

Splinters Collective

Short essays on the here & now published in a monthly edition, featuring Rosemany Bechler (openDemocracy), Samir Gandesha (間眅埶AV), Iain Galbraith (author), Leonie Rushforth (author), and Christos Tombras (author).

This month: How far is a social distance? ... Axioms of choice... ANTI-SONG... The Part that Has No Part ... Whatever happened to Dunkirk spirit? Part Two

This month: Whatever happened to Dunkirk spirit?... SLIMY KNOWLEDGE... Endgame?... The Fire of Moscow.

This month: Truth, with strings attached... On Love and Loathing... Street Opera... A qualified welcome to a new Labour leader in the UK...The Gift of COVID-19.

This month: "Genocide is Not an Essential Service!"... Family likeness... THE WEST IS WINNING: Pompeo's address... Ten Seconds from Now... Evelina isnt herself?

This month: The Left Contra Critique... HIGH-VIS.... Of Reasons and Causes... AGAINST EXTINCTION III a revenant... Confusing green signs

This month: AGAINST EXTINCTION II... Thought Experiment... India after Modi... Trope-hunting... Julian Assange: another other

This month: The dimensions of the smirk... Johnson and I... A matter of choice... Spectres 2... The unravelling of the Reithian BBC, Pt.2.

This month: Beyond Descartes... The Devils Work (in 3 parts) ... Spectres... The unravelling of the Reithian BBC

This month: Family life... Chatter .... Great little men... DeepTrust ... Against Extinction


As the year closes, we return again to the thinking of Theodor Adorno and Hannah Arendt: this time, to find the contours for rethinking left populism in their concepts of critique and judgment.

Thoughts on Asad Haiders 'Mistaken Identity: race and class in an age of Trump' (Verso, 2018) contributed to a panel discussion at the fifteenth Historical Materialism annual conference in London. Review.

If these rebels hadnt somehow found the courage to strike out in bold, new and, frankly, dangerous directions, we would all be the poorer for it.

Neoliberal globalization has increased both economic insecurity and cultural anxiety. Have theories of populism taken adequate account of such insecurity key to understanding the difference between right and left populisms?

The politics of representation are mostly symbolic. In Canada, we have seen over the past two years such a politics of representation at work in the Liberal government of Justin Trudeau.

The No-platforming of speakers with whom we fundamentally disagree can suggest that force ought to prevail over speech that is itself regarded as violent. This suggestion is deeply corrosive.

In the wake of the US Senate narrowly failing to pass the Keystone XL pipeline bill, we must return to the central question: is Canada becoming a petro-state?


  • From Anti-Human to Post-Human Fascism. LA Review of Books, August 22, 2020 (forthcoming).
  • Dictatorship Contra Critique. LeEspace Art Actuel: Pratiques et Perspectives 125 (Spring-Summer 2020): 6267.
  • T堯梗 Lessons of the World Cup for Our Victim Culture. Vancouver Sun, July 27, 2018.

    Reprinted in Socialist Project, August 2, 2018.
  • Is Symbolic Politics an Impediment to Economic Equality. Canadian Dimension Magazine, Spring 2018.
  • T堯梗 Real Extremism of First-Past-the-Post. The Vancouver Sun, April 21, 2018.
  • Unfolding the Folds: On Jeremy Isao Speiers Little Tokyo. Little Tokyo: Collaborative Essay Series. Vancouver: Talon Books, under review.
  • Is the State of Extraction a State of Exception? Contours, Spring 2014.
  • Threshold: On Germain Koh. In CJ Press Anthology of Exhibition Reviews, edited by C. Jeffries. Vancouver, BC: CJ Press, 2011.
  • Inscription/Counter-Inscription: On Harun Farocki. Topia: A Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies 11 (2004): 14146.
  • T堯梗 Lastman at the End of History/Der Letzte Mensch am Ende Geschichte. Perspektiven Internationale Zeitung, 36 (Juni 2000): 1112.
  • Ideas to Work With: Stuart Hall. Canadian Dimension Magazine (May/June 2000): 2223.
  • Whos Afraid of the Squeegee Kids? Canadian Dimension Magazine (Jan/Feb 2000): 1922.
  • Spoils of Empire. Text and Images. Borderlines Magazine 48 (Winter 1999): 1011.
  • New York City Man. Borderlines Magazine 47 (1998): 1214.
  • T堯梗 Dictator and the Despot. Culture, Art, News 1, 5 (November 1998): 78.
  • T堯梗 Communist Manifesto: One Hundred and Fifty Years Later. Culture, Art, News 1, 1 (July 1998): 78.
  • Flowers in the Dustbin, or, Requiem for Punk. Borderlines Magazine, 45 (1998): 814.
  • Food as Metaphor: Is Diversity the Spice of Life? Fuse Magazine 20, no.1.
  • Safe European Home: Notes on and from Cesar Chavez Street, San Francisco. Borderlines Magazine, no. 41 (Fall 1996): 3438.