
An Evaluation of the Flipped Classroom Model in a Master’s Level Environmental and Occupational Health Course - Part 2

Grant program: Teaching and Learning Development Grant (TLDG)

Grant recipient: Tim Takaro, Faculty of Health Sciences

Project team: Barb Berry and Lisa O'Neill, Teaching and Learning Centre, Lindsay Galway and Jordan Brubacher, research assistants

Timeframe: July 2014 to January 2015      

Funding: $5,000

Course addressed: HSCI 845 â€“ Environmental and Occupational Health

Final report: View Tim Takaro's final project report (PDF)

Description: Drawing on lessons from the first phase (Phase 1), we have identified specific aspects of the course to adapt with the goal of further improving the course and contributing to our understanding of specific design elements of the flipped classroom that foster learning, leadership, and problem solving capacity in environmental health teaching and learning. We will implement specific changes to modules delivered early in the course (identified by students as those modules that could be improved), create a set of practices that work together to foster ownership of learning, leadership, and problem solving capacity by refining a previously used flipped classroom model. We will examine the impacts on learning, learning outcomes, and student leadership and engagement.

Questions addressed:

  • Do the proposed interventions (i.e. specific changes to three modules) improve student perceptions of the course and enhance self-assessed knowledge?
  • Do specific interventions (i.e. specific changes to three modules, CANVAS redesign and improved in-class activities) foster learning, leadership, and problem solving capacity

Knowledge sharing: We would like to facilitate a workshop on the topic of blended learning opportunities in FHS. The results and lessons learned from the project would be a case study and an important part of this workshop.  We hope to disseminate the results at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV's annual Symposium on Teaching and Learning.  We also hope to present this work as a poster at a public health-themed conference to share these results to the public health community.

Galway, L. P., Berry, B., & Takaro. T. (2015). Student perceptions and lessons learned from flipping a Masters level public health course. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 41(2),1-16. doi: 10.21432/T2T90J

Galway L.P, Corbett K, Takaro T.K, Tairyan K, & Frank E. (2014). Integration of online and flipped classroom instructional models in public health higher education. BMC Medical Education, 14:181.

Takaro T. (2015, May). Health policy and climate change in British Columbia: An uncertain climate for migration and settlement. Presentation at the Canadian Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC.

Takaro, T., Galway, L., Ste-Marie, N., & Berry, B. (2014, May). An evaluation of the flipped classroom model in a Master’s level environmental and occupational health course. Poster session presented at the Symposium on Teaching and Learning: Provocative Pedagogy, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, Burnaby, BC.  
