
Winner of 2019 Governor General's Innovation Award

Dr. Marianne Ignace explores Secwepemc history and language

For the past twenty years, Dr. Ignace has focused her research on the Secwepemc (Shuswap) people of the Plateau, with interests in aboriginal land use and occupancy, ethnobotany, traditional ecological knowledge, ethnohistory, and the linguistic and anthropological analysis of Aboriginal language discourse.

She has authored and co-authored papers in various journals and books on these topics, and has also carried out research in the field of Aboriginal language revitalization, some of which is published in the Handbook for Aboriginal Language Program Planning in B.C.

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2019 Governor General's Innovation Award

Marianne and Ron Ignace's truly exceptional and transformative work has won them the . The award celebrates excellence in innovation across all sectors of Canadian society.

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Discover what courses Dr. Ignace is teaching, or has taught in previous years. 

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Explore Dr. Ignace's publications and research, which has focused on the Secwepemc (Shuswap) people in recent years.

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From language apps to language learning aids, Dr. Ignace has worked on a variety of projects relating to her research. 

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