
Project Updates


Join the BC Paleontological July 9-11th for talks and field trips! Laura will be giving a zoom presentation project update, 'Perusing presumed pachyderms: looking for BC's youngest mammoth and other oddities'.


Check out this article in the Prince George Daily . of The Exploration , delves into the discovery of this tusk and how mammoths and other megafauna find their way into our highways and roads! Photo by Alyssa Leier.  


The talented illustrated speakers at the International for Biomolecular Archaeology. Dr. Michael Richards, PI of the BC Megafauna Project, and is drawn at the top left with a mammoth friend!

this Pleistocene caribou from Haida Gwaii. It looks like it was munching on a whole bunch of seaweed, way back before the last glacial maximum! We used compound-specific stable isotope analysis to learn about it's diet based on the composition of an > 45,000-year-old antler fragment. Learn more about this unique caribou in article.  

Chad Hellenius, assistant curator of is interviewed about a mammoth tusk found in a Giscome gravel pit in 1946. Thank you to and the science museum for sharing our project!


Lynn Washington of the holds a mammoth femur discovered in Pouce Coupe. The Historical society is looking forward to learning about this, and other ice age animals in its collection.


Dr. Andrew Lawfield, Curator and Collections Manager at the is working with the BC Megafauna project to learn more about the ice age animals in its collection. He stands in the collections room with a mammoth tusk and the skull of an extinct bison!


Kaleb Slamang hoists a mammoth tusk discovered during the construction of the in 1977. Thanks to BC Hydro for their involvement with our project!


Curator Heather Sjoblom at the holds a mammoth tooth from the collection. The Museum and BC Megafauna Project are looking forward to learning more about this mammoth and its environment with chemical studies!


Check out Cara and Laura's adventures at the Royal British Columbia in the latest InSight , pages 28-29.


In celebration of Mary Anning, the Mother of Paleontology, the interviewed Laura Termes, Marianne Wong, and Dr. Lisa Buckley about their experiences in the field as part of their Quarantine Conversations . Laura discusses her work with the BC Megafauna Project.


The Laboratory of Anthropology at UBC has this mammoth tooth from the Nechako River Valley in its collection.   welcomed Laura to sample it, and is excited to learn more about it! Read more about it, and other animals in LOA's collection in newsletter.  


Curator Pat Trask of the holds a mammoth molar discovered in the area in 1928, with assistant Laura. This mammoth is the most northerly one found on Vancouver Island so far! The 間眅埶AV Archaeology Isotope Lab has successfully extracted collagen for the next exciting phase of analysis.



We are at the , where Cara is sampling Vancouver Island cave animals this ancient bear for diet and environmental analysis.


An update on the tusk! Collagen has been successfully extracted from it and is now contained in these tin capsules ready for input into a mass spectrometer.


Thank you to the for writing about the project in their Newsletter! Big thanks also to the Family for generously allowing sampling on ancient teeth and bones from their gravel pit!


Check out the Summer edition of the newsletter. The BC Megafauna Project is featured on page 17.


Special thank you to Melanie Eksal from the Penticton Herald for this and the for their collection access and hospitality.  


The BC Megafauna Project has just returned from the Okanagan after sampling at museums in Enderby, Vernon, Kelowna, Penticton and Princeton! Here is the full Castanet on the tusk we sampled at the .


Laura had a great week at the sampling bones and teeth. Thank you to and for accommodating a sampling visit!


We are looking forward to the conference this weekend in Grande Prairie!


Laura joined fossil educator, Brennan Martens at the booth and spoke to visitors about the Megafauna Project at BC's largest rock and gem in Abbotsford.


Cara is in the collagen extraction process with a tusk sample sent by Kira Westby of the .


Thank you to the for inviting us to speak about the BC Megafauna Project at their fun Prehistoric BC Nocturnal Night. 


Thank you Duncan McLaren for taking us on a field trip to beautiful Island View Beach Regional Park to check out Quadra Sand sediments!


Laura is holding a microcentrifuge tube of mammoth collagen in preparation for weighing. This collagen came from a tusk housed at the and was unearthed in 1971 at the Bell Copper Mine, Babine Lake.


We had the opportunity to introduce our research at the in Courtenay. Thank you to the organizers and attendees for making us feel so welcome.