All experiments are done through the Phonological Processing Lab. You must have normal hearing and normal or corrected-to-normal and vision. Refer to specific experiments below to see other requirements.
If you think you qualify for one of the following experiments and are interested in participating, please contact us at phono@sfu.ca. Visit the Linguistics Department Research Participation System to see all the studies the department offers.
Online Studies
Phonology of Real and Fictional Names (FaNG)
- Who: Adults who speak English (natively or non-natively).
- What: An online study in which you will see strange words and make judgements about their "humanness."
- When: One half hour session, completed online at any time.
- Why: We want to know how certain sounds are perceived.
- Where: Online sign-up form via the Linguistics RPS page.
In-Person Studies
Learning Complex Phonology Series
Child Acquisition Experiment (Alienology Mini)
- Who: Adults who speak English (natively or non-natively) who have normal hearing.
- What: You will perform a perceptual task where you will be asked to match base forms with corresponding derived forms through yes/no questions
- When: One half hour session, completed online at any time.
- Why: We want to know how children (comapred to adults) understand phonological patterns and how they generalize them to new words.
- Where: Online sign-up form via the Linguistics RPS page.
Studies on Hold
Spoken Word Recognition in L2 Learners of English
- Who: Adults who are: a) native speakers of English, b) bilingual speakers of English and Mandarin, or c) native speakers of Mandarin who are learning English.
- What: An eye-tracking study in which you will match words over headphones to pictures on a computer screen while we record where you look on the screen. You will receive 2 research participation credits for an approved linguistics course or $10 for your participation.
- When: A one hour session, scheduled at your convenience.
- Why: We want to learn more about how learners of English as an additional language recognize English words.