
Serious and Violent Young Offenders and Youth Criminal Justice: A Canadian Perspective

Raymond Corrado, Alan Leschied, and Patrick Lussier

"The collection... would be of interest to professionals in the field as well as upper level students who have an interest in youth violence. It covers a broad range of specialized topics from the incidence and prevalence of serious/violent youth behaviour to effective ways of assessing and responding to youth violence."

"There is no question that this is a valuable collection. To my knowledge, this is the only text on the market in Canada that will bring together the key articles on this important topic. It is also the only collection that will appeal and be of use to upper level students and professionals."

Review by Professor Sandra Bell, Department of Sociology and Criminology, St. Mary's University

ISBN: 978-0-86491-373-9


About the Authors

Dr. Raymond R. Corrado is a Professor in the School of Criminology at 間眅埶AV and Co-director of the Centre for Social Responsibility. His research publications have focused on developmental life-course criminology, youth violence, youth justice, mental health and law, Aboriginal young offenders, risk-management instruments for serious and violent children and youth, political terrorism, and psychopathy. He has published over 150 journal articles, book chapters, and government reports, and has co-authored 8 books. In addition, he is a Visiting Fellow at Clare Hall College as well as the Institute of Criminology at Cambridge University, and is an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of Bergen.

Dr. Patrick Lussier is a full professor at the School of social work at the Universit矇 Laval, researcher at the Centre Jeunesse de Qu矇bec Institut Universitaire, and co-director of the Centre for Research on Sexual Violence. Previously, Dr. Lussier was a professor at the School of criminology at 間眅埶AV. He is the co-principal investigator of the Vancouver Longitudinal Study on the Psychosocial Development of Children. Dr. Lussiers expertise include developmental life course criminology, interpersonal violence, sexual offending and sexual deviance as well as risk assessment and prediction. His work has been published in journals such as Criminology, Criminal Justice and Behavior, Journal of Criminal Justice and Justice Quarterly, Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, and Psychology, Public Policy and Law. Along with Dr. Arjan Blokland, he recently published Sex offenders: A criminal career approach (Wiley-Blackwell).

Dr. Alan Leschied is currently a psychologist and professor at Western University. He began in childrens services in 1977 at the London Family Court Clinic where his research interests began in the assessment and treatment of youth at risk and how legislation, policy and service can promote the welfare of children and families. He has served on numerous Boards of Directors and advisory committees. He is a CPA Fellow, recipient of Westerns Edward G. Pleva Award for Teaching Excellence, the Judge Wendy Robson Award for outstanding service to children in Ontario and the life-time achievement award through CPAs Criminal Justice Section.


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