

Sanjay Jeram

Undergraduate Program Chair; Senior Lecturer
Political Science

Areas of interest

Research and Supervision Fields:


-Politics of Immigration and Diversity
-Canadian and Provincial Politics
-Far-Right Parties and Movements
-Pedagogy and Teaching Practice

Teaching Streams:

-Diversity and Migration
-Public Policy and Democratic Governance
-Research Methods and Analysis


  • BA (honours), University of Toronto
  • MA, Western University
  • PhD, University of Toronto


My past research examined why regional nationalist parties have treated the issues of immigration and diversity in very different ways. As part of this research, I spent several months completing fieldwork in Spain and was a visiting scholar at the University of the Basque Country. I remain interested in how conceptions of the nation (i.e., Who are we?) influence the orientations of political parties and citizens in various policy domains. Using different methodologies, I have collaborated with colleagues to explore this matter in the Canadian context from different angles (i.e., healthcare, federalism, and the party system).

As teaching is my primary responsibility, I spend most of my time designing and delivering courses that inspire student interest in politics while developing their research and writing skills. I have earned grants for research on active learning in methods classes and the effectiveness of group-based learning in large lecture classes.

I enjoy teaching students at all levels, but my primary focus is on lower-division undergraduate courses. Introduction to Politics and Government (POL 100) and Investigating Politics (POL 200W) continue to be my primary courses, and I look forward to teaching courses on Canadian Government and Politics (POL 221/222) and Canadian Federalism (POL 321) in the future.

Please see my website to find my teaching evaluations, publications, and more information about my research. I provide frequent media commentary on Canadian political issues and elections, so do not hesitate to contact me.


2023. Applying Active Learning in Undergraduate Research Methods. PS: Political Science & Politics, 16. DOI: 10.1017/S1049096523000574.

2023. Fostering Social Connection in Large Lecture Courses. College Teaching, 1-9. DOI: 10.1080/87567555.2023.2208818.

2020. The Two Solitudes of Canadian Nativism: Explaining the Absence of a Competitive Anti-Immigration Party in Canada. Nations & Nationalism 26 (4): 902-922 (with Joshua Gordon & Clifton van der Linden).

2019. Intergovernmental Relations on Immigrant Integration in Canada: Insights from Quebec, Manitoba, and Ontario. Regional & Federal Studies 29 (5): 613-633 (with Eleni Nicolaides).

2017. Despite the Crisis: The Resilience of Intercultural Nationalism in Catalonia. International Migration 55 (2): 53-67 (with Daniele Conversi).

2017. Striking a Balance: The Battle for Euskara in a Diversifying Basque Country, in D. Tabachnik and L. Bradshaw (eds.), Citizenship and Multiculturalism in Western Liberal Democracies (Lanham: Lexington Books), 159-177.

2016. Looking Forward into the Past: Partido Nacionalista Vasco and the Immigrant Question in the Basque Country. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 42 (8): 1087-1100.

2016. Friends or Foes? Migrants and Sub-state Nationalists in Europe. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 42 (8): 1059-1071 (with A. van der Zwet and V. Wisthaler).

2015. Diversity and Nationalism in the Basque Country and Flanders: Understanding Immigrants as Fellow Minorities, National Identities 17 (3): 241-257 (with I. Adam)

2014. The True North Strong and Free Healthcare? Nationalism and Attitudes Towards Private Healthcare Options in Canada. Canadian Journal of Political Science 47 (3): 569-595 (with Yannick Dufresne and Alexandre Pelletier).

2013. Immigrants and the Basque Nation: Diversity as a New Marker of Identity, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36 (11): 1770-1788.