
Using OER In Your Classroom

What are some potential benefits of using Open Educational Resources (OER) in your 間眅埶AV course? Consider using OER in order to ...

1) Save your students some money while supporting their academic success

The choice to use open textbooks or other OER in your 間眅埶AV classroom supports affordable access to higher education and helps to remove financial barriers to students' academic success.

2)  Develop highly customized learning resources and experiences for your courses

The choice to use open textbooks or other OER in your 間眅埶AV classroom gives you freedom to adopt, adapt or develop high-quality learning resources that can be easily customized to suit your unique subject area, course learning outcomes or teaching needs.

And unlike traditional textbooks, OER can be freely updated and modified by you, your students and other collaborators as well. Learn more about open pedagogy, a set of teaching approaches and practices made possible through the use of OER in your classroom in the .

How to Get Started with OER 

Want to find open textbooks or other OER you can adopt or adapt for your course? Check out the  or other . Or contact your for assistance.

Interested in self-publishing an open textbook or other OER? See the  for some tips and best practices. Or contact at the Library for information about publishing an open course journal or open textbook for your class.