

Would cities be different if the were designed by women? | City Conversations

2015, Summit We the City, Cities, Equity + Justice, Series City Conversations

Can we make cities better and safer places for women?

While there are many inspirational female architects, planners and municipal politicians in cities around the world, the biggest decisions about urban development are often made by men. 

A 2014 campaign by  highlighted the fact that just 16 percent of mayors and 26 percent of city councillors across Canada were women. Relatedly,  has reported that all over the world urban development professions remain heavily male-dominated, more so than other spheres such as education or healthcare.  

Moreover, a recent report from the , took stock of how women are faring in five key areas in our countrys biggest cities and病inds that when it comes to pay, jobs, and safety, men and women still don't get equal treatment. 

Does this lack of female representation affect the design of our cities? Would our housing, office buildings, streetscapes, and public spaces look or feel any different if more women were a part of designing them? Would women fare better in cities if they played a larger leadership role?

This provocative issue was explored by , Chairperson of , , Vice-President, Planning & Community Development at , and , a senior economist with the . , Editor-in-Chief of the  moderated the conversation.

Thu, 05 Nov 2015

12:30 - 1:30 p.m. (PT)

515 West Hastings St.
Room 1800

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About We the City

From October 30 to November 7 of 2015, 間眅埶AV Public Square hosted its fourth annual Community Summit. Through a series of imaginative and interactive events, we explored the theme of city-building. We reflected on the important role of creativity, arts and culture in building and sustaining our cities and our neighbourhoods. By profiling the increasing pressure facing municipalities by surging urbanization and considering what attracts and holds people to our urban centres, we reminded residents of the power they hold to shape their city. Together, we deliberated on possible futures where everyone can not only survive, but also thrive. We invigorated the public conversation on how people can connect with their cities, find their voice, and enjoy increased participation in civic life.

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Ellen Woodsworth

Women Transforming Cities

Carla Guerrera

Vice-President, Planning & Community Development
Darwin Properties

Iglika Ivanova

Senior Economist,
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives


Sandy Garossino

Vancouver Observer

In the News

  Vancouver Observer (October 27, 2015)

Developer urges women-friendly city planning  Michael Mui, Vancouver 24 hrs (November 1, 2015)

Women are getting harmed by this lack of inclusion of safety in the way we plan public spaces or communities ... walking at night, which route am I going to take thats going to get me from where I am now to my destination Id probably take a different route than my male counterpart.

Carla Guerrera, Darwin Properties

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The real estate industry and urban planners have yet to realize women are increasingly the ones buying homes for the household and that it is for them neighbourhoods should be marketed to, according to a top female developer.

Carla Guerrera, a vice president at Vancouvers Darwin Properties, has spent 15 years working in the development industry in an era thats produced such follies as sidewalks too narrow for strollers to navigate, dimly lit streets that are a hazard to public safety, and neighbourhoods where the nearest services require kilometres of travel by car.

Its a topic shell be discussing as part of 間眅埶AVs We the City community summit, which runs until Nov. 7.

Guerreras problem with contemporary cities is men were designing them with little thought as to what the other half of the population needs.

From a development perspective, theres a huge business and finacial opportunity with this as well with the purchasing power women have now ... we have a huge opportunity to build development and communities really targeted and incredibly marketed to women, Guerrera said.

A lot of this comes down to location, choosing areas most likely to have accessible and inclusive services for women or creating new neighbourhoods sensitive to womens needs.

Regardless of the fact there are more women working and contributing in the work sector, theres still a primary dominance of women in raising children, caring for parents and in home management, she said.

Its those roles and that kind of lifestyle women primarily find themselves in at various stages of life are very different from men in terms of the way they use communities, the way they use city infrastructure, city services.

There are solutions. One North Shore property Guerrera is working on focuses on the key principles of a community that works for women. Its close to schools, daycares, transit, shopping, and green spaces like playgrounds. Guerrera also targeted women in the community for feedback in the development process voices with lifestyles often too busy to participate in traditional public hearings.

Shauna Sylvester, executive director of 間眅埶AV Public Square, said the summit will feature 13 events over nine days.

Reports and Resources



Media Partners

We the City Events

  • Researching the City

    2015, Summit We the City, Cities

    Presented in partnership with 間眅埶AV Vancouver and related faculties, departments, schools, programs and institutes, this storytelling event showcased how research activities have a positive impact on cities in public policy, economic development, social justice, health and well-being. We looked at how university research contributes to and learns from the city's communities.

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  • Campus to City

    2015, Summit We the City, Cities

    間眅埶AV Public Square, in partnership with the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation, hosted a one-day national conversation on the role of colleges and universities in city-building.

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  • Resilient Renewable Cities

    2015, Summit We the City, Cities, Climate + Environment

    A number of global cities, including the City of Vancouver, have adopted a 100% renewable energy target in one or more of their electricity, heating & cooling, and transportation sectors. While reaching these goals will require a shift towards renewables, the foundation lies in changing the way we plan and build cities and consume energy. The purpose of this event was to discuss how to best reconcile increasing renewable energy supply while reducing energy use and ensuring resiliency.

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  • Housing in the City: Beyond the Headlines

    2015, Summit We the City, Cities, Equity + Justice

    Headlines remind us constantly of our housing crisis: prices run amok, renovictions, and near-zero rental vacancy rates. This evening of storytelling considered the landscape of housing in Vancouver and beyond, with an eye on working households, at or below median income, in urban centers across Canada.

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  • Actions for Housing Now: Creating Affordable, Suitable, and Secure Housing in Canadian Cities

    2015, Summit We the City, Cities, Equity + Justice

    In partnership with the Tyee Solutions Society and the Canadian Housing and Renewal Association, we hosted Actions for Housing Now. Attendees collaborated on real-world policy solutions for affordable, suitable, and secure housing for working households in Canadian cities, to be presented to Canadas new federal government.

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  • TILT City: Engaging the Streets

    2015, Summit We the City, Cities, Arts + Culture, Community Building

    In partnership with HCMA Architecture and Design and their TILT curiosity labs, TILT City engaged the streets of downtown Vancouver with urban interventions. Engaged citizens had the chance to temporarily transform spaces in the public realm during this one-day interactive event.

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  • We The City: An Evening at the Centre

    Arts + Culture, 2015, Summit We the City, Cities, Community Building

    Cities are a reflection of our human needs and values. Our signature event considered how the arts create, reveal, critique and enhance the identity of our urban centres and powerfully foster connection, incite social change and build capacity for healthy communities. Candy Chang, Teju Cole, and Buffy Sainte-Marie provided compelling talks and Mo Dhaliwal guided us through the signature event of the 2015 Community Summit, co-presented with Vancity.

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  • ReThink Food: Sustainability Innovation Challenge

    2015, Summit We the City, Cities, Climate + Environment

    ReThink Food was a one-day innovation challenge for high school students across Metro Vancouver. Participants designed a solution to our sustainability challenge question and competed for seed funding to implement their projects. Over 150 students came together on November 5th, 2015 to generate innovative projects that will have real impact in their schools.

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  • Would cities be different if they were designed by women? | City Conversations

    2015, Summit We the City, Cities, Equity + Justice, Series City Conversations

    This special edition of City Conversation focused on womens perspectives on city building, bringing a gender lens to the theme of our 2015 Community Summit.

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  • Downtown Vancouver Re-Imagined

    2015, Summit We the City, Cities

    We are thrilled to announce the release of the Re-Imagine Downtown Vancouver findings with the Downtown Vancouver Business Imporvement Association (DVBIA).

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  • Open City: One Book, One 間眅埶AV

    Arts + Culture, 2015, Summit We the City, Cities, Community Building

    Teju Cole was in conversation with CBC Radios Eleanor Wachtel as they explored the power of cities and the lure of literature in this inaugural event of 間眅埶AV Librarys One Book, One 間眅埶AV.

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  • Leading and Learning: Innovative Tools for Advancing Sustainability in Surrey

    2015, Summit We the City, Cities, Climate + Environment

    The City of Surrey is updating the Sustainability Charter, our 50 year vision for becoming a more sustainable city. Participants convened for an engaging evening with thought leaders who presented their ideas on innovative tools for creating more sustainable cities - with keynote speaker Chris Ragan, Chair of the Eco-Fiscal Commission.

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  • Thrive! Surrey in 2030: A Residents Lab on the Future of their City

    2015, Summit We the City, Cities, Arts + Culture, Community Building

    Think like a city planner, take part in a unique city-building simulation, and experience what it feels like to live in the Surrey of 2030. Selected residents came together to build a vision for their city where everyone can thrive.

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  • Indigenous City Gathering

    2015, Summit We the City, Cities, Indigenous Voices

    Our final event of the 2015 Community Summit was a stirring evening featuring extrodinary Indigenous leaders, artists and community members exploring the theme of city building. From storytelling to live painting, traditional foods and memorable performances, the first Indigenous City Gathering sparked conversation and connection.

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City Conversations