

Since 2020

  • Characterizing and optimized engineering bosonic quantum interfaces under local operational constraints.
    Pak-Tik Fong, Sheung Chi Poon, Hoi-Kwan Lau
    (in preparation)
  • A High Performance Compiler for Very Large Scale Surface Code Computations.
    George Watkins, Hoang Minh Nguyen, Varun Seshadri, Keelan Watkins, Steven Pearce, Hoi-Kwan Lau, Alexandru Paler
    (in preparation)

  • Efficient in-situ generation of photon- memory entanglement in a nonlinear cavity.
    Hoi-Kwan Lau, Hong Qiao, Aashish A. Clerk, Tian Zhong

Combining parametric driving and photon-atomic memory coupling within one optical cavity, we describe a scheme for in-situ generation of multimode photon-memory entanglement. We find that precise cavity impedance matching is neither required nor optimal to achieve high-rate entanglement for quantum networks. This protocol can be realized with existing technologies based on on-chip photonic cavities integrated with a rare-earth-ion doped quantum memory. The proposed scheme shows significant advantages in entanglement generation rates compared with start-of-the-art quantum memory protocols and experiments, with predicted Ebit generation rates of tens of MHz without ideal operating conditions. Such a photon-memory entanglement system offers a versatile resource for quantum interconnect applications.


  • Asymmetry-Based Quantum Backaction Suppression in Quadratic Optomechanics.
    Vincent Dumont, Hoi-Kwan Lau, Aashish A. Clerk, Jack C. Sankey

As the field of optomechanics advances, quadratic dispersive coupling (QDC) represents an increasingly feasible path toward qualitatively new functionality. However, the leading QDC geometries generate linear dissipative coupling and an associated quantum radiation force noise that is detrimental to QDC applications. Here, we propose a simple geometry that dramatically reduces this noise without altering the QDC strength. We identify optimal regimes of operation, and discuss advantages within the examples of optical levitation and nondestructive phonon measurement.


  • Dissipative superradiant spin amplifier for enhanced quantum sensing.
    Martin Koppenhofer, Peter Groszkowski, Hoi-Kwan Lau, Aashish A. Clerk
    (Editors Suggestion)

Quantum metrology protocols exploiting ensembles of N two-level systems and Ramsey-style measurements are ubiquitous. However, in many cases excess readout noise severely degrades the measurement sensitivity; in particular in sensors based on ensembles of solid-state defect spins. We present a dissipative "spin amplification" protocol that allows one to dramatically improve the sensitivity of such schemes, even in the presence of realistic intrinsic dissipation and noise. Our method is based on exploiting collective (i.e. superradiant) spin decay, an effect that is usually seen as a nuisance because it limits spin-squeezing protocols. We show that our approach can allow a system with a highly imperfect spin-readout to approach SQL-like scaling in N within a factor of two, without needing to change the actual readout mechanism. Our ideas are compatible with several state-of-the-art experimental platforms where an ensemble of solid-state spins (NV centers, SiV centers) is coupled to a common microwave or mechanical mode.


  • Reservoir-engineered spin squeezing: macroscopic even-odd effects and hybrid-systems implementations.
    Peter Groszkowski, Martin Koppenhofer, Hoi-Kwan Lau, A. A. Clerk

We revisit the dissipative approach to producing and stabilizing spin-squeezed states of an ensemble of N two-level systems, providing a detailed analysis of two surprising yet generic features of such protocols. The first is a macroscopic sensitivity of the steady state to whether N is even or odd. We discuss how this effect can be avoided (if the goal is parity-insensitive squeezing) or could be exploited as a new kind of sensing modality to detect the addition or removal of a single spin. The second effect is an anomalous emergent long timescale and a prethermalized regime that occurs for even weak single-spin dephasing. This effect allows one to have strong spin squeezing over a long transient time even though the level of spin squeezing in the steady state is very small. We also discuss a general hybrid-systems approach for implementing dissipative spin squeezing that does not require squeezed input light or complex multilevel atoms, but instead makes use of bosonic reservoir-engineering ideas. Our protocol is compatible with a variety of platforms, including trapped ions, nitrogen-vacancy defect spins coupled to diamond optomechanical crystals, and spin ensembles coupled to superconducting microwave circuits.


  • Macroscale entanglement and measurement.
    Hoi-Kwan Lau and Aashish A. Clerk

    (Perspective article) 
  • Heisenberg-limited spin-squeezing via bosonic parametric driving.
    Peter Groszkowski, Hoi-Kwan Lau, C. Leroux, L. C. G. Govia, A. A. Clerk

Spin-spin interactions generated by a detuned cavity are a standard mechanism for generating highly entangled spin squeezed states. We show here how introducing a weak detuned parametric (two-photon) drive on the cavity provides a powerful means for controlling the form of the induced interactions. Without a drive, the induced interactions cannot generate Heisenberg-limited spin squeezing, but a weak optimized drive gives rise to an ideal two-axis twist interaction and Heisenberg-limited squeezing. Parametric driving is also advantageous in regimes limited by dissipation, and enables an alternate adiabatic scheme which can prepare optimally squeezed, Dicke-like states. Our scheme is compatible with a number of platforms, including solid-state systems where spin ensembles are coupled to superconducting quantum circuits or mechanical modes.


  • Ground state cooling and high-fidelity quantum transduction via parametrically-driven bad-cavity optomechanics.
    Hoi-Kwan Lau and Aashish A. Clerk

Optomechanical couplings involve both beam splitter and two-mode-squeezing types of interactions. While the former underlies the utility of many applications, the latter creates unwanted excitations and is usually detrimental. In this Letter, we propose a simple but powerful method based on cavity parametric driving to suppress the unwanted excitation that does not require working with a deeply sideband-resolved cavity. Our approach is based on a simple observation: as both the optomechanical two-mode-squeezing interaction and the cavity parametric drive induce squeezing transformations of the relevant photonic bath modes, they can be made to cancel one another. We illustrate how our method can cool a mechanical oscillator below the quantum backaction limit, and significantly suppress the output noise of a sideband-unresolved optomechanical transducer.


Previous Publication

  • High-fidelity bosonic quantum state transfer using imperfect transducers and interference.
    Hoi-Kwan Lau and Aashish A. Clerk

  • Universal quantum computing with thermal-state bosonic systems.
    Kevin Marshall, Daniel F. V. James, Alexandru Paler, and Hoi-Kwan Lau

  • Fundamental limits and non-reciprocal approaches in non- Hermitian quantum sensing.
    Hoi-Kwan Lau and Aashish A. Clerk

    (Highlighted by )

  • Cavity-free quantum optomechanical cooling by atom-modulated radiation.
    Hoi-Kwan Lau, Alexander Eisfeld, and Jan-Michael Rost

  • Quantum machine learning over infinite dimensions.
    Hoi-Kwan Lau, Raphael Pooser, George Siopsis, Christian Weedbrook

    (Coverage in )

  • Universal continuous variable quantum computation without cooling.
    Hoi-Kwan Lau and Martin B. Plenio

  • Universal quantum computing with arbitrary continuous-variable encoding.
    Hoi-Kwan Lau and Martin B. Plenio,
    (Editors Suggestion)
    (Experimental demonstration in , see also )

  • Laser cooling of a high-temperature oscillator by a three-level system.
    Hoi-Kwan Lau and Martin B. Plenio

  • Diabatic ion cooling by phonon swapping during controlled collision.
    Hoi-Kwan Lau

  • Quantum secret sharing with continuous variable cluster states.
    Hoi-Kwan Lau and Christian Weedbrook

  • Proposal for a scalable universal bosonic simulator using individually trapped ions.
    Hoi-Kwan Lau and Daniel F. V. James

  • Decoherence and dephasing errors caused by D.C. Stark effect in rapid ion transport.
    Hoi-Kwan Lau and Daniel F. V. James

  • Insecurity of position-based quantum cryptography protocols against entanglement attacks.
    Hoi-Kwan Lau and Hoi-Kwong Lo

  • Inferring physical parameters of compact stars from their f- mode gravitational wave signals.
    H. K. Lau, P. T. Leung, L. M. Lin

  • Could the compact remnant of SN 1987A be a quark star?
    T. C. Chan, K. S. Cheng, T. Harko, H. K. Lau, L. M. Lin, W. M. Suen, X. L. Tian

  • Application of supersymmetric WKB method to cyclic shape invariant potentials.
    H. K. Lau and P. T. Leung

  • Construction of self-similar shape invariant potentials with the Pade approximation.
    H. K. Lau and P. T. Leung,