

Eline de Rooij

Graduate Program Chair; Professor
Political Science

Areas of interest


- Political mobilization
- Political attitudes and behaviour
- Political engagement of marginalized groups
- The role of social identities in political behaviour
- Field experimental methods

Teaching Streams
- Diversity & Migration
- Public Policy & Democratic Governance
- Research Methods & Analysis


  • MA (First Class), University of Nijmegen
  • DPhil, Nuffield College, University of Oxford


My work focuses on how we can encourage people who dont typically vote or participate in politics to do so, increasing their voice in politics. I study how individuals become politically interested, knowledgeable and informed, and how political actors can mobilize individuals to be politically active. In my research, I also pay particular attention to the role of group identities and interactions with others in fostering political engagement.

I am currently working on three main projects: 1) a study aimed at examining voter mobilization in intimate social networks; 2) a SSHRC-funded project on the factors that shape newcomers political attitudes and behavior; and 3) a study of the role of ideological group identity and group norms in political decision-making.

Much of my work relies on the use of experiments, mostly in the field (also called randomized controlled trials), but also in a computer lab or embedded in a survey.

I enjoy teaching students at all levels and in a range of subjects, from the very first introductory course on Politics and Government, to upper-level seminars on topics such as Identity Politics, to graduate courses on research design and methods, including field experimental methods.


2022. Populist Media Diets. Social Science Quarterly, 103(4), 975-991 (with Dominik A. Stecua and Mark Pickup). doi: 10.1111/ssqu.13178

2022. Experimental Approaches. In the Oxford Handbook of Political Participation, M. Giugni and M. Grasso (eds), Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 250-266 (with Jessica E.M. Burch). doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198861126.013.15

2021. Brexit, COVID-19, and Attitudes toward Immigration in Britain. Social Science Quarterly, 102(5), 2184-2193 (with Mark Pickup, Clifton van der Linden and Matthew J. Goodwin). doi: 10.1111/ssqu.13010

2021. Expressive Politics as (Costly) Norm Following. Political Behavior, 44, 1611-1631 (with Mark Pickup and Erik O. Kimbrough). doi: 10.1007/s11109-020-09667-6

2021. Vancouver. In: Big City Elections in Canada, J. Lucas and M. McGregor (eds), Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 101-126 (with J. Scott Matthews and Mark Pickup)

2020. Identity and the Self-Reinforcing Effects of Norm Compliance. Southern Economic Journal, 68(3), 1222-1240 (with Mark A. Pickup and Erik O. Kimbrough). doi: 10.1002/soej.12410

2020. Voter Mobilization in Intimate Networks. In the Oxford Handbook of Electoral Persuasion, E. Suhay, B. Grofman and A.H. Trechsel (eds), Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 668-689 (with Florian Foos). doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190860806.013.11

2019. Shamed into Voting: How Our Nearest and Dearest Motivate Us to Turn Out. In Sex, Lies and Politics: The Secret Influences That Drive our Political Choices, P. Cowley and R. Ford (eds), London: Biteback Publishing, pp. 135-138 (first published 2014)

2018. A Research Note: The Differential Impact of Threats on Ethnic Prejudice Toward Three Minority Groups in Britain. Political Science Research and Methods, 6(4), 837-845 (with Matthew J. Goodwin and Mark Pickup). doi: 10.1017/psrm.2017.24

2017. Research Openness in Canadian Political Science: Toward an Inclusive and Differentiated Discussion. Canadian Journal of Political Science, 50(1), 311-328 (with Genevieve Fuji Johnson, Mark Pickup and R矇mi L矇ger). doi: 10.1017/S0008423917000026

2017. The Role of Partisan Cues in Voter Mobilization Campaigns: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment. Electoral Studies, 45(1), 63-74 (with Florian Foos). doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2016.11.010

2017. All in the Family: Partisan Disagreement and Electoral Mobilization in Intimate Networks a Spillover Experiment. American Journal of Political Science, 61(2), 289-304 (with Florian Foos). doi: 10.1111/ajps.12270

2017. Radio Public Service Announcements and Voter Participation among Native Americans: Evidence from Two Field Experiments. Political Behavior, 39(2), 327-346 (with Donald P. Green). doi: 10.1007/s11109-016-9358-4

2015. Threat, Prejudice and the Impact of the Riots in England. Social Science Research, 51: 369-383 (with Matthew J. Goodwin and Mark Pickup). doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2014.09.003

2013. Conventional and Unconventional Political Participation. In Value Contrasts and Consensus in Present-Day Europe: Painting Europes Moral Landscapes, W. Arts and L. Halman (eds), Leiden: Brill, pp. 185-212 (with Tim Reeskens)

2012. When State Responses Fail: Religion and Secessionism in India 1952-2002. The Journal of Politics, 74(4), 1010-1022 (with Giovanni Capoccia and Lawrence D. S獺ez). doi: 10.1017/S0022381612000564

2012. Patterns of Immigrant Political Participation: Explaining Differences in Types of Political Participation between Immigrants and the Majority Population in Western Europe. European Sociological Review, 28(4), 455-481. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcr010

2011. Peripheral Participants: The Activation of the Politically Less Engaged in Advanced Democracies. In New Participatory Dimensions in Civil Society: Professionalization and Individualized Collective Action, J.W. van Deth and W. Maloney (eds), London: Routledge, pp. 157-177

2009. Field Experiments on Political Behavior and Collective Action. Annual Review of Political Science, 12, 389-395 (with Donald P. Green and Alan S. Gerber). doi: 10.1146/annurev.polisci.12.060107.154037


Future courses may be subject to change.