


Conservative leadership win for O'Toole not a surprise, says Sanjay Jeram

August 25, 2020

In an interview with CBC Radio One today, Sanjay Jeram said he wasn't surprised by Erin O'Toole's federal Conservative leadership win. 

"I personally was not surprised because I think the race played out as I expected," said Jeram.

Jeram noted that O'Toole had done a better job than rivals like early frontrunner Peter MacKay when it came to reaching out to the party's social conservatives. Many in the party also see O'Toole as a strong debater, with a good understanding of policy. Thus, he may have what it takes to go head to head with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in a debate and win.

Other points in O'Toole's favour included support from Alberta Premier Jason Kenney, indicating a strong Prairie base. He also had success in Quebec.

"His success in Quebec is probably promising for the party and something they are going to want to build on because the party has been pretty weak, even during the Harper years, even when they won their majority," said Jeram.

Listen to more of Sanjay Jeram's interview: and

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