

Interview: The Environment Needs Canada

Mon, 27 Mar 2017

Sandra Hipsz

Interviewer: Sandra Hipsz. Interviewee: Alanah Joy

Sandra: Who needs Canada?

Alanah: The environment needs Canada. Given the current global warming crisis I believe that a country as vast, resource-abundant, and financially stable as Canada could make a great contribution towards fighting climate change. In our current state, if we do not change our unsustainable habits we are heading towards possible catastrophe and great species extinction. Canada has a prominent role on the international stage and our influence is needed to inspire other countries and people to follow in our lead. Further focus in this area may lead to real change.  

S: How has Canada already made changes?

A: I think there are many positive initiatives being made toward improving the environment by Canadians across the country. I once heard about tentree, a clothing company that will plant ten trees for every clothing item you buy from them. I think this is a great idea and shows great care for the land that we live on. Moreover, there’s even good contributions being made at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV! The first thing that comes to mind is Veggie lunch, located on Burnaby campus. This awesome community provides plant-based healthy meals to students and staff alike. Effectively lowering the cost food can impose on the environment, and it tastes amazing!

S: Final thoughts?

A: I think the environment should take priority because it is something in which we all share and the health and resources available affect each person on this planet. Given Canadian’s values and ideals, we are capable of invoking and innovating a more sustainable future.

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