

Mental Wellness and COVID-19: What's Gender Got to Do With It?

2020, Health, Equity + Justice, Series Distant Not Disengaged

Join us to discuss how gender relates to unequal mental health outcomes under COVID-19, and how intersectional gender-based policies can prevent and address these inequities.

COVID-19 is taking a toll on everyones mental wellbeing, but evidence demonstrates that these threats to mental health are not experienced equally. Gender is one of the many intersecting lenses we can use to look at the pandemics unequal impact on mental health.

Women in Canada, and around the world, are reporting higher levels of anxiety, stress and related challenges compared to men. This is not surprising: women are continuing to shoulder the majority of (now increased) unpaid care work in the home; they have been pushed out of the workforce in greater numbers than men; they are more likely to experience domestic violence during lockdowns; and they make up 81% of the health care workers on the front lines of the pandemic response.

While we have data on COVID-19-related mental health differences between men and women, there is very little information on the experiences of transgender and non-binary individuals, who are already more likely to experience barriers to accessing health care and other services. On top of this, the COVID-19 response has resulted in delays in access to gender-affirming surgeries, which have been demonstrated to improve mental wellbeing, and interruptions in hormone therapy, which can negatively impact mental health. Queer people of all genders also face unique mental health challenges and barriers to accessing care that have been exacerbated by the pandemic.

While not surprising, gender disparities in mental health are also not inevitable. Join us to discuss how gender relates to unequal mental health outcomes under COVID-19, and how intersectional gender-based policies can prevent and address these inequities. These questions are particularly crucial as high levels of stress and anxiety have long-term secondary health impacts and negatively affect future career advancement and personal development.

Thu, 19 Nov 2020

12:00 - 1:15 p.m. (PT)

Online Event

Distant, Not Disengaged

Distant, Not Disengaged was created as an experimental and innovative online event series to illuminate the urgent issues and opportunities arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. The series was a collaboration between 間眅埶AV Public Square, the 間眅埶AV Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue and community partner CityHive.

Watch the Series Recap


Julia Smith

University Research Associate, 間眅埶AV Faculty of Health Sciences

Dr. Julia Smith is a University Research Associate in the Faculty of Health Sciences at 間眅埶AV. She is co-lead on the , which is conducting research on the gender effects of COVID-19 in nine countries with the aim to inform gender transformative policy responses.

Kelley Lee

Canadian Research Chair, 間眅埶AV Faculty of Health Sciences

Professor Kelley Lee is a Tier 1 Canadian Research Chair in the Faculty of Health Sciences at 間眅埶AV, Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health Royal College of Physicians and Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. She is a senior advisor on the , with longstanding expertise in global health governance.


Bina Salimath


Bina is a woman, a mom and an invested community member. She loves her community and her way of showing care for her community. In the last 8+ years, she has been a counsellor in the anti-violence sector and a mental health first aid instructor. Since she brings with her the legacy of her own history of being colonized to the colonized lands now called Canada, she uses a decolonial lens in all that she does including her work. She tries to contribute towards making the world safer where and how she can. She acknowledges that she is on the unceded traditional territory of the Coast Salish People of the x妢m庛kwym (Musqueam), S廎硬x戔w繳7mesh xwumixw (Squamish) and slilwta优 (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations.

Alvaro Luna

Mental Health Program Specialist,

Alvaro Luna (he/him/his pronouns) is the Mental Health Program Specialist at Health Initiative for Men (HIM), Vancouver's queer men's health organization. He is a psychotherapist, and has worked within the organization for the last five years in different capacities, supporting queer men in maintaining and strengthening their well-being. In his current role, he coordinates the counselling programs at HIM, including individual and group counselling, and serves as the connection point between the organization and the community in regards to mental health.

Genesa Greening

President & Chief Executive Officer,

Genesa Greening is President + CEO of BC Womens Health Foundation. She is one of the Womens Executive Network Top 100 Most Powerful Women in Canada and Business in Vancouver magazines 2020 recipient of their Influential Women in Business Award. Genesa has served as a member of the Prime Ministers Women Deliver National Council and on the Advisory Board of the Institute of Gender and Health at CIHR. She is an award-winning business leader, an unapologetic feminist and a relentless optimist driven to change womens experiences in the health care sector.

Sekani Dakelth


Sekani is a member of the Frog clan from the Dakelth nation. She is someone that comes from a long line of Matriarchs that are claiming back their power. She is passionate about womens rights, Two-spirited rights and how to apply these passions to the health and safety of sex workers and folks that are affected by drug use. She has much experience in the Downtown Eastside (DTES) where her heart is and has been for many years. She considers the DTES a place where she grew up and came to know herself.

Lucas Wilson

Care Team Coordinator,

Lucas Wilson (he/him/his pronouns) is the Care Team Coordinator at Trans Care BC, a program of the Provincial Health Authority. Lucas has worked in numerous roles directly supporting trans and gender diverse people of all ages, particularly in the context of gender-affirming health care access. In his current role, he coordinates a health navigation team that supports trans and gender diverse people of all ages as well as their care providers, family members and community supports in connecting to care and resources.

Event Summary

Women, Mental Wellness and COVID-19

By Alice Murage, Research Fellow, Gender and COVID-19 Project, 間眅埶AV

Women in Canada, and around the world, are reporting higher levels of anxiety, stress and COVID-19-related challenges compared to men. Women continue to shoulder the majority of (now increased) unpaid care work in the home, they have been pushed out of the workforce in greater numbers than men, they are more likely to experience domestic violence during lockdowns, and they make up 81% of the health care workers on the front lines of the pandemic response. These outcomes contribute to mental health impacts of COVID-19.

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Women in, and around the world, are reporting higher levels of anxiety, stress and COVID-19-related challenges compared to men. Women continue to shoulder the majority of (now increased) unpaid care work in the home, they have been pushed out of the workforce in greater numbers than men, they are more likely to experience domestic violence during lockdowns, and they make up 81% of the health care workers on the front lines of the pandemic response. These outcomes contribute to mental health impacts of COVID-19.

Prior to the pandemic, the unpaid care work that has been done by women in British Columbia works out to six million hours a week. With COVID-19, this work has increased for women it is not equally distributed across genders in the household.

Genesa Greening

Those working on the front lines as health care workers also face disproportionally more threats to their mental wellness.

Four out of five health care workers in British Columbia are women. We expect to see increased depression, stress and anxiety in them as they grapple with what it means to be with their families, go to work and be exposed, and then go home and worry about those exposures, and also see loss and challenges every day.

Genesa Greening

In her work as a counsellor for women who have experienced violence, Bina Salimath noted that the pandemic has highlighted how unsafe homes can be for some women. With the lockdown, women may have had to isolate themselves with abusive partners at a time when support services were limited due to COVID-related closures. Shelters also had limited capacities. In addition, women who had separated from abusive partners but did not have custody of their children faced challenges seeing their children at the beginning of the pandemic because of reduced legal services.

During the lockdown, for many women, home became a very unsafe space. Before the pandemic, the women I work with were able to seek resources they needed, such as attending counselling sessions when their partners were away for work. They took care of their needs. They were able to breathe easily. With COVID-19, the violence came home and there was no respite from it. COVID-19 highlighted how marginalized individuals are impacted quite dramatically by pandemic restrictions.

Bina Salimath

Missing data and experiences of gender-diverse individuals

Genesa emphasised that more needs to be done to include missing voices in the COVID-19 impact data. Gendered data has been simplistic, with a focus on cisgender men and women, largely excluding the experiences of transgender and non-binary people from the COVID-19 narrative. An intersectional lens in collecting data is necessary to understand the experiences of the most vulnerable members of our society.

We are not getting segregated data. We are not getting data that is racialized, data that talks about trans folks, we are not getting the data talking along the gender spectrum and about non-binary folks people who deserve to be counted in these statistics so that we can actually develop a response to these realities.

Genesa Greening

Gender-diverse individuals face layers of challenges that have been compounded by COVID-19 restrictions. Alvaro Luna informed us that many gender-diverse individuals who do not find acceptance at home build communities of support outside their homes. COVID-19 restrictions have presented a challenge to connecting to such communities. Community reports indicate an increase in substance use, anxiety, behaviours of self-harm, and other forms of distress among gay, bisexual and queer men. There has been a significant increase in demand for mental wellness resources. Alvaro also highlighted the importance of considering intersectional identities. Young gender-diverse people, for example, have not been impacted the same way as those who are older.

Sekani Dakelth explained that transgender sex workers face multiple layers of vulnerabilities. They regularly face physical and sexual abuse in their work, as well as challenges accessing shelters, womens centres and other needed resources. Lack of access to basic necessities due to COVID-19 restrictions and shortages, such as a razor to shave in order to present as feminine, causes transgender women to shy away from seeking resources in women-centred spaces. Closures by service providers have further limited access to much-needed resources, including washrooms, for trans women experiencing poverty, houselessness and working in the streets.

The greater the marginalization, the greater the impact of COVID-19 has been.

Bina Salimath

Intersectional approach to health care accessibility

With COVID-19, most health care services have moved online. This has improved access for some people, particularly those in remote communities, but it has also made health care inaccessible to many who do not have access to technology or a safe space to access resources. A safe space and privacy are particularly important to people with diverse gender identities and women experiencing violence at home.

Most transgender or two-spirit folks may not live in situations or homes where it is safe for them to disclose their identity and talk openly about their identity. Many folks were really depending on those out-of-home, office-based providers they can visit to talk about identity and to explore those topics.

Lucas Wilson

Mental health needs for gender-diverse individuals have always been high while the supply of needed resources such as free counselling has been low, and this service gap has been augmented by COVID-19. The mental health of trans people is also linked to access to other health care services such as gender-affirming surgeries and hormone therapies, which have faced delays and disruptions during COVID-19.

A lot has been done to improve accessibility of resources during the pandemic in a short amount of time. We need to consider having the same level of dedication to improving accessibility over time for all populations. We need to be creative in how we are reaching out to people in terms of providing services while considering safety.

Lucas Wilson


Watch the Recording

In the News

  Adam Stirling, CFAX 1070 (November 19, 2020)

Further Reading

Distant, Not Disengaged Final Report

Learn about the series impact on community connection and dialogue in this report featuring testimonials, media highlights, supporting resources and more.


Distant, Not Disengaged Events