

Preparing Students for the Future World of Work: Challenges and Opportunities for the Post-Secondary System

2018, Future of Work, Summit Brave New Work

This event, hosted by  and , will feature presentations and discussions on how post-secondary institutions can prepare students for the future of work.


  • 9:30 - 10:00 AM: Coffee and informal mingling
  • 10:00 - 11:30 AM: Panelist presentations
  • 11:30 - 11:50 AM: Break
  • 11:50 - 12:30 PM: Panelist discussion and audience questions
  • 12:30 - 2:00 PM: Lunch on your own
  • 2:00 - 4:00 PM: Debrief and discussion for post-secondary professionals
Tue, 06 Mar 2018

9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (PT)

515 W Hastings St., Vancouver
Room 1600

About Brave New Work

The 2018 Community Summit, Brave New Work, invites us to consider how can we all thrive in the changing world of work.

Technological growth is happening at an unprecedented rate and scale, and it is fundamentally altering the way we organize and value work. The work we do (and how we do it) is changing. One of the biggest challenges in effectively responding to this new world of work is creating a shared understanding of the issues at play and how they intersect. Individuals, businesses, governments, educational institutions, and civil society must collaborate to construct the future we want.

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Dr. Jim Bright

 is an Organisational Psychologist, Professorial Fellow in Career Education and Development at Australian Catholic University and Visiting Professor of Career Development at the University of Derby, UK.  His primary research interests focus on the application of complexity and chaos approaches to career development, and leading educational change. He has published extensively on career development including 12 books and over 100 peer reviewed journal articles, book chapters, reports and careers tests.

Jim is a regular keynote presenter and  is the co-author of the Chaos Theory of Careers published by Routledge. He is a Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society, a Fellow of the Career Development Association of Australia, a member of the National Career Development Association, a Life Member of the Asia Pacific Career Development Association, an Honorary Board Member of the British Columbia Career Development Association and an International Fellow of National Institute of Counseling Education and Guidance UK.

Dr. Kris Magnusson

 is the Dean of the Faculty of Education at 間眅埶AV. He is the author of several books ranging in diversity from "Theories of Career Development" (coauthored with Dr. Dave Redekopp) to a selfhelp career book, "Radical Change in the World of Work: The Workbook," a title with a circulation of 100,000 copies. He is a prolific researcher whose key interest is in the application of research to career counselling practice. He has authored or coauthored numerous refereed articles and is a founding member of the Canadian Research Working Group for Evidence Based Practice in Career Development (CRWG) and the coauthor (with Dr. Vivian Lalande) of "The State of Practice in Canada in Measuring Career Services Impact: A CRWG Report." He is the recipient of numerous awards including the Stu Conger Award for Leadership in Career Development (national) and the Career Development Award of Excellence (Province of Alberta).

Dr. Nancy Johnston

Dr. Nancy Johnston is the Vice Provost, Students and International, Pro Tem at 間眅埶AV, Burnaby, Canada and also holds an adjunct professorship in the 間眅埶AV Faculty of Education teaching in the areas of experiential and work integrated learning. She is a member of the World Association for Work Integrated and Co-operative Education (WACE) Board of Governors, a faculty member at the WACE Institute of High Impact Experiential Learning, and a founding member of the Canadian Association for Co-operative Education and BC Co-operative Education Research Committees. Dr. Johnston is also published in co-op and international education related journals and books on the subject of experiential learning curriculum design, implementation, and assessment as well as international student success. Nancy is the recipient of several awards for her work in experiential education curriculum design and leadership.


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Brave New Work Events

  • Building Your Resilience

    2018, Future of Work, Summit Brave New Work

    Being a university student can be stressful. This interactive event will share key strategies for enhancing your resilience and well-being, that will support your success now and in your future career.

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  • Beyond Bitcoin: Blockchain and the Future of Work

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    Blockchain technology is making headlines. Enthusiastic or skeptic, the focus of this dialogue will be to better understand key concepts and to explore the wide-ranging applications of distributed ledgers and the implications for business here in BC and in the global economy.

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  • Preparing Students for the Future World of Work

    2018, Future of Work, Summit Brave New Work

    This event, hosted by CACEE Canada West and 間眅埶AV Career and Volunteer Services, will feature presentations and discussions on how post-secondary institutions can prepare students for the future of work.

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  • Work and Purpose Later in Life

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    How is the changing world of work affecting older adults? And what role should work play in our lives, anyway? This special Philosophers' Cafe will address questions of retirement, purpose, and work for older adults.

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  • Creating a Diverse & Resilient Economy in Metro Vancouver

    2018, Future of Work, Summit Brave New Work, Cities, Economy

    This panel conversation event will focus on the future of employment in Metro Vancouver, and planning for the employment lands that support the regional economy. What are the trends and issues related to employment in various sectors in Metro Vancouver, and how does land use planning, regulation, and market demand affect the future of work regionally?

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  • Worker Writers and the Poetics of Labour

    2018, Future of Work, Summit Brave New Work, Arts + Culture

    If you gave a worker a pen, what would they write? What stories would they tell, and what experiences might they share? Hear poetry about what it is to work in the 21st century directly from participants of the Worker Writers School at this free public poetry reading.

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  • Symposium: Art, Labour, and the Future of Work

    2018, Future of Work, Summit Brave New Work, Arts + Culture

    One of the key distinguishing features of Western modernity is that the activity of labour has always been at the heart of our self-understanding. Work defines who we are. But what might we do in a world without work? Join 間眅埶AV's Institute for the Humanities for a symposium on art, aesthetics, and self-understanding.

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  • Climate of Work: How Does Climate Change Affect the Future of Work

    2018, Future of Work, Summit Brave New Work, Climate + Environment

    What does our changing climate have to do with the future of work? Join Embark as they explore the ways our climate impacts different industries such as planning, communications or entrepreneurship.

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  • Making Visible the Invisible | City Conversations

    2018, Future of Work, Summit Brave New Work, Equity + Justice, Series City Conversations

    Are outdated and stereotypical gender roles contributing to the invisible workload? What is the invisible workload anyway? Don't miss this special edition of 間眅埶AV City Conversations on intersectionality and invisible labour, presented in partnership with the Simon Fraser Student Society Women's Centre.

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  • The Urban Worker Project Skillshare

    2018, Future of Work, Summit Brave New Work

    The Urban Worker Project Skillshare is a day-long gathering, bringing together over 150 independent workers to lean on each other, learn from each other, get valuable expert advice, and build community.

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  • The New World of Work: Thriving or Surviving?

    Media + Information, 2018, Economy, Future of Work, Democracy, Summit Brave New Work

    Van Jones and Anne-Marie Slaughter, two leading commentators on the American economy, will discuss the role that citizens, governments and civil society can play in shaping the future of work.They will explore the challenges ahead, as well as how these challenges might be addressed through green jobs, emergent industries, education and public policy

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  • Work in the 21st Century: Innovations in Research

    2018, Economy, Future of Work, Summit Brave New Work, Education + Research

    Research doesnt just live in libraries and academic papers; it has a profound impact on our day to day lives. Work in the 21st Century is a dynamic evening that showcases the 間眅埶AV researchers and entrepreneurs who are leading the way in making innovative impacts in the new world of work.

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  • ReframeWork: From Insights to Action!

    2018, Future of Work, Summit Brave New Work

    ReframeWork is a national gathering of leading thinkers and innovators on the topic of Future of Work. We will explore how Canada can lead in forming new systems for good work and identify the richest areas of opportunity for solution-building that affects broader change.

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  • Basic Income: Progressive Hopes and Neoliberal Realities

    2018, Economy, Future of Work, Summit Brave New Work, Education + Research

    This lecture will examine the question of basic income (BI). A neoliberal version of BI is being considered and even developed by a number of governments and institutions of global capitalism. This form of BI could enhance the supply of low-wage precarious workers, by offering a public subsidy to employers, paid for by cuts to other areas of social provision.

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  • The Future of Work in Canada: Emerging Trends and Opportunities

    2018, Economy, Future of Work, Summit Brave New Work

    What are some of the trends currently defining the new world of work in Canada, and what does our future look like? What opportunities can be seized to build more competitive, prosperous, and inclusive organizations?

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