

Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship

The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program provides funding to the very best postdoctoral applicants, both nationally and internationally, who will positively contribute to Canada's economic, social and research based growth. Across Canada, seventy Banting fellowships (valued at $70,000 per year for two years) are awarded annually with an equal distribution among CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC.

The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program is unique in its emphasis on the synergy between the applicant and the host institution, including demonstrated alignment of the supervisors research, the applicants research and the  and opportunities.

For this reason, the applicant is expected to work closely with their (proposed) supervisor when drafting and completing the Banting Fellowship application.

How to Apply

Confirm eligibility and suitablity


Eligibility FAQ: What is the fulfilled all requirements of the degree date?
It is the date when the applicant completed all the steps required for obtaining their degree. Although these requirements may vary by institution and degree, they normally include thesis defence corrections and thesis deposition. It is not the convocation date. Applicants who completed their PhD at 間眅埶AV can contact postdoc@sfu.ca

Find a host Supervisor

Prospective applicants may locate faculty members in their area of interest by accessing 間眅埶AV's Research Expertise Engine and 間眅埶AV's Faculties + Departments pages. Currently available 間眅埶AV postdoctoral positions are posted here.

Note: Applicants already affiliated with 間眅埶AV must justify remaining in the same research environment.  

ATTEND 間眅埶AVS WEBINAR - May 16, 2024 @ 1 -2 pm

Prospective applicants and host supervisors are invited to a webinar to learn more about the application requirements and 間眅埶AV's internal process and ask questions of panelists who are familiar with the program. If you have missed the session, please refer to the slide-deck: HERE

For more information contact postdoc@sfu.ca .  

Prepare and submit documents by june 24 for internal "letter of intent" stage

Prospective applicants must seek endorsement from the 間眅埶AV Banting Selection Committee by submitting a simplified (short) version of the draft application. The following files compiled into a single PDF in the following order must be received at postdoc@sfu.ca by the deadline with cc' to your host supervisor:

  • Max 1-page summary of research contribution (top3)
  • Max 1-page summary of leadership contributions (top3)
  • Max 1-page special circumstances page, optional (required for applicants already affiliated with 間眅埶AV and/or outside of Bantings 3-year eligibility window)
  • Max 1-page abstract of research proposal (no bibliography required)
  • Max 1-page supervisor statement (Summarizing the reseach excellence of the applicant and their proposed research and aspects of synergy with the supervisor's research, research environment, and 間眅埶AV's research priorities)
  • Draft Canadian Common CV (CCV) using the Vanier-Banting academic template

For more details, please refer to the guide, and . Reference assessments are confidential and are not part of the institutional review process.

Prospective applicants will be notified by July 15 if they have been selected to continue in the competition and will receive feedback from the 間眅埶AV Banting Selection Committee.


Once receiving notification that their application has been selected by the 間眅埶AV Banting Selection Committee, the applicants should work closely with their host supervisor to finalize the application. Please follow the steps indicated in Task 3 of the (register for a , , , and complete the ). 


At this time, applicants should also invite their referees on the ResearchNet system and send them a copy of their draft application package for reference.


Selected applicants are responsible for completing and uploading all documentation on the ResearchNet System. 間眅埶AV Institutional Strategic Awards (ISA) does not have access to the Banting Competition in ResearchNet. ISA is not responsible for missed deadlines.

The ISA will provide selected applicants with an Institutional letter of endorsement committing top-up research funding of $15,000 if the fellowship is awarded by the Banting program.

*Note: the Banting program deadline is 20:00 Eastern Time (5:00 pm Pacific Time).

Banting Fellowships  Website


 more resources

For further inquiries contact Postdoctoral Affairs Coordinator at postdoc@sfu.ca.