
Doug McArthur

Professor Emeritus


Prior to joining ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s Public Policy Program as a founding member in 2003, Doug McArthur was Senior Fellow in Public Policy at the University of British Columbia. His areas of research and teaching include public policy theory and process, government management, forest and resources policy, First Nations policy and self government, as well as negotiations and strategic planning. 

His public service career has included senior roles with the British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Yukon Governments.  Doug has served as Deputy Minister to the Premier and Cabinet Secretary in BC, Deputy Minister of Aboriginal Affairs in BC, Chief Land Claims Negotiator in the Yukon, as well as two posts in Saskatchewan as Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Deputy Minister of Northern Saskatchewan.  He was Minister of Education in Saskatchewan from 1978 to 1982 and Chair of the Canadian Council of Ministers of Education. 

An advisor to a number of First Nations organizations on treaties and self government, Doug was the director of team of policy analysts and lawyers responsible for developing a pathbreaking system of laws for Tsawwassen First Nation, published in 2009.  He has continued his long-standing relationship with the TFN which included negotiation of their Treaty and the creation of their self government processes and institutions.  In addition, he is an advisor to the Saskatchewan Treaty Commission and consultant on education to the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation.


He is a graduate of the University of Saskatchewan and completed graduate studies at University of Toronto, Oxford University and University of Chicago.   He is a former Rhodes Scholar and Rockefeller Foundation Fellow.


Doug is a frequent media commentator on CBC and Voice of BC regarding public policy issues.  He stays active in community affairs and is past chair of the Sierra Club BC.

Selected Publications


Socializing in an open drug scene: The relationship between access to private space and drug-related street disorder. (Co authored with DeBeck et al). Drug and Alcohol Dependence. (accepted – publication forthcoming January 2012)

Interest in low-threshold employment among people who inject illicit drugs: Implications for street disorder. (Co-authored with DeBeck et al). International Journal of Drug Policy. (forthcoming – accepted publication forthcoming 2012)

The British Columbia HST Debacle. Policy Options. November 2011