Short Term Prediction of Tidal Current Speeds, IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA , July 2010 
  • M. Jahromi, M.H. Haque and K.J. Tseng, Siting and sizing of distributed generation using three new indices, IASTED International Conference on Solar Energy, SOE, Phuket, March 2009 
  • M. Jahromi, E. Farjah, and M. Zolghadri, "Mitigating voltage sag by optimal allocation of Distributed Generation using Genetic Algorithm", in Electrical Power Quality and Utilization, 2007. EPQU 2007. 9th International Conference on, 2007, pp. 1-6. 
  • M. Jahromi, S. Meshksar, E. Farjah, and M. Zolghadri, "Voltage Sag State Estimation for Power Distribution Systems Using Kalman Filter", in Industrial Electronics. ISIE 2007. IEEE International Symposium on, 2007
  • S. Meshksar, M. Jahromi, O. Dehzangi, and A. J. Jahromi, "Nonlinear control of distillation column using feedback linearization", in Proceedings of the 26th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control, 2007
  • S. Meshksar, A. Khayatian, M. Jahromi, and M. Hashemi, "Modeling and Identification of a Pilot Distillation Column for Control and Estimation Using Genetic Algorithms", in Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE, 2007

Recent Patents

  • Portable Electric Braking System for Wind Turbines with Induction Generators Int. Patent - WO2016095045

Scholarly activities and affiliations

Chair of the EGBCs (EERED)

Chair of the Selection Committee

Senior Member of the (IEEE)

Chartered Professional Engineer (C.P.Eng) with Engineers Australia (2015-2019)

Member of the IEEE Power and Energy Society

Member of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society

Member of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society

Reviewer - IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics

Reviewer - IEEE Transactions On Sustainable Energy

Reviewer -  IEEE Systems Journal

Reviewer - NSERC Idea to Innovation Grants 

Reviewer - Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering Journal