
We welcome inquiries to dsivak AT sfu.ca from people across the sciences: specific preparation is less important than creativity, enthusiasm for research in this area, and a record of accomplishment.

We get a lot of applications, so emails that are obviously a form letter (lacking clear and sincere interest in our particular research) or demonstrate poor written English will be ignored.

Potential Postdoctoral Fellows: Please send a cover letter (including a description of what kind of research you are interested in pursuing, why our group in particular interests you, and why you think you would be a good fit for our group), detailed CV (including publication list and contact information for 3 references), and undergraduate and graduate transcripts (unofficial are fine). .

Potential Graduate Students: We have capacity for 1-2 additional graduate students (MSc or PhD) starting in Fall 2024. We are happy to talk to both current 間眅埶AV students (Physics, MBB, Chemistry, or other) looking for a research advisor or co-advisor, as well as undergraduates anywhere who are potentially interested in 間眅埶AV for graduate school.  

Post-Bachelor's Research Assistants: We currently can only accommodate volunteers, but have several projects appropriate for part-time research.  

Undergraduates: We have opportunities for both term-time and summer undergraduate research.